VIDEO: Remembering and celebrating Jackie Dupras

Memories, stories, and songs filled The Hall at Fauntleroy this afternoon, as family and friends gathered to celebrate the life of Jackie Dupras. Her longtime activism and advocacy included singing with the Seattle Labor Chorus; some of those who had sung with her led songs in her honor:

Jackie’s husband of almost four decades, Ed Dupras, offered a toast to his wife’s “spirit”:

The gathering was informal:

Microphones were available for anyone moved to get up and talk about Jackie; tributes included memories of her dedication to people as well as to causes. She was long active with the 34th District Democrats, who honored her with a Lifetime Achievement Award seven years ago. That group’s highest-profile members were there today too:

Along with County Executive Dow Constantine and County Councilmember Joe McDermott, other local leaders there to remember Jackie included School Board President Leslie Harris and City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. Jackie was 74.

ADDED MONDAY NIGHT: Steve Butts has written a detailed tribute to Jackie for the just-posted monthly 34th District Democrats’ newsletter. The agenda for the group’s monthly meeting Wednesday (7 pm October 11th, Hall at Fauntleroy) includes a time to share memories.

6 Replies to "VIDEO: Remembering and celebrating Jackie Dupras"

  • Ajwren October 7, 2018 (11:17 pm)

    What a lovely tribute! She was involved with West Seattle – way more than I ever was! RIP and sending prayers to her family.

  • Cathy Rouyer October 7, 2018 (11:55 pm)

    Terrific send off for a wonderful woman.

  • M.X. Turner October 8, 2018 (8:44 am)

    We met Jackie and Ed when they began attending South Sound Tug & Barge shows. They became our biggest fans, rarely missing a show. which means sometimes they were 50% of the audience. Jackie was a grand woman and no doubt continues to wend her resistance spirit through all of our lives. Presente, Jackie!

  • Sarah Dupras October 8, 2018 (9:32 am)

    Thanks to everyone for making such a wonderful celebration. My mom would have loved it.

  • Lari-anne Milosavljevic October 8, 2018 (9:45 am)

    Dear Ed & Family,
    I am so sorry that I was unable to make it yesterday. Jackie will always live on in our memories of her. I wish you all well.

  • Jill Johnson October 8, 2018 (1:15 pm)

    Thank you for sharing this, Ed. My deepest condolences to you and yours.
    From Sweden, Love, Jill

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