UPDATE: At mayor, chiefs’ briefing, citywide curfew announced again for tonight, 6 pm-5 am; business closures

1:50 PM: Will there be a curfew for a third night? That and other questions should be answered in the briefing that’s just begun, with Mayor Jenny Durkan, SPD Chief Carmen Best, and SFD Chief Harold Scoggins. SPD has published a timeline of Saturday’s events – see it here – including that 57 people were arrested, “most for burglary and assault.” We’ll add notes as the briefing goes.

1:58 PM: The mayor has recapped some of what that timeline lays out, after spending several minutes emphasizing the difference between the peaceful protests and their message, and what she described as a “rapid” deterioration in the situation just before 4 pm Saturday. And she announces there WILL be a curfew again TONIGHT, 6 pm-5 am, citywide. … The mayor also stresses that incidents of police using force over the weekend are under investigation.

2:07 PM: SPD Chief Best takes the microphone.

2:13 PM: SFD Chief Scoggins says his department reported to more than 50 calls over the weekend related to the downtown unrest.

2:18 PM: Asked about any proof of the officials’ ongoing allegations that some came from “outside the city” to cause trouble, Chief Best says they’re still working to verify the identities (etc.) of those arrested.

2:28 PM: Pressed about the curfew and why some people were downtown as late as 11 pm without getting arrested, Chief Best says there were up to 800 people and it was “in the best interest of public safety … not to have a confrontation” but that police did eventually move them out.

2:38 PM: The briefing’s over. If you’re closing early because of the curfew, as some did over the weekend, let us know – just got a text that Target JUST closed. We’ll add here, if we hear about more.

ADDED – MORE BUSINESS CLOSURES: Commenter says Trader Joe’s is closing at 4 pm … Another says PCC is closing at 6 … Walgreens is reported to be closing early … Also note that Metro has suspended downtown service.

71 Replies to "UPDATE: At mayor, chiefs' briefing, citywide curfew announced again for tonight, 6 pm-5 am; business closures"

  • Ashley June 1, 2020 (2:40 pm)

    Any news if the grocery store are closing early? Just tried calling Trader Joes but got a busy signal. 

    • Ed June 1, 2020 (4:02 pm)

      Walgreens closed at 4PM today. 

  • Carmine June 1, 2020 (2:54 pm)

    Don’t know, but a curfew means no one on the streets. West Seattle should be exempt as we are not really connected to Seattle right now. 

    • Junction Resident June 1, 2020 (4:13 pm)

      I wouldn’t be so sure about that. The WSB may be closed but there is the 1st Ave S bridge. These vandals are organized and they do have vehicles. If they wanted to hit Westwood shopping center or the Junction, they could certainly get here via “the back door.”I don’t think the residents of Bellevue thought there was any danger of violence there, either, and look what happened.

      Home safe, everyone!

      • Brian June 1, 2020 (4:58 pm)

        Stealing inanimate objects from retailers is absolutely not “violence”.  Pick up a dictionary sometime. 

        • edumicated June 1, 2020 (6:00 pm)


          1. behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.”but thank you for playing
          • KM June 1, 2020 (7:28 pm)

            Hello 911, yes how are you, I’d like to report a crime, I just killed this bag of Doritos. Help me I am violent.

        • GAM June 1, 2020 (6:39 pm)

          You’re taking a person’s labor and / or livelihood by force when you steal and vandalize.    

        • Rr June 1, 2020 (6:49 pm)

          I’m going to assume you meant well despite your unnecessary dig implying that the commenter needs a dictionary to understand something many of us know. Violence against property often goes hand in hand with violence against people. Neither is necessarily just and until we ALL understand that it never ends.

        • Dave June 2, 2020 (5:27 pm)

          Stealing inanimate objects from retailers is absolutely not “violence”.  Pick up a dictionary sometime.  Getting into a store without keys to steal inanimate objects, by breaking a window or door, requires “violence.”

      • ally cat June 1, 2020 (5:05 pm)

        Watching the news, it seems looting is erupting in different places. This looting isn’t part of the protesting for racial justice, it’s happening aside it. People looting are criminals stealing and taking advantage of the chaos of the moment. It could happen in WS too. There may be organized crime happening (outside groups taking advantage) but it appears there are also just people stealing. Hard to see people behaving like this. The stress of the pandemic could be contributing.;The curfew is likely a strategy to help keep roads open for responders and to keep people home safe.

        • Frog June 1, 2020 (7:54 pm)

          KUOW says University Village is being looted.  Rule of law is essentially over in the US, at least in major cities, which will have a huge number of knock-on consequences.  Urban retail will no longer be a viable business, because they can be looted any time and the authorities will do nothing (because if they do intervene, and kill or injure a person of color, the whole city will burn.)  All that land and property will need to be revalued because it now has no use and is worth not so much anymore.  (OK, maybe box townhouses, but those aren’t so attractive in a lawless city with no retail.)  That in turn chops the tax base of the city and state, and also causes collapse of the CMBS that holds debt on the property, which means your pension fund that owns the CMBS is a bit more broke than before and won’t be able to pay your pension.  Mayor Durkan issues curfews that no one obeys because she has no authority any more.  Community groups hold protests night after night knowing that they are giving cover to looting and destruction.  A conspiratorial mind might think, these people aren’t dumb; they know exactly what they are doing.  Here is a riddle:  how far is it from Seattle to Venezuela?  Hint:  don’t check a map, check a calendar.  Or maybe you would prefer Brazil.  Or denial, and say gosh, who could have seen it coming.

          • Mark47n June 2, 2020 (10:51 am)

            Bollocks. Just bollocks.

        • JES June 2, 2020 (10:03 am)

          You know what’s harder to see- Black people being killed when they should be safe to live their lives like white people are. 

          • ally cat June 2, 2020 (11:52 am)

            Absolutely agree.

            I support the protests and protestors, and trying to speak to others comments about the destruction and looting, and point out that there are a number of people just using the chaos of the moment as an excuse to be destructive.

            I heard on the news that cars of people even showed up at some outlet stores with the intent to loot. That isn’t part of the BLM protests. 

            I’m concerned when I hear people shifting focus from the content of the protests to blaming protestors for the looting and destruction. The majority of protestors are not about that.

            I am concerned that the current administration will use the destruction that is occurring as a reason to silence the voices that need to be heard right now.When I say it’s hard to see people behaving this way, I meant that regarding people just showing up to be destructive and steal, under the cover of, and possibly sabotaging the protests. 

            And, I can see some deeper complexities of what is happening, and feeling empathy.

            What is most important is allowing voices to rise and to be heard, and for some real healing and change to begin. It’s deep, and I think white people need to step back (stop complaining about their beautiful city being damaged) and create a safe space for this to occur.

            I actually think the retail looting and destruction could bring about some interesting social dialogue and change as well. Again, not condoning or encouraging it at all, but what is happening is raw and real and I think we all need to pay attention and listen!

          • ally cat June 2, 2020 (1:40 pm)

            Absolutely agree.

            I support the protests and protestors, and trying to speak to others comments about the destruction and looting, and point out that there are a number of people just using the chaos of the moment as an excuse to be destructive.

            I heard on the news that cars of people even showed up at some outlet stores with the intent to loot. That isn’t part of the BLM protests. 

            I’m concerned when I hear people shifting focus from the content of the protests to blaming protestors for the looting and destruction. The majority of protestors are not about that.

            I am concerned that the current administration will use the destruction that is occurring as a reason to silence the voices that need to be heard right now.

            When I say it’s hard to see people behaving this way, I meant that regarding people just showing up to be destructive and steal, under the cover of, and possibly sabotaging the protests. 

            And, I can see some deeper complexities of what is happening, and feeling empathy.

            What is important is allowing voices to rise and to be heard, and for some real healing and change to begin. It’s deep, and I think if white people step back and try to understand, rather than complaining about aspects of the protest, they can help to create a safe space for this to occur.

            I actually think the retail looting and destruction could bring about some interesting social dialogue and change as well. Again, not condoning or encouraging it at all, but what is happening is raw and real and I think we all need to pay attention and listen!

  • Trl June 1, 2020 (2:56 pm)

    TJ’s is closing at 4pm.

  • Alki resident June 1, 2020 (2:58 pm)

    Just got kicked out of target. They’re shutting down. 

    • West Seattle resident June 1, 2020 (3:40 pm)

      Yes, I’m wondering why Target was shut. Any news? Is it the curfew issue?

      • Brian June 1, 2020 (4:59 pm)

        Target is closing stores nationwide because they have no basis in the community and are a prime target for redistribution. 

        • Sunrise Heights June 1, 2020 (7:01 pm)

          I believe the word you’re looking for is retribution. Pick up a dictionary sometime, Brian. 

          • Frog June 1, 2020 (7:59 pm)

            No, he meant that stealing all of their merchandise is redistribution of wealth.  Don’t be snarky, just in case you happen to be wrong.  P.S. Jeff Bezos must be laughing maniacally somewhere, as all his brick-and-mortar competition is destroyed.

  • West Seattle Hipster June 1, 2020 (2:58 pm)

      Chief Best says there were up to 800 people and it was “in the best interest of public safety … not to have a confrontation” but that police did eventually move them out”.They were only “moved out” after being given ample time to loot and trash businesses.  At Durkan’s press conference yesterday she said that they prepared for a protest, not a riot on Saturday.  How incredibly short sighted of our leaders.

    • WSB June 1, 2020 (3:08 pm)

      The “moved out” reply was regarding last night, not Saturday.

  • Mellow Kitty June 1, 2020 (3:31 pm)

    Just called PCC, they’re closing at 6 pm tonight.

    • WSB June 1, 2020 (3:52 pm)

      Thank you. Adding above.

  • AlexC June 1, 2020 (3:55 pm)

    Any discussion of the rest of the week?I haven’t heard anything about marches today so I was surprised we were doing curfew again.

    • WSB June 1, 2020 (4:17 pm)

      There are protests right now downtown and in the U-District, according to the police radio channels we monitor. Also in Kirkland, according to tweets.

  • Kay June 1, 2020 (4:31 pm)

    Maybe a stupid question.. Can we walk dogs after 6, in our own neighborhood? 

    • JDLR June 1, 2020 (4:51 pm)

      I would probably advise against it. I don’t think we’re going to have a “Light’em up” situation in our neck of the woods, but that doesn’t mean you should tempt fate… 

    • Wooper June 1, 2020 (5:01 pm)

      Yes just don’t start flipping police cars and smashing up local businesses 

      • DH June 1, 2020 (7:10 pm)

        Obviously you didn’t see the video of the people on their own front porch  with Law enforcement telling them to go inside and then saying “Light them up” when they didn’t follow orders. 

        • E June 1, 2020 (10:35 pm)

          That’s when the national guard is on your block ordering you back inside your home. Did you see any NG here in west seattle? 

          • WSB June 1, 2020 (11:20 pm)

            The only National Guard members over here are the ones who have been deployed to the food banks for the past few weeks.

    • Mike Seely June 1, 2020 (5:03 pm)

      Just do it. Carmine’s rationale above is dead-on. Nobody will arrest you or cite you for it. Maybe time for another WS secession movement, while we’re at it.

      • GAM June 1, 2020 (6:33 pm)

        We need another Charlie Chong fighting for WS,  I sure miss him in times like these.   I’m all for a City of West Seattle.         

    • a. June 1, 2020 (5:13 pm)

      You will be fine. They are looking for looters and rioters. If you are walking your dog and it is safe to do so, I would not worry.

      • Heartbroken June 2, 2020 (4:15 pm)

        True… if your white ur safe!!! Just don’t jog or where a hoodie. Black lives Matter!!!!’

    • Xman (poor poor pitiful me) June 1, 2020 (5:19 pm)

      Maybe a stupid answer?.. Google curfew and then make that decision for yourself. Cheers! 

    • Dan Keller June 1, 2020 (5:29 pm)

      I walk along Alki each night, and, it was not an issue.  

  • Shelby June 1, 2020 (4:56 pm)

    Admiral Safeway will be open its regular hours tonight (until 1 am.)

  • Dan Keller June 1, 2020 (5:23 pm)

    I was just at my Admiral Safeway, and they are open normal hours until 10:00pm.

  • ME June 1, 2020 (5:35 pm)

    I saw a video on Twitter of the police ordering someone inside, then they shot him in the leg with a bean bag, he was on his own front porch, I don’t know where it was but the poster claimed that it was somewhere in Seattle last night, so I’m probably just going to stay off the streets after curfew for now.

    • Boop June 1, 2020 (5:51 pm)

      You should be careful about believing and giving weight to a Twitter post that may not be entirely accurate.

    • holyfactsbatman June 1, 2020 (6:03 pm)

      Well, my bothers sisters daughters uncle saw a guy with a hose who’s nephews dog was walking near a lady who’s kid was yelling and a guy said Hi.

      • JES June 2, 2020 (10:08 am)

        I guess there’s always got to be at least 1 person who thinks they’re being clever while adding absolutely nothing of value to the conversation. Thanks for that.

    • DS June 1, 2020 (6:19 pm)

      @me that was probably the one I saw . It was in Minnesota (irony). It was police shooting paintballs or something while ordering people to get back in their house. I don’t see how that’s a lawful order or justifiable use of force. They were on private property.

      • ME June 1, 2020 (6:55 pm)

        Oh was it in Minnesota? Yeah, it looked really real to me but I didn’t know if it was really in Seattle or not, a ton of weird fake news going on but some of it is real…

    • Winniegirl June 1, 2020 (6:32 pm)

      https://youtu.be/esyMFOu8ZFEyou are correct. I’m guessing that most of the people responding on this thread about walking their dog and going grocery shopping are white. As the impetus for these protest is the inability for black people to do mundane things like bird watching without feeling unsafe. So, if you want to go ahead and walk your dog and think nothing of it in the middle of a curfew, I have a pretty good idea that you’re not black. And have not tried to understand what’s going on. 

      • ND June 1, 2020 (8:45 pm)

        Respect. If someone’s biggest worry is their “inability” to walk their dog or shop at TJs or PCC for a few hours – they are missing the point. 

      • KM June 1, 2020 (9:09 pm)

        Absolutely, Winniegirl. Well said.

      • DRG June 1, 2020 (9:11 pm)

        Agreed, Winniegirl.

      • me June 1, 2020 (9:18 pm)

        Exactly. Thank you.

  • Onion June 1, 2020 (6:30 pm)

    regarding whether stores are open, remember that workers need to get home at the end of their shifts. And if even 20 or 25 percent need to travel into or across the city your store can’t function.

  • Beepee June 1, 2020 (8:21 pm)

    Issues like the high speed chase in California are a good reason to just understand why a curfew makes sense 

  • ScubaFrog June 1, 2020 (9:30 pm)

    Blaming “outside agitators” seems to be a common thread amongst nearly every mayor and governor in America in the last week.   With no evidence, mind.  Apparently this is a deflection rooted in Civil Rights:  There’s a great editorial in the Baltimore Sun, to that end.  With Durkan fiercely trying to end SDP’s reform, and her her removal of accountability measures from the last police contract, I hope she’s ready to embrace change on a much larger caliber after this last week’s barrage of murder on the black community by white police officers throughout the US.  Black men and women are dying en masse at law enforcement’s hands.  This is no time to blame outsiders.  “There are 12000 reports of police brutality in 1 night by the SPD” — Lisa Herbold.  This may be the chance to end the mass encarceration of generations of black men and women, and make America safe for all minorities.   We have to start a real conversation with Dan Satterberg and the SPD, and engage everyone.

  • Wally June 1, 2020 (9:41 pm)

    Bad Leadership in this city, county, state and fed gov’t.  Need term limits and corrupt money out of the system. 

    • AG June 2, 2020 (1:08 am)

      Term limits is definitely needed!  

    • ScubaFrog June 2, 2020 (2:59 am)

      Hear Hear @ term limits!

    • Will S. June 2, 2020 (10:15 am)

      What are you even complaining about? We have a first-term president and a first-term mayor. The entire city council is on its first or second term (except for one person who also had a two-year term). The governor and the attorney general are in their second terms.

      Incumbents who are bad leaders can be voted out of office, but there’s no getting rid of ignorant voters.

  • A June 2, 2020 (12:10 am)

    The reality of knowing that the police can’t arrest, or put these looters/thieves accountable is what makes this situation an amazing one at that.  Stupid Covid is making the justice system so afraid.  “Lets not incarcerate” those that blatantly break the law.  Cause, God forbid, they contract the Corona behind bars!  Can’t have prisoners subjugated to this deadly virus!  Remember when being arrested and put in jail was a deterrent?  Well, darn… maybe the idea of being in a closed space (and possibly contracting the Corona), would deter criminals from looting and breaking the law.  BUT NO- this virus is NOT a deterrent… so those that get arrested… don’t have your families try to get you out of jail for fear of contracting this virus… honestly!  Just obey the law.  Quit looting, protest honestly, and when $&@. Hits the fan…don’t blame those that don’t get your lunacy.

  • annaeileen June 2, 2020 (8:01 am)

    Agree as well Winniegirl.    I was on my deck reading and heard a steady stream of voices and every time I looked up  I was amazed at all of the dog walkers and families with babies after 6 last night. I did not see one person of color.

  • Getthepoint June 2, 2020 (10:15 am)

    Has anybody gone back to read the majority of these posts? You’re all concerned about what stores are open and closed, what’s happening to YOU, only one or two posts called everyone out on missing the point. Two words for the entitled George Floyd.

    • DRG June 2, 2020 (11:31 am)

      Yep. As a lifelong WS resident, so many of the recent comments here have me feeling disappointed, but not surprised. We can do better. But will we?

    • S - in West Seattle June 2, 2020 (11:38 am)

      Sorry you are missing the point yourself. People still need to get groceries and they need to know what ones are open. Sorry not everything in life is about the senseless death of George Floyd. Life needs to go. 

      • ally cat June 2, 2020 (12:04 pm)

        This is an example of how white people continually (and obliviously) redirect the conversation to their own needs.

      • DRG June 2, 2020 (12:48 pm)

        S, you’re absolutely right. The information provided IS important to have. That the focus of the comments has been on things like grocery shopping, talking a walk, etc, shows how we, as a community, are feeling most impacted by recent events. And if the greatest impact on our lives is the window of time in which we can shop or take a walk, then we are very fortunate indeed.

      • Ilasdad June 2, 2020 (1:47 pm)

        No you are missing the point. People of color have to worry about simple things like going to the grocery store everyday. Any interaction with white people who feel threatened by another persons skin color and/or any interaction with police has the potential to become a life and death situation. And let’s not forget jogging, bird watching and every other common everyday action you take for granted. All of those have the potential to end poorly or even deadly for people of color.

    • ally cat June 2, 2020 (12:13 pm)


  • Dunno June 2, 2020 (12:16 pm)

    Come out to field at Evergreen HS, or High Point,  if you want to see diversity out and about, walking, walking dogs, and being with thier children.  Gay’s, straights, transgenders, all getting along.  Most  of us me included, are watching too much TV or looking at a computer screen, like I am right now!  Keep the 6 feet, and exercise will help ease your mind.

Sorry, comment time is over.