West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
Midway through the weekend, here are the pandemic toplines:
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: First, the cumulative totals from Public Health‘s daily-summary dashboard:
*72,274 people have tested positive, 1,043 more than yesterday’s total
*1,188 people have died, 8 more than yesterday’s total
*4,665 people have been hospitalized, 99 more than yesterday’s total
*790,996 people have been tested, 2,922 more than yesterday’s total
One week ago, those totals were 67,945/1,140/4,397/771,203.
WEST SEATTLE TRENDS: Here’s our weekly check of this stat, with numbers shown in two-week increments via the “geography over time” tab on the daily-summary dashboard, combining the totals from the West Seattle and Delridge “health reporting areas” (HRAs). For the past two weeks, 271 positive test results; 220 in the 2 weeks before that; 422 in the two weeks before that. … We also are noting WS death totals each week; the HRAs are a more precise count than the zip codes we used previously, since two of West Seattle’s five ZIP codes also stretch outside the area. The total deaths for the entire pandemic in the two HRAs comprising West Seattle: 51, same as a week ago.
WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 94.4 million people have tested positive, and more than 2,022,000 million people have died; U.S. deaths exceed 395,000. Most cases: U.S., India, Brazil, Russia, UK (same as last week). See the breakdown, nation by nation, here.
MORE THAN A MORATORIUM? An eviction moratorium continues. But the rent will eventually be due. The Seattle Renters Commission is supporting a movement to do more – a movement advocating canceling rent and mortgages.
GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? westseattleblog@gmail.com or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!
Proud mom Diana Piggee tells the story of a Junction incident just before 10 pm tonight:
My two daughters were on their way home when they saw someone banging from the inside of the post office. They stopped and one of my daughter’s ran to the door. The post-office worker had locked herself inside. The police then pulled up behind my other daughter who was driving and were questioning her since she abruptly stopped in the center lane and put her hazard lights. She then let the two police officers know that the postal worker was locked inside. My two daughters were allowed to leave and came told me the story.
My daughter Kaela Piggee was the one driving and noticed her pounding. My other daughter Daeja Piggee ran to her to assist.
Kaela works at Seattle Fish Company across the street, although she wasn’t working tonight. She knows the area pretty well.
I just thought they were some heroes and Kaela was paying attention to her surroundings.
Toplines from the Fauntleroy Community Association board’s first 2021 meeting, online last Tuesday night:
FERRY TERMINAL: Frank Immel, the board’s point person for ferry issues, said the Fauntleroy terminal-replacement project is now expected to start construction in 2025. (WSF’s official name for it is “terminal preservation project.”) The budget will be $93 million and the project will address issues such as sea-level rising and seismic safety. A meeting with WSF in early December was informational but, he observed, did not seem to be open to comments or dialogue. FCA will “develop a list of what we will and won’t accept” regarding elements of the long-anticipated project. They also are considering seeking other West Seattle community groups’ support once they have an official position. A major concern is that the state will seek to expand the dock; environmental sensitivities on both sides – including the mouth of Fauntleroy Creek immediately south – might preclude that, he said. The board debated for a while about how much the rest of the peninsula might or might not care, while some members pointed out that in the end this boils down to traffic, and almost everyone cares about that. The FCA’s ferry subcommittee will discuss further.
COMMUNITY SURVEY: FCA’s every-two-years community survey is complete. Postcards went out to 3,000 households. 450 responded (including 100 on the final day after we published a “last chance” reminder, coordinator Catherine Bailey noted). 333 of the 450 respondents were nonmembers; more than half said they weren’t previously aware of FCA, while others cited reasons from not knowing how to join to not being interested in membership. Almost half the community, responding to one of the questions, reported they’d been a victim of a car prowl. Burglaries and car prowls were the crime issues respondents reported interested them most – though it was noted, the question wasn’t open-ended. Many other insight/summaries from the survey will be rolled out soon on the FCA website and in the quarterly “Neighbors” newsletter.
COMMUNITY CONCERNS: The survey did not address current issues such as housing and food insecurity, observed a community member who implored the board to diversify its membership and agenda. Members agreed the board needs to “open up.” One pointed out that the group has already broadened its interest and membership in the relatively short time she’s been involved. They talked about setting aside time at a future meeting to strategize. One member noted that schools in the area are very diverse, so reaching more community members through the schools might be one tactic.
POLICE UPDATE: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Sina Ebinger is retiring and will be leaving within the month, she told FCA (as noted here earlier this week). Joining her at the start of the FCA meeting was the precinct’s new second-watch Lt. Dorothy Kim, who spoke about the recent tire-slashing suspect arrest and how an officer compiled evidence to both find the suspect and solidify that it was a felony crime. “Auto thefts are up everywhere in West Seattle – 75% – 23 in 2019, 40 in 2020 – in Fauntleroy. Everything else is down,” including burglaries, which are down citywide. Lt. Kim said they hope to have SPD represented at future meetings by an officer who patrols the area.
NEXT MEETING: The FCA board meets, online TFN, most second Tuesdays at 7 pm, so February 9th will be the next meeting. Watch fauntleroy.net for updates and the link to register to attend.
Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes:
VEHICLE-THEFT ATTEMPT: Would-be thieves don’t always succeed. From Alki, Steve reports, “I wanted to let you and everyone know that there was an attempt to steal my Chevy truck from the alley parking area behind my home on the 3000 block of 63rd Ave SW. The driver’s-door lock is destroyed and the ignition/steering column damaged. The incident occurred sometime Thursday night/ Friday morning.
DUMPED BICYCLE: From the dumped-so-likely-stolen file, a texter spotted this bicycle by the Admiral Way Bridge, near 39th SW:
Let us know if you recognize it.
P.S. Reminder that you can talk with local police at the first West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting of the year, 6 pm Tuesday (January 19th). Here’s the participation link.
Thanks to Sam for the photos and update. The Sylvan Way drainage project wrapped up for the day around 5:30 pm, and as scheduled, the street has reopened, with another closure scheduled starting around 7:30 tomorrow morning. Here’s what they’re doing:
Seattle Public Utilities told WSB on Friday that the crew is “installing one inlet and one catch basin” to deal with “localized flooding issues that were reported by the community last year.” Though Sylvan Way is a major east-west route more than ever right nwo because of the bridge closure, the planned closure was not announced – beyond scant signage – until yesterday, and that led to detour woes in the High Point and Sylvan Ridge areas:
The detour through High Point for Sylvan Way closure is awful!!! People are speeding, ignoring stop signs, going the wrong way around the circle. This is a disaster. Someone is going to get hurt before this is over!!! pic.twitter.com/bdzoONItkJ
— Erin (@ewknutty) January 16, 2021
SW Holden is the closest alternate route between 35th SW and Delridge, but that too backed up:
EB Holden west of Delridge. Detour b/c Sylvan closure. pic.twitter.com/Nyjd1n0dVf
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) January 16, 2021
If Sylvan reopens earlier than expected tomorrow, we will publish another update.
As mentioned in our morning preview, the second contest presented by Save The Stone Cottage happened today – a “find the story stone” contest via clues on Twitter. Above, the winner! The photo and update are from STSC’s Jeff McCord:
West Seattleite Keefe Leung found the second lost Story Stone hidden in the bow of the Sasha Eli boat situated “frozen in time” in Whale Tail Park (north of Alki Elementary) in West Seattle.
Here’s a short video of Keefe telling his story of finding the coveted “Story Stone.”
Keefe can now prize his carved soapstone reward (donated in part by Northwest Art and Frame), as well as a gift certificate to a local restaurant and, of course, bragging rights.
Over the weekend, the organizers of the “Search for the Lost Stone” event will reveal some of the hints riddles hidden within the six “Story Stone” clues. Those answers will be tweeted out to “Save the Stone Cottage” Twitter followers here.
There are still two more “Story Stones” to be found. To learn more about the remaining two stones, and the events surrounding them, at the contest page of the “Save the Stone Cottage” website here.
For those who wish to support the rescue efforts, the donation link and social media connections can be found on the home page of the same website, or directly at the donation page for the “Save the Stone Cottage” GoFundMe Charity page.
If you’ve missed previous coverage – the Stone Cottage is the iconic nearly-a-century-old beach bungalow covered in stones, facing demolition to make way for development unless advocates can move it off its site at 1123 Harbor SW.
The campaign is well past the halfway point in fundraising efforts to “Save the Stone Cottage,” but the need is still great to reach the project’s $110,000 goal by the end of January.
With the holidays over, community groups are returning to their regular meeting schedules. Next up: The Morgan Community Association, 7 pm Wednesday night (January 20th), online. MoCA meets quarterly; this month’s agenda includes updates on Lowman Beach – both the seawall and the possible racket court – and the landbanked Morgan Junction Park expansion site‘s contamination cleanup. SDOT will be there to update West Seattle Bridge closure-related traffic remediation, and Seattle Public Utilities is scheduled to talk about the California/Myrtle sewer project. The small-apartment-building project to be developed by Storybuilt is on the agenda too. All are welcome; the meeting link is here, or call in via 253-215-8782. For either option, the meeting ID is 863 758 2652, passcode 123456.
Just yesterday, we were bemoaning a shortage of stories about people doing positive/interesting things. Though most news is inherently bad news, we usually have more stories of helping, gratitude, etc., to break it up, but right now we seem to be experiencing a shortage. So when Krystal Kelley‘s video landed in the WSB inbox late last night, it seemed fortuitous. That, in fact, is what her video’s about – a small action to try to chase off dome of the negativity that’s already spilled into the two-weeks-old new year. Krystal – who has been a small-business owner herself – visited some local businesses with a “Surprise Smudge.” She explains, “Smudging is traditionally a ceremony for purifying or cleansing the soul of negative thoughts of a person or place.” 2021 is off to a shaky start, so anything might help.
P.S. Krystal adds, “If you are out and about today, we will be playing meditative music in Lincoln Park down by the water from 1-2 or 3 … depends how long we stay warm. We started a band called Krystal Kelley and the Woo-Woo’s. We play soft, gentle music intended to heal.” She also says, “I want to declare 4/20/21 World Smudge Day to help with the healing of Mother Earth.”
10:41 AM: If you are trying to get around eastern West Seattle, beware myriad challenges today. Along with the Sylvan Way closure and work at Delridge and Trenton, right now Seattle Fire is blocking 16th SW in the 6000 block, dealing with a gas leak at or near South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), so avoid that area.
11:23 AM: We haven’t heard an update, but the incident log shows all three SFD units are still on scene.
11:31 AM: And now they’ve begun to wind down the response, though Puget Sound Energy is still on scene addressing the situation.
12:35 PM: Just went by to confirm – all clear, road open.
Photographed by David Hutchinson at Don Armeni Boat Ramp, that’s a “young harbor seal (nicknamed ‘Tubby’ for his good body weight) that Seal Sitters has been monitoring recently, seen cruising along the shoreline of Elliott Bay. Tubby would be one of last year’s ‘pups,’ born in the summer so would be approximately 6 or 7 months old. Harbor seals spend only 4 – 6 weeks with their mothers before having to face life on their own.” Here on shore, here’s what you should know about today:
ROAD CLOSURE: Sylvan Way is scheduled for closure 7:30 am-5 pm today and tomorrow while Seattle Public Utilities works on a drainage project. Metro Route 128 will be rerouted (info here). If you’re driving, the next direct route between 35th and Delridge is SW Holden.
JUNCTION PAID PARKING: This is the second day you’ll have to pay in what had been the four free West Seattle Junction lots (just south of SW Oregon off 44th and 42nd, on the southeast corner of 42nd and Alaska, and off 44th just north of Edmunds). You can use the new machines or pay by phone.
LOW BRIDGE TICKETING: This is the first weekend since the enforcement cameras were turned on for the Low Bridge, with $75 tickets for unauthorized low-bridge users between 5 am and 9 pm, 7 days a week – revisit the rules here.
STORY STONE CONTEST #2: The next Save The Stone Cottage contest is today – on Twitter:
Search For The Lost Stone scavenger hunt this Saturday 1/16 starts at 9am. Clues will be posted at 9am. Part of a fun series of events we are hosting to raise awareness of the effort to save the Stone Cottage. #storystones #savethestonecottage Details at https://t.co/luO5fobDq0 pic.twitter.com/VO1UWIp1rT
— Save the Stone Cottage (@StoneCottageWS) January 15, 2021
CURBSIDE LIBRARY SERVICE: Curbside pickup is available at High Point’s Seattle Public Library branch noon-6 pm Saturdays. (3411 SW Raymond)
(Thursday night sunset, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
SUNSET: 4:46 pm.