(Black Turnstone, photographed by Robin Sinner, shared in the WSB Flickr group)
Highlights for an extra-warm Wednesday:
WADING POOL & SPRAYPARK: Through Labor Day, 11 am-8 pm daily operating hours continue for the Lincoln Park wading pool (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) and Highland Park spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale).
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON MOVIE: 1 pm at the air-conditioned Senior Center of West Seattle, 1949’s “Armored Car Robbery” is this week’s movie. $1 members, $2 nonmembers, popcorn included. (4217 SW Oregon)
HIGH POINT MARKET GARDEN FARM STAND: Eighth week for this year’s weekly farm-stand sessions, selling fresh produce and flowers, all grown by local residents, at the mini-farm by the stand. 4 pm-7 pm. (32nd SW/SW Juneau)
SSC ADMISSIONS WORKSHOP: South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) invites you to this 4:30 pm workshop “to assist future students and community members with the admission and enrollment process.” More info in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
DISASTER-SKILLS WORKSHOP: 5:30 pm at Southwest Library, presented by the city Office of Emergency Management:
This workshop provides training on key skills needed after a disaster and more in depth instruction on key preparedness actions. Participants will rotate through four stations, with each lasting 30 minutes. The workshop covers the following topics: (1) Fire Extinguisher Use, (2) Utility Control, (3) Water Storage and Purification and (4) Emergency Sanitation.
Free, but register here ASAP! (9010 35th SW)
PARKS SUPERINTENDENT @ HPAC: Jesús Aguirre, who recently returned to the role of Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent, is the guest at tonight’s <strong>Highland Park Action Committee meeting, 7 pm at HP Improvement Club. (1116 SW Holden)
YOUR TURN AT THE MIC: Open Mic night at Great American Diner and Bar, 7 pm signup, 7:30 pm performances. All ages. (4752 California SW)
HIP SHOT: Fusion jazz at Parliament Tavern, 8 pm. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)