2:56 PM: Two sky notes: First, that cloud formation – Byron asked us on Twitter about a “vortex” and we had no idea what he was referring to until we saw that photo e-mailed by Jeff Kaufer. Official name for this formation, anyone? (Update: See comments.)
Also: Possible meteor-watching tonight, Alice Enevoldsen reminds us via Twitter:
Geminids will be occurring all night Dec 13th (Thu) and 14th (Fri), starting low in the East with a few spectacular ones between sunset and 10pm. Then 10pm-2am you'll have the chance to see a lot more directly overhead… 1/2 @westseattleblog https://t.co/koBhHNUyy8
— Alice's AstroInfo (@AlicesAstroInfo) December 13, 2017
ADDED 3:10 PM: Another view, from Tori: