Once again this weekend, we have bird photos to share as counterprogramming to football!
Mark Wangerin photographed two Pileated Woodpeckers – male and female, he says, though unlike some birds, they look alike. Below, their cousin woodpecker – a female Northern Flicker – photographed by Hans A.:
From Matthew Olson, two photos along the West Seattle shore – first, a Great Blue Heron against the downtown skyline:
Next, Surfbirds and Black Turnstones:
Here are Black Turnstones in flight, photographed by Mark MacDonald:
Mark also sent us, in late summer, a photo we just rediscovered in the inbox – Purple Martins at Jack Block Park:
And from Jerry Simmons, two silhouettes – first, a Steller’s Jay:
Below, an Anna’s Hummingbird:
Thanks again to everyone who shares photos – from birds to breaking news and beyond – westseattleblog@gmail.com, or when it’s urgent, 206-293-6302!