In honor of Super Bowl Sunday, here’s a super lineup of contributed bird photos. Above – something to watch for – a hummingbird nest, photographed by Kersti Muul of Salish Wildlife Watch. Kersti also shared this photo of a Red-winged Blackbird:
From Jerry Simmons, a Spotted Towhee:
Another orange-and-black bird you might see around, the Varied Thrush, photographed by Mark MacDonald:
Also from Mark, a Golden-crowned Kinglet:
Steve photographed this Great Blue Heron hanging out in a tree:
One more seabird view – WSB’s Patrick Sand saw these while we were checking out the wind and waves at Constellation Park on Sunday:
We don’t have an ID on those, nor on these photographed by Jessica Benson:
Meantime, we end where we began – with hummingbirds. Gentle McGaughey shared the feeder view:
(It’s best to have your feeders out of service right now, though.) And Theresa Arbow-O’Connor got the colorful closeup:
Big thanks, again, to everyone who shares photos, from birds to breaking news –!