West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
For the first time in three months, the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network reconvened at the Southwest Precinct last night – and most of the meeting could be summarized as the multiple faces of the opioid crisis:
First, a crime update from local police, who say much of the area’s property crime is tied to drugs, and people trying to get money for them; second, an emotion-stirring presentation from people who have been caught up in the crisis, mostly through family members, some of whom have lost their lives to it.
The two-dozen-plus attendees, in around-the-room introductions, listed neighborhoods all around this area, from Beach Drive to Top Hat.
POLICE BRIEFING: First up, Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis talked about property crime, still our area’s most pervasive crime problem.
Another stolen vehicle has been found, thanks to a WSB reader. Last Sunday night, we published Erica‘s report of a black Toyota 4Runner stolen in High Point; today, the reader spotted it in their neighborhood, between 40th and 41st near SW Edmunds. Police were called, and Erica confirms they got the vehicle back.
Seattle Fire medics are about to take a 12-year-old boy to a hospital to be checked out after he was reported to have been hit by a driver on northbound Fauntleroy Way at SW Rose, across from Lincoln Park. Emergency personnel at the scene tell us the child was not seriously hurt and is being transported as a precaution. We don’t know anything more about the circumstances, but the scene is expected to clear shortly.
Two notes about businesses in city parks:
CALL FOR CONCESSIONS: Looking ahead to summer, the city wants to be sure you know about this, in case you operate – or know of – a business that might qualify:
Seattle Parks and Recreation is seeking proposals for seasonal partners to operate food service, recreational activities, and group fitness concessions in various park locations throughout Seattle. Locations vary with sites appropriate for carts, food trucks and other self-contained service businesses. Proposals are due by March 16. Details here.
Among the documents you’ll find on that page is this one that includes specific locations open to food concessions this summer – including, in West Seattle, two at Alki Beach and one at Lincoln Park.
PRESCHOOL MEETING: We first reported last month that another city park in West Seattle will be the site of an “outdoor preschool” starting this fall. One has been operating at Camp Long, and now Parks is also opening Lincoln Park to a preschool program. A new operator called Roots and Sky Nature School is expected to get the contract, Parks confirmed in early January, and a meeting is planned 6-7 pm this Friday (January 26th) at Dakota Place Park (4304 SW Dakota) for anyone with questions about the plan.
One week ago, we reported that Providence Mount St. Vincent was temporarily not allowing visitors, so it could be “vigilant” in keeping its vulnerable residents safe from this year’s particularly nasty flu. Today, The Mount notified families and others that it will be open to visitors again starting tomorrow. Spokesperson Susan Clark shared a copy of the announcement sent by administrator Charlene Boyd:
We are delighted to report that The Mount will be open to visitors, effective Thursday, Jan. 25th — tomorrow! Thank you so much for your patience during this challenging time.
However, we continue to ask for your support and cooperation as we get back to normal operations. You may visit if you are well. You must wash or sanitize your hands upon entering and leaving The Mount. Sanitized hands are some of our best defenses for preventing flu.
You may not enter The Mount if you are ill. No fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, or vomiting in the last 48 hours prior to visiting The Mount.
We will be resuming house-wide activities gradually over the next few days.
Again, we thank your for your cooperation and patience, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
The Mount is an assisted-living and skilled-nursing-care facility and also home to an intergenerational preschool, which has continued operating but had suspended visits between the kids and seniors while flu concern was peaking.
Two biznotes this afternoon:
FRESH VITAMINS: After noticing the “store closing”/liquidation sale signs at the Westwood Village store last night, we called today for details. We’re told the chain is closing its Washington and California stores but the exact date depends on how quickly the inventory is sold – could be open for a few more weeks.
JUST POKE: After a commenter pointed out recently that this poké restaurant mini-chain had announced it’s coming to West Seattle this year, we asked for more details. Finally heard back from co-founder Norman, who explains that it’s taking a little longer than they had hoped because the first (unspecified) location fell through – but they’re on the brink of signing for another (unspecified) location, one that he said already is set up for food/beverages, so once they have a lease, the turnaround won’t be too long.
(Harlequin ducks, photographed at Lincoln Park by Katy Dixon)
Education, entertainment, community involvement … all on tap for the rest of your Wednesday. From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
STORY TIME WITH LOCAL AUTHOR KERRI KOKIAS: 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, local author Kerri Kokias reads from her new children’s book “Snow Sisters.” (2306 42nd SW)
REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR., PERSPECTIVES THEN & NOW: All welcome at this noon presentation by Dr. Eric Michael Dyson in the Brockey Center at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
LINCOLN PARK SOUTH PLAY AREA DESIGN: Final community meeting about the plan to overhaul the south play area at Lincoln Park, where the play equipment had to be removed last year. 6-7:30 pm, see the design and give your feedback to Seattle Parks‘ project manager and landscape architect. Bring the kids for their feedback too. Lower-level meeting room at The Kenney. (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW)
HIGHLAND PARK ACTION COMMITTEE: Big agenda for the year’s first meeting of the Highland Park Action Committee, 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club – see it here. You’ll find out about crime/safety trends, the city’s sharps-collection program, natural-drainage systems, the Southwest Indoor Tennis proposal, and much more. Bring community concerns and questions. (1116 SW Holden)
LEARN TO DANCE! New series of classes continues tonight at the Senior Center of West Seattle – West Coast Swing at 7 pm, Viennese Foxtrot at 8:15 pm, take one or both. Info in our calendar listing. (4217 SW Oregon)
TRIANGULAR JAZZTET: 7 pm at Whisky West in Morgan Junction. No cover. 21+. (6451 California SW)
BASKETBALL: Senior Night for the Chief Sealth International High School girls-varsity team, playing Seattle Prep at 7:30 pm (2600 SW Thistle) … The West Seattle High School girls are home too, hosting Roosevelt at 7:30 pm (3000 California SW)
MORE! See other listings for today, tonight, and beyond, on our complete-calendar page.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:06 AM: Good morning. The rain started up again a short time ago but so far that’s the only commute-affecting factor – no incidents reported in/from West Seattle.
7:54 AM: Stalled vehicle reported in left lane of EB bridge, near crest.
6:22 AM: We have reports of low water pressure in the area of 40th SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska. One reader says they’ve called Seattle Public Utilities and were told there’s a water break. On our way to check.
(Photo posted in comments by Mark)
6:39 AM: No crew on site right now but the water is flowing on the east side of the street, southward toward SW Alaska from the vicinity of a hydrant at midblock. No traffic effects.
7:53 AM: Neighbors report in comments that a crew is there now.
10:13 AM: As commenters reported, LA Fitness (sign above) is indeed closed – we just went by to verify. They hope to reopen by mid-afternoon. And 40th is closed between Oregon and Alaska because of the work.
11:16 AM: We also just got a text that Sound and Fog – which is across SW Alaska on 40th – is also closed because of the water break. If you know of any other businesses affected, please let us know – we’re making phone calls in the meantime, but unlike a power outage, there’s no information on the exact area affected, so we’re just making guesses for starters. (added) We just checked with West Seattle Bowl, for example, right next door to Spruce (the building that houses LA Fitness) – the bowling alley and its restaurant DO have water.
11:36 AM: Across the Fauntleroy/Alaska intersection, The Whittaker (WSB sponsor) tells us they’re without water, but we need to check individually on how/whether that’s affecting the businesses in their building. (added) We called CityMD, which says they’re closed to walk-in patients until the water’s back on, but you can call to make appointments.
12:07 PM: SPU’s Andy Ryan tells us the water “should be back on for customers by 1 pm. Crews will do some flushing to minimize the dirty water caused by the shutdown, and will remain at the jobsite this afternoon, completing the repairs on the hydrant.”
1:30 PM: A commenter says water is back on at Spruce.
2:33 PM: Sound & Fog has reopened. So has 40th SW. The signs were off the door at LA Fitness but we have to head back that way to send someone in to verify that they’re operational.
3:24 PM: LA Fitness confirms it’s open again too.
4:07 PM: And last but by no means least, SPU’s Ingrid Goodwin has answered some followup questions:
What happened? We strongly suspect that a car hit the hydrant based on where it broke and the force needed to cause the type of damage that occurred (damage occurred to critical hydrant parts that were underground).
Why did the water main have to be shut down? Normally, crews can simply shut off the hydrant valve to make the repair. But because the hydrant valve was damaged, they were forced to shut off the water main to stop the break, which unfortunately led to temporary water shutoff for customers.
Why so much damage? The hydrant that was hit was very old, installed about 40 or 50 years ago. The types of hydrants SPU has been installing for quite a while are “break-away” hydrants that are designed to break away or withstand being struck by vehicles. The new hydrant that was installed today is a break-away hydrant.
Two games at Seattle Lutheran High School on Tuesday night – and it was Senior Night for both varsity teams, hosting Auburn Adventist. Above, the girls lost a close one, 33-32; below, the boys won in overtime, 52-48.
#21 Joe Meehan, who led the Saints with 22 points, was one of the senior boys honored:
Also honored, #11 Alex Okabayashi:
From the girls’ team, seniors honored Tuesday night were #0 Dazor Tillet:
And #24 Izzy Jones:
Both teams play at Puget Sound Adventist in Kirkland next Monday.
#23 Anthony Giomi led West Seattle High School boys’ varsity scoring tonight as the Wildcats netted a win over visiting Roosevelt, 66-44. Giomi had 14 points, with #2 Elijah Nnanabu at 13 and #10 Roman Barnet with 10. West Seattle’s next home game is next Tuesday against Cleveland.
Last home game on the regular-season schedule tonight for Chief Sealth International High School‘s boys-varsity basketball team. The visitors from Seattle Prep went home with the win, 64-48. #14 Sadique Calloway led scoring for the Seahawks with 14 points; #11 Keandre Young was next with 9, and both #22 Elijah Jackson and Javaun Jones scored 7. Calloway, Jackson, and Jones also were among the players honored tonight for Senior Night.
Head coach Colin Slingsby‘s team plays at Roosevelt Friday night.
ADDED EARLY WEDNESDAY: Thanks to Melanie for the photo of the senior boys and cheerleaders who were honored:
The players are, L-R, #1 Euan Canoy, #3 Musa Leigh, #33 Javaun Jones, #14 Sadique Calloway, #22 Elijah Jackson. Cheerleaders are, L-R, Daizha Espiritu, Madeline Fillis, Alyssa Forsell, Charolin Alberto, Mitzi Olivera, Samra Tino, Karyna Garcia, Karolyna Garcia.
(Corner where mural will go – photo courtesy Friends of Roxhill)
EC Hughes Elementary is reopening this fall, as the new home for the students and staff currently at Roxhill Elementary, and while the district is doing some renovation work on the city-landmark building, that doesn’t cover everything. We’ve told you before about the project to upgrade its playground; Friends of Roxhill Elementary also have grant money for a mural. Here’s their announcement:
Call for Artists
Request for Proposals for Mural Design at the corner of 32nd Ave SW and SW Holden St in West Seattle
The Project
Friends of Roxhill Elementary has received a Neighborhood Matching Fund grant from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods that includes funding for a mural. We are seeking an artist to create an original small mural at the corner of Holden and 32nd Ave SW, with potential to extend southward along the wall that runs the length of the property on 32nd. This opportunity is open to established artists living in the Seattle/Northwest area. The application deadline is March 1, 2018, with interviews to follow and the final artist selected by April 1, 2018. The selected artist is to complete the mural in summer of 2018. This will be a community-partnered project working with students and community members for inspiration, with installation to take place (also with community assistance) when the weather is suitable.
Roxhill Elementary is moving in fall 2018 to a renovated E.C. Hughes building at 32nd and Kenyon in Southwestern West Seattle. We are using the bulk of the grant to add a playground.
The Award
A maximum of $10,000 Commission for the artist selected to realize his/her work, which must include materials and permits, if required.
Project Intent
The neighborhood near E.C. Hughes — specifically along 35th Ave SW between Webster and Kenyon – is changing. It’s becoming more of a connected, human-scale neighborhood, with multimodal transportation that goes beyond people riding along in cars. Activating the space along Holden as it nears the intersection with 35th, as this project would do, can help create an open, inviting sense of identity. Roxhill is a multi-cultural school and community and the artist must reflect that aspect in his/her work.
Through this project, we also want to build a long-range vision for all our kids’ successes. Working together to create a mural that reflects our hopes, dreams and visions for the future can help connect each of us to each other. We will build relationships both within our school and outside our school through connections with our new E.C. Hughes neighbors and other PTAs and collaborative organizations, as well as through coalition building with West Seattle neighborhood groups and media. It is imperative the selected artist view the project as a collaborative one, and focus on building connections in the way the mural is planned and painted. It will be a very public showpiece that reflects and celebrates our multicultural school and community at large.
The announcement continues with information about the site, eligibility, and how to apply – see it on the Friends of Roxhill site. The deadline for applications is March 1st.
5:55 PM: Thanks for the tips – multiple trouble spots out there right now. A crash on the West Seattle Bridge that looked like it might clear quickly is now blocking two lanes on the westbound high rise, we’re told. There’s also a crash at 17th and Roxbury that is rerouting buses, according to a Metro alert. We’re also told of deep water on the exit from SB 99 to the bridge, as well as on the bridge itself.
6:29 PM: Metro says SW Roxbury bus routing has returned to normal.
7:17 PM: Now SFD and SPD are headed to a crash at Delridge and Trenton.
Four reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch today:
Wanted to make my neighbors aware that we’ve had further issues at our walk-up apartment building at 2420 54th PL SW. This morning I found that one of two basement storage rooms had been broken into and most of the latches to appx. a dozen individual storage units have been cut or pried open. I’m guessing the break in occurred last night or early this morning.
On January 1 of this year, my wife posted to the WSB that someone had cut a heavy cable bike lock and stolen her nice 29’er bike from three feet outside of our front door.
Our apartment complex is owned by Cornell & Associates; I’ve attempted to let our building manager and the company HQ know but haven’t heard back from either. It’s obvious that we have a security issue—I just wanted to let our neighbors know that they need to be careful.
ALSO ON ALKI: From Kelsey in the 3000 block of 61st SW:
On Sunday morning at 3 am a man attempted to break into my home while I was home. I want to make sure that my neighbors are aware of the situation and on the look out for suspicious activity.
The police came to my home right away and searched the area for the man that had opened both my front and back gate and attempted to enter the house while I was home. He ran when I came upstairs with my dog, but I was able to get a good description of him as he was across the street under a street lamp once I got to the window. He had stolen a package from my neighbor on the street behind me, and left the empty box on my property.
The police followed up with me last night in person to let me know that another officer was called out to Beach Drive early Monday morning because of a report of a man throwing bottles and rocks into the water. He fit the exact description that I had given, and was given a warning. He has had multiple run ins with these sorts of issues according to the officer.
The officer let me know that they may try and connect him with my incident, and to make sure to let my neighborhood know what is going on.
He is a man in his late 20s, early 30s, transient, white with dark hair and wears a dark firefighter jacket with a reflective stripe across the shoulders.
(Added) Police incident # is 2018-024988.
CAR PROWLER IN ADMIRAL: Just after 11 pm last night, Conrad reported a car prowler to the police, in the 45th SW/SW Stevens area – a “male in a dark black or green SUV with no tail lights and one brake light … driving around trying car doors with his window down. I saw him open one door to a neighbor’s car. Be alert and lock your car doors!”
POSSIBLY SCAMMED BY A SKIMMER: From Maggie, who has filed a police report:
I found my debit card number and pin to be stolen. I think it happened at the Shell gas station on the corner of Alaska and Fauntleroy on Thursday night. Someone tried to use it in Florida today and luckily fraud prevention picked it up. Tried to call the gas station to tell them but the number is disconnected. Wanted to warn other people so it doesn’t happen to them. Found out by having a $2.50 charge for “Atm inquiry out of network” charge on both my checking and savings account. No other place I shopped could have had this.
This crime has been on the rise nationwide, according to this online story that also includes tips on how to try to detect skimmers, though experts warn there’s no foolproof way.
Thanks for the tip about a crane visible from North Admiral, looking toward the water. We went over and discovered it’s a tower crane going up for what you might know best as the project on the ex-Alki Tavern site. This is blocking the inland lane of the 1300 block of Harbor Avenue SW, and some staging is under way across the street at Don Armeni Boat Ramp.
This will be the third tower crane up in West Seattle right now – the first has been at the Upton Flats project (35th/Graham) since last February, the second went up two and a half weeks ago at the site of The Foundry (northeast corner of Fauntleroy and Edmunds, on the ex-pawn shop site).
Work started at this site last summer, more than four years after the tavern and other buildings were vacated. It’s planned as a 6-story mixed-use building with 15 residential units, office and “light manufacturing” space, ground-floor retail/commercial, and a public hillclimb/breezeway between California Way and Harbor SW.
After that early-morning 7.9-magnitude Gulf of Alaska earthquake, we want to remind you about the West Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs – shown on the map above (and here – plus there’s a list under the map on this page, as well as printable files). Memorize the location of the one nearest your home, and be sure your loved ones know about it too. Each is a spot, maintained by volunteers, that would be set up for neighborhood communication in case of catastrophe (a big earthquake is the most likely, in our region). Government leaders have long been warning that resources will be overwhelmed if something major happens, so neighbors have to be ready to help each other – and these are the places where that help will be coordinated. If you’re not near one, here’s how to get one going in your area.
A group of neighbors gathered last night to talk about what they could do to find solutions to recurring problems.
The area at issue is between 24th and 26th SW, and SW Hudson to SW Graham – part of the Cottage Grove area. Organizer Patrick Baer circulated an invitation saying:
The 5400 block of Delridge Way and surrounding community is having ongoing public safe issues including rampant drug activity, drinking in public, panhandling, and littering (needles). Despite the City of Seattle being fully aware of these issues, they are void of solutions or willingness to address them.
He made it clear at the start of the meeting at Delridge Library – which is in that area – that it wasn’t time to be spent listing complaints, but to brainstorm and plan action.
(Band-tailed Pigeon, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Here’s what’s up in West Seattle for the rest of your Tuesday, as featured on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
PRESCHOOL ENRICHMENT: The Seattle Art Museum presents a program geared to 3-to-5-year-olds at Neighborhood House High Point, 10:30 am, free – info in our calendar listing. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
RENTER PROTECTIONS: Want to learn about them? The City Council’s Human Services, Equitable Development, and Renter Rights Committee gets a presentation today at its 2 pm meeting – you can see the slide deck here. The meeting’s at City Hall and live on Seattle Channel. (600 4th Ave.)
PARENT POWER TOOLS WORKSHOP: Free workshop to help Seattle Public Schools parents learn more about how to use The Source and Schoology – 6 to 7:30 pm at High Point Library. (3411 SW Raymond)
BASKETBALL: Home games tonight – Seattle Lutheran hosts Auburn Adventist, and it’s Senior Night – 6 pm girls, 7:30 boys (4100 SW Genesee) … West Seattle High School boys’ varsity hosts Roosevelt, 7:30 pm (3000 California SW) … Chief Sealth International High School boys’ varsity hosts Seattle Prep, 7:30 pm (2600 SW Thistle).
NEIGHBORHOOD CRIME/SAFETY: The West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network has its first meeting of the new year tonight, 6:30 pm. You’ll hear from police and also from a special panel of people who have been touched by the opioid crisis. Block Watch captainship NOT required for attendance – all are welcome. (2300 SW Webster)
FAMILY STORY TIME: 7 pm at Delridge Library. Free and fun as always. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
Thanks to Seattle Schools Community Forum for spotlighting this: One of four meetings around the city to talk about changes in high-school-science education is happening this Thursday in West Seattle. It’s of particular interest to parents/guardians of this year’s freshmen and middle schoolers – among the changes, more science credits are required, starting with the Class of 2021, and a new science exam is planned for future juniors. The local meeting is Thursday (January 25th) at the Chief Sealth International High School library (2600 SW Thistle), 7-8:30 pm.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:52 AM: Good morning! Just checked around, and there are no incidents so far this morning in West Seattle or on the outbound routes.
7:22 AM If you are headed for NB I-5 – a stalled dump truck is blocking the right center lane by the I-90 exit.
7:49 AM: Cleared!
(August 2017 WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
A new development in the case of Ryan Cox, the 39-year-old repeat offender charged with stabbing a man in Gatewood last August: The results are in from the pretrial mental-health evaluation ordered last month for Cox, and court documents say he has been found incompetent to stand trial. As a result, a judge ordered him sent to Western State Hospital for up to 90 days of treatment to attempt to restore competency; at the end of that time; if he is found competent sooner, he’ll be sent back to the King County Jail, where he’s been since the August 8th attack.
Cox has been through this process (which is explained here) in at least one previous case, five years ago, when he was sent to Western State for an attempt at restoring competency when he faced hate-crime charges for a homophobia-motivated attack (WSB coverage here). As we reported seven months later, Cox subsequently was found to be competent, and pleaded guilty, which resulted in his first and so far only felony conviction. Prior to his August arrest, the last time he was charged with a crime was two years earlier, resulting in a misdemeanor trespassing conviction involving for Safeco Field after he was ordered to stay out. In the current case, he is charged with second-degree assault.
(WSCO photo: Wind Symphony in concert, December 2014)
The West Seattle Community Orchestras have this invitation for you:
West Seattle Community Orchestras (WSCO) officially started the spring session (last week), leading up to performances planned for March and May. All musicians are welcome!
There are still openings in the following groups:
· Student Strings: Open to students through grade 12. Taught by a professional coach. FREE!
· Adult Beginning Strings: Also taught by a professional coach. Nominal fee. Haven’t you always wanted to play the viola? How about string bass??
· Wind Symphony: Think advanced concert band. There are spots for all instruments, but especially welcome are trumpets, trumpets trumpets! Student musicians FREE of charge; adults nominal fee.
· Debut, Intermediate, and Symphony Orchestras: Openings for strings and various other instruments especially including percussion.
For more info, please check out our website, or contact WSCOrchestras@gmail.com.