Seal-pup season is starting, and Seal Sitters Marine Stranding Network is recruiting – and training – volunteers. From Robin Lindsey:
There are still spaces left for Seal Sitters Volunteer Training, Saturday, June 9th, from 10 am-12:30 pm (see details here). Doors open at 9:30. Due to limited seating, RSVP is required at the website link to ensure a seat.
Seal Sitters is always in need of dedicated volunteers to keep marine mammals safe and educate the public. We do encourage children (must be accompanied by adult) to join Seal Sitters and become environmental stewards at a young age. It is empowering for those of all ages to be able to protect marine life and truly make a difference.
Harbor seal pupping season is getting underway in Washington. There are numerous pregnant seals in Central and Puget Sound. Harbor seals are generally born in our area from late June thru early September; however, there has already been a premature birth, so we can expect pups soon. We have had newborn pups in West Seattle as early as June 9th. If you are heading to the outer coast of Washington now and over the next couple of months, you might very well encounter a newborn pup. Always stay back to avoid abandonment and contact the area stranding network (for maps, go here).
To learn in-depth about harbor seal pups and to view a pupping season map, go here.
Here in West Seattle, we never know what kind of activity each season will bring. Wildlife is predictably unpredictable! That’s why Seal Sitters needs predictably reliable volunteers – since each day can bring new challenges, anything from keeping a resting seal pup safe from harm to responding to a stranded whale.
As always, if you see a seal – or other marine mammal – on a West Seattle beach or in trouble offshore, please call Seal Sitters hotline @ 206-905-SEAL (7325). Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network is a partner in NOAA’s West Coast MMSN and responds to reports of ALL marine mammals, dead or alive.
To learn more about Seal Sitters, marine mammals and the work of NOAA’s MMSN, please visit our website and blog for “what’s happening on the beach.”
Robin adds that her photo above is “of weaned seal ‘Uno,’ who spent many days onshore in January and February resting near the water taxi.”
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