Sanislo Elementary PTA invites you to the first-ever Rainbow Party on the Playground tomorrow in celebration of Pride Month. “It’s free and open to ALL!” says PTA president Ebony Lee, sharing this announcement:
We’re excited to get the party started w/local celebrity, DJ MZ ARTIZ from the historical Seattle Re-bar, and encourage everyone to dawn their Pride colors to join us in parading around the playground for what we like to dub as a mini-Pride parade. We’d like to start having everyone parade around the playground starting at 5:30pm-ish. Bring a blanket, chairs or just find a comfy spot on the grass and let’s PARTY!
We’ll have donation-collection containers should anyone be inclined to help us raise funds toward our Race & Equity and Diversity & Inclusion PTA initiatives, which includes bringing in speakers, holding workshops, professional development, and adding anti-bias library materials along the subject matters of RACE, EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION to empower our students, their families, and our community.
We are still looking for acoustic musical/entertainment performers and LGBTQ agencies whom are willing to donate their talent, time, and information on the playground to entertain our families, friends, neighbors, et. al. Please contact Ebony Lee or Janay Destello at if you can help.
Sanislo is on Puget Ridge, at 1812 SW Myrtle.
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