One more semi-early reminder about a major event tomorrow night: Sound Transit‘s last big West Seattle event before its scheduled decision this spring on which light-rail routing and station locations will go through environmental studies. You are invited to the “open house” at the Masonic Center in The Junction (4736 40th SW), 6-8:30 pm Wednesday. As ST explains:
Those attending an open house will hear information and have the opportunity to provide feedback on the alternatives for expanding light rail to West Seattle and Ballard. Feedback from this comment period will be shared with the Stakeholder Advisory Group and Elected Leadership Group to inform their recommendations to the Sound Transit Board of Directors on alternatives to study during environmental review. In May, the Board will identify a preferred alternative and other alternatives to study in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
If you can’t be there in person, you can also comment until March 18 via this “online open house.”