WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Parking-lot smash-and-grab

J reports via email that this happened last night:

Car was broken into in the parking lot behind Starbucks at Fauntleroy and California between 5 pm and 7 pm. Smashed window and took backpack.

A black North Face backpack, to be specific, if you happen to see it dumped anywhere.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Parking-lot smash-and-grab"

  • Beto March 16, 2021 (2:57 pm)

    I guess I should use the victim’s frustration as a lesson  and make sure there is nothing seemly valuable in my car.   It happened early in the evening where there is still a lot of people around and it wasn’t even dark when it happened…

  • Joe Moore March 16, 2021 (7:07 pm)

    This type of thing hascbeen going on for a long time. People unfortunately have to leave ANYTHING of value out of sight. Even if you are only running into the store or grabbing a cup of coffe. These are desperate drug addicts that make a living at doing this. I know because I unfortunately used to associate myself with these people and I know exactly how they work, they cruise around parking lots anywhere people leave purses and backpacks. Please understand these people do not care if it’s in broad daylight in a parking lot full of people they are fearless and just plain stupid. That is what cronic methamphetamine use will do to these people. Please understand it doesn’t matter if it’s a diaper bag, a backpack purse and even your sack lunch if they think it has value they will noy stop or be detoured. When you are high on this drug you just dont care about the circumstances. I fortunately went to prison for my involvement with the slling of this poison and yes I was the a–hole that would give these people drugs for your possesions. I am truly sorry for my actions and all the lives I’ve destroyed by being involved in that madness but I fortunately went to prison for 6 and a hwlf years. There I had a chance to really see just how many lives selling that poison effected. But God saved me. I pray everyday that other desperate drug addicts can realy stop and see just how deeply there actions destroy our communities and leave people scared to leave anything with value anywhere. You cannot even leave your lawnmower in your front yard unattended while you get a glass of water. I am sorry fromthe bottom of my heart for being responsible for other peoples actions by giving them a reasonto do exactly what happend to this poor person today. Just remember some of us can really change. I know it is almost impossible to believe it but God does have other plans for some poor lost souls. Thank you if you took the time to read this. It means alot to me to try and give back for all the damage I’ve contributed to. Please be safe and never leave anything of value in plain sight it will be stolen. 

    • T March 16, 2021 (7:41 pm)

      Thank you Joe for sharing your experience and your apologies.  I wish you continued success. 

    • Lynda B March 16, 2021 (8:37 pm)

      Thank you for sharing your experiences, Joe.  Many blessings to you on your journey.  🙏 😊

    • Susan Lantz-Dey March 17, 2021 (12:22 am)

      Joe,   Thank you for sharing a summary of your journey. I’m sure that it was not an easy one. But you persisted in “doing the homework” to understand what motivated you and how your actions affected the community.  Thank you for your apology. Not easy, but important, and appreciated.I hope that you have the resources to continue moving forward in your life.  Please don’t hesitate to contact Southwest Youth and Family Services for support. They provide the support to “Challenge the Past. Create the Future.”   swyfs.org

    • CMT March 17, 2021 (11:18 am)

      Thank you Joe for reminding us that people can change.  Best of luck to you.

  • Rick March 17, 2021 (8:54 am)

    Thank you Joe and best wishes.

  • Alki Heights March 17, 2021 (9:13 am)

    Thank you Joe and keep up the fight!

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