GROCERY STORES: Easter changes, and other West Seattle notes

For the fourth consecutive Saturday morning of the coronavirus crisis, we have grocery-store notes. We’re continuing to update our ongoing list of local stores’ hours, etc. This week’s highlights:

EASTER CHANGES: If your regular shopping trip is on Sunday, be aware that the Easter holiday tomorrow brings some changes. Trader Joe’s will be closed. Both QFC stores will be open 8 am-5 pm. All three Safeway stores will be open 6 am-7 pm.

SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: QFC is now open 7-8 am Mondays-Fridays for seniors and other at-risk people, one day more than previously.

WATCH THE FLOOR: More stores are marking spots on the floor to ensure you are safely spaced from the next person in line. One-way aisles are also starting to catch on.

COVER YOUR FACE: With the recent recommendation to wear a mask, especially in a setting like a grocery store where you might wind up less than six feet from someone no matter how hard you try, we noticed a dramatic increase in usage when we went shopping this past week – both in shoppers and staff.

What are YOU seeing at YOUR store?

45 Replies to "GROCERY STORES: Easter changes, and other West Seattle notes"

  • AMD April 11, 2020 (10:29 am)

    Roxbury Safeway allowed me to use my own bags, but requested that I bag my own groceries if I did.  Most shoppers and workers are wearing masks.  Most items are back in stock to some degree.  The brand and size I usually buy weren’t always there, but there was TP and soap and everything on Tuesday.  Get ready to spend more money than you’re used to.  They’re not price gouging, but there are WAY fewer sales and coupons across the board so I spent about 20-25% more than I usually would for the same haul.  

  • Brian April 11, 2020 (10:37 am)

    Glad to hear about one way aisles.  I was at Met Market last week and the number of people crowding past each other in the aisles was scary

  • Wolfgang April 11, 2020 (11:08 am)

    These one way aisles still being the same width they were pre-corona isn’t going to work, either narrow them down at night when closed or widen them and create a dividing lane in the center. A few weeks ago everyone was all about helping out their neighbors and looking out for one another, now these new rules are bringing out extreme venom in people when someone isn’t aware of the changes. Expect more grocery store brawls.

  • Rational Rob April 11, 2020 (11:42 am)

    I won’t be wearing a mask. Remain calm everyone 

    • Guy April 11, 2020 (12:31 pm)

      @RationalRob-Thanks for the warning. You’ve alerted the media, saving me from the trouble.

    • Lame April 11, 2020 (12:49 pm)

      Masks are to protect the people around you when out in public. Thanks for being selfish by choosing not to wear one :(

    • Anne April 11, 2020 (1:12 pm)

      You do realize that people are not only getting sick-they are dying-right? At this moment-the only real tools we as a society & as individuals have to fight this virus are social distancing & wearing a mask-especially in grocery stores & where folks gather.. Guess it’s obvious where you you stand on this -unfortunately you’re not alone-was at Thriftway this morning -really surprised & shocked that so  many were without masks of any kind-how hard is it to at least wear a scarf or bandana. Very disheartening to see the disregard for our fellow  citizens. 

      • Rational Rob April 11, 2020 (2:52 pm)


        • Vic April 11, 2020 (4:11 pm)

          caring about the community as a whole gets you called a “sheep”, good one irrational rob…

        • Sad April 11, 2020 (4:25 pm)

          Calling someone a sheep for trying to do the right thing as a community member is a sign that you’re a selfish, inconsiderate and plain out of touch human being. How sad that you don’t get how serious things are and think you’re being cool or edgy by not taking a recommendation from the CDC and Surgeon General seriously. I hope nobody you love or know is affected by this horrible virus, and that you can still live with your sense of entitlement if they do. 

        • Just wondering April 11, 2020 (5:17 pm)

          Will you be wearing your MAGA hat instead?

        • West Marg April 11, 2020 (10:41 pm)

          What makes you rational, exactly, Rob? Either you’re trolling for attention, or you believe you are exempt from this virus. Maybe you’re a nihilist, incapable of empathy. Or you’re a libertarian and wearing a mask is treading on you. In any case, you’re a fool, and I believe you are a social terrorist. Stay home. Please don’t infect anyone with your hubris. 

      • Beepee April 11, 2020 (3:56 pm)

        Shopped at thrift way 3 days ago around 10 pm, every single customer was wearing a mask, thank you to the people who take a pandemic seriously, look at what other countries do, China , Korea , Japan, people have been wearing masks even not in the face of a pandemic… the best reason to take extra precautions is that medical/health community still doesn’t have a full grasp on how this new virus works. You don’t want to wear a mask, fine, but seems dumb to brag about it

    • SeaviewGal April 11, 2020 (2:42 pm)

      I was leaning that way, but my partner convinced me to wear a mask because I had a slight cough.  I kept feeling worse and have been diagnosed with pneumonia and awaiting results of covid test.  My mask protected others at the store from at least one dangerous condition.  I get it now!

      • KL April 11, 2020 (4:54 pm)

        Seaview Gal, did you use The Neighbor Care at High Point for your covid-19 test? I went there and was tested myself.  I have been sick since March 9th and because testing happened so late in my illness I came up negative for covid-19 antigens, so we can’t be sure if I had covid-19 and it been turned into pneumonia, or if it has been pneumonia the whole time. I was exposed to a student who was diagnosed with pneumonia at the very end of February and within a week I started showing symptoms. I’ve never had pneumonia in my adult life and so I really wasn’t sure what to expect. I can tell you that it has been a long and painful experience where I begin to feel better and then I just get battered down.  I think it’s probably going to take another few weeks for me to get my energy up, so all in all probably a good two months of recovery even though this weekend today is probably the best I’ve felt. my lungs are still not back to 100%. I had every symptom of covid (including a 5-day headache dry cough and lots of difficulty breathing and inflammation in my lungs) except for fever and my pneumonia is viral. I read a really good article in the Chicago times about pneumonia in adults and recovery. I’ll try to find the link and post it; wishing you well and do be safe when you go out, for your sake and others.  Since you have pneumonia and your immune system is down, if you get exposed to covid that will really be a nightmare. Until we can get an antibody test we won’t know if we had or if we can be re-infected, but my biggest concern as I continue to heal from pneumonia is actually catching it if I didn’t have it 😭 Stay well!!!

        • Anon April 11, 2020 (10:07 pm)

          Your story sounds so familiar. I read that some of the lung damage for folks who survived the other SARS often took 6-12 months to fully heal. Be patient with your healing, don’t push yourself too hard. Yes, antibody testing might shine a light on what has happened.

    • Sherry Sellen April 11, 2020 (5:57 pm)

      Cover up. Save a life. You may have the virus & don’t even know it.

    • Plf April 11, 2020 (6:02 pm)

      Oink oink Rob

  • Kera April 11, 2020 (11:55 am)

    More masks make me feel lost as I’m deaf and I do read lips so I’m out and not looking at people’s faces anymore. No offense. Masks are not deaf friendly for me unless there is window part for show their smiles that would be helpful. There are few deaf people living in West Seattle.  Have a good weekend! 

    • TWST April 11, 2020 (12:58 pm)

      Thanks for sharing Kera, wow that must be disorienting and hard to communicate right now, good to be aware of. Best wishes navigating this.

      As for not seeing smiles, I’ve noticed passing others with masks, I can see it in their eyes if they are smiling. The eyes soften and some get those little crinkle lines. I know that doesn’t help with reading lips/words, but I’ve been glad to see that at least. :)

    • J April 11, 2020 (1:43 pm)

      I’m sorry the masks are making it difficult to communicate. These are very strange times. Do you have a way to signal that you are deaf? It might help other people accept their frustration with their failure to communicate. Many other people are likely used to always being understood, and some may not have practiced humility and patience in these situations before. I am praying for a vaccine for this airborne desease, and experts are working with focus, funding and determination. May we be done with SARS-COV-2 soon!

    • Maryam S April 11, 2020 (2:11 pm)

      Hi Kera! I actually just read about masks for this exact use :) I’ll link you to the GoFundMe (she’s not taking donations anymore because she reached her goal, but there’s a link and email address in the description, to request a free mask!).

    • Ocean April 11, 2020 (7:26 pm)

      Kera-          You’re right, masks are NOT deaf/hoh friendly!  Whenever our  deaf family member  went to anything medical while growing up, we had to explain that it was not possible to get visual clues while providers were wearing masks.           I always sign, it’s an ingrained habit — it was pointed out to me recently that  I was signing “smiling in mask” in the grocery store!          

  • SD April 11, 2020 (12:48 pm)

    Have only been to the store once since the mask recommendation, but noticed much less social distancing compared to pre-mask trips. Hope this isn’t the norm.

  • kM April 11, 2020 (1:07 pm)

    PCC has eliminated most of their bulk service. Before, you could use compostable gloves and compostable containers to measure out what you needed, but they’ve moved onto plastic clamshells, jars and bottles, all pre-portioned. They are also not limiting the number of shoppers in their store and it was rather crowded and hard to keep 6 feet.

    • Tiro April 11, 2020 (5:01 pm)

      It’s all about timing at PCC.  If you can go in the evening it’s much less crowded.  I was there Wednesday after 8 pm and there were more workers in the store than customers!

      • KM April 11, 2020 (5:42 pm)

        So true. I never really shop on a Saturday, pandemic or not, so I was a bit caught off guard! I love a Friday evening grocery run. 

  • Amararen April 11, 2020 (2:35 pm)

    Hello to all
    In this puzzling time, I disposition you all
    Prize your family and friends

  • newnative April 11, 2020 (2:46 pm)

    PCC, Safeway and Bartell’s all have windows that show how many people are inside. If it looks like too many, don’t go in. That’s what we’re doing.

    • sc April 11, 2020 (5:19 pm)

      Safeway at Jefferson Square was counting people going in this morning.

  • trickycoolj April 11, 2020 (5:02 pm)

    Costco had everything on our list mid-week including TP, Paper Towels, SoftSoap, and KS cleaning wipes.  (It was our regular time to stock up on these.) There is a whiteboard at the front of the store that lists what is out of stock. (typically: Rubbing Alcohol, Clorox Wipes, and nitrile gloves are being donated to health care)  They’re doing a decent job at crowd control and reminding folks to distance as they enter, but it’s difficult to navigate some aisles as people linger for a long time to make product decisions preventing others from entering the aisle or staying 6ft.  Pro-Tip: do your shopping homework, write out the list by aisle/section in the store.   Especially if you’re sending a loved one who might not normally do the shopping for particular items.

  • Zoomy April 11, 2020 (5:27 pm)

    The mask-shaming on here really need to stop. Until there’s a mandatory mask wearing policy you all need to stop. It’s not a requirement for a reason. Medical professionals are still in disagreement on whether or not to wear one. It makes people “feel” better but most don’t wear it properly, still touch their faces under their mask, and it gives them a false sense of security. You can scare others by saying you’ll kill someone by not wearing one (fear monger) or you can respect those that decide not to and move along. Don’t cough in anyone’s face, wash you hands, distance as best you can, and stay at home. And stop the online bullying . 

    • just wondering April 11, 2020 (6:07 pm)

      I know of one American who doesn’t think he has to wear a face mask.  But he does like to wear a red cap!

    • AMD April 11, 2020 (6:17 pm)

      In general I agree with you, but the guy that started that line of commentary was clearly trolling.

    • KM April 11, 2020 (7:07 pm)

      FWIW, Seattle and the King County metro has never done “mandatory” rules well, and generally place conditions on everything: do the u-turn “if” you think it’s safe to so do, don’t go to “some” parks but get outside, “try” to wear a mask, but also it’s okay if you don’t. Mandating a mask without providing one to every resident is also a major equity issue. We have transit cops in other cities such as NYC and Philadelphia use mask and social distancing “mandates” to target marginalized communities. Our neighbors flaunting their freedom during a pandemic shows lack of concern for their community and themselves, and is only worsened by the name-calling. Kindness goes a long way.

    • TWST April 11, 2020 (9:27 pm)

      The Center for Disease Control is recommending people wear some kind of face covering when out in public and likely to be in close contact with others, like at the grocery store. Wearing a face covering in some environments is one voluntary action people can take to try to stay well and to help keep others safe too. You’re right it is not a requirement, but is a recommendation by experts.

      There are some differing perspectives and opinions here. I encourage all of us to try to catch ourselves when being ‘hooked’ in by a comment that is meant to be provocative, insulting, or instigating contention. Recognize it for what it is, and take the higher road

      Keep doing your best, we will get through this, good night everyone, stay well.

    • West Marg April 11, 2020 (10:50 pm)

      Please stay home then. Your sneeze can launch your aerosolized covid cells 26 feet, and a mask can divert that cloud to the fabric, and less than 6 feet on either side of you. I wil shame you. Shame on you for your hubris and inability to have sympathy for others. 

  • Capesta April 11, 2020 (7:03 pm)

    At Smart Foods this morning (4th and Holgate) most of the customers not masking, and none of employees were wearing gloves or masks.Was in and out quickly with almost everything on my list.  Super friendly staff as always, but I worry about them not having PPE.

    • zipda April 11, 2020 (9:18 pm)

      Maybe Smart Foods not so smart?

  • sc April 11, 2020 (7:46 pm)

    I know of one “American” who won’t wear a mask!

  • Juju April 11, 2020 (9:14 pm)

    I know several “Americans” who won’t wear a mask!

    Several of them are non-Trump supporters… “progressives” even.

    The horror.

    By gosh, they are probably Trump supporters and have their red caps stowed away in their closets.

    Secret meetings, infiltrating progressive groups… SPYING ON THEM!


    Kudos to Zoomy on a commonsense analysis of the issue.

  • SBD April 11, 2020 (10:30 pm)

    We don’t know enough about this disease transmission yet so it seems reasonable to ask people wear masks if it might help stop the spread. I have seen numbers up to 50% of people may have it without symptoms and can pass it on. If in hindsight this turns out to be true it will save lives to wear a mask. Would you want restaurant workers to not wash their hands when they prepare your food after going to the bathroom just because they were sure they were “safe”? Lots of precautions we take nowadays to prevent transmission of disease seemed crazy when first practiced.

  • Alex April 12, 2020 (12:52 pm)

    What is the harm in doing something that might work? I am legitimately asking this. zoomy. juju, etc. The CDC recommends this. Yes, it’s voluntary. What’s the problem with volunteering to help other people out? We do know it is helpful for symptomatic or asymptomatic infected people to stop from spreading the virus to others. A prosocial behavior. We also know that avoiding getting the regular flu or colds at this moment is wise. Another thing masks help with. Asia has worn masks for years. The CDC has flip-flopped on the mandatory but they do suggest it. Like needing to close the parks, the problem isn’t that masks aren’t helpful, it’s that people behave badly. They think it’s a pass for ignoring social distance. It’s true many people use them wrong so the answer isn’t to not use them– it’s to use them correctly. I really don’t get this

  • me April 12, 2020 (1:37 pm)

    I can think of one reason some people may not wear a mask-claustrophobia.  (diagnosed OR not)

  • TiredTulip April 12, 2020 (7:40 pm)

    To argue about wearing masks is a waste of time. To consider one’s responsibility to another is not. Yes, authorities aren’t positive a mask will protect anyone, BUT more research seems to indicate it might protect those with whom the wearer comes in contact. if there is any possibility at all that a person  has Covid-19, he/she must do anything and everything to avoid sharing it. As a human being this is our responsibility to each other. Do anything to avoid catching it: do everything to avoid sharing it. 

Sorry, comment time is over.