day : 22/12/2017 12 results

HELP THE CHRISTMAS PEOPLE! Got time to bake some cookies?

December 22, 2017 9:22 pm
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 |   Holidays | How to help | West Seattle news

Just a friendly reminder, since Christmas is on the other side of the weekend: The Christmas People are offering a sit-down dinner Monday to anyone who is in need, doesn’t want to be alone, etc., noon-4 pm. As part of that effort and their distribution of 1,600 meals to people without homes, they are welcoming donations of home-baked cookies – more than 3,000 needed! So if you can do a little baking, a dozen, a hundred, whatever (not store-bought), your donation would be more than welcome, and you can drop cookies off at the Alki Masonic Hall in The Junction (4736 40th SW) 9 am-1 pm tomorrow, Sunday, or Monday. (That’s also where the Christmas dinner will be served.)

TONIGHT’S LIGHTS: Another double feature, with a bonus

December 22, 2017 7:52 pm
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 |   West Seattle Christmas lights | West Seattle news

On this Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve, two more stops on our ongoing Christmas-lights tour of the area – above, the photo is from a reader who points out that their neighbors in the 10700 block of 22nd SW have yard decorations including the Nativity, six wise men, and Santa pulling a sled with Woodstock from “Peanuts.” The decorations, they add, come from 10 years of yard-sale shopping. Meantime, we checked out Fauntlee Hills, which usually has a multitude of brightly lit homes, and found this one on 39th SW just north of SW Barton:

Looking right across the street, these happy little faces were twinkling along a railing:

More lights nightly at least through Christmas! Suggestions welcome, with or without photos, at Our previous spotlights are archived here, newest to oldest.

UPDATE: Kitchen fire at house in 5000 block 38th SW

December 22, 2017 5:54 pm
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 |   West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

5:54 PM: A “full response” of Seattle Fire crews is headed to a possible house fire in the 5000 block of 38th SW [map]. More as we get it.

6 PM: Units on scene report it’s a kitchen fire and it’s out.

6:07 PM: Update: Firefighters are still tackling a few “hot spots.” No injuries reported.

6:16 PM: Photo added. Our crew at the scene confirms that the fire was in the kitchen; firefighters are wrapping up and say everyone is unhurt.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Pretrial evaluation ordered for Ryan Cox

We’re continuing to track high-profile West Seattle cases making their way through the justice system, and today a pretrial hearing was held for Ryan Cox, the repeat offender charged with stabbing a man in Gatewood back in August. While Cox’s trial date remains set for January 29th, Superior Court Judge Dean Lum ordered a pretrial mental-health evaluation, to see if Cox is competent to stand trial. Cox remains in the King County Jail and that’s where the evaluation will take place, according to the court order, with results due back before another pretrial hearing on January 22nd.

Christopher Williams to be acting parks superintendent again, and other mayoral announcements

December 22, 2017 2:34 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

More mayoral announcements about who’s staying, going, including news that former West Seattleite Christopher Williams will be acting Parks Superintendent again. Here’s the announcement:

Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced several new department leaders in her administration, including many with a focus on economic development and City planning.

With the previously announced resignation of Jesús Aguirre, Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation, Mayor Durkan announced that Christopher Williams will serve as Acting Superintendent, effective January 13, 2018, as a search process for a permanent head begins. Williams currently serves as the Deputy Parks Superintendent.

With the resignation of Susan Coskey, Director of the Seattle Department of Human Resources, Mayor Durkan announced that Melissa Beatty will serve as Acting Director, effective January 3, 2018. Beatty currently serves as Chief of Staff at Seattle Department of Human Resources. Durkan will launch a search process to find a candidate for the permanent position.

“Both Susan and Jesús have served our City well for years, and I want to thank each of them for their dedication and vision,” said Durkan. “I have a bold agenda for Seattle, and our department leaders across the city will work closely with me to deliver results on our most urgent challenges of housing, homelessness and transportation and to ensure our City is striving for workplace equity. Through every department, our administration will be focused on tackling the affordability crisis from all angles, delivering services to our residents and businesses, and continuing to seize opportunities to build a better future for all of Seattle.”

In addition, Mayor Durkan announced that Lily Wilson-Codega will serve as the Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Relations, subject to confirmation by the City Council, effective January 8, 2018. Wilson-Codega is currently the Political Director of Teamsters Joint Council 28, the parent body of twelve Teamster Locals representing Union members across Washington State, Alaska, and northern Idaho. Chris Gregorich will continue working in the Durkan administration as an advisor at Department of Finance and Administrative Services focused on major projects including expansion of the Washington State Convention Center.

As Mayor Durkan evaluates the City’s approach to solving homelessness, she announced that George Scarola has moved into a role as a strategic advisor for homelessness response at the Department of Finance and Administrative Services, which also aligns with the 2018 budget passed by City Council.

Additionally, Mayor Durkan announced several officials who will continue to serve in their roles including:
• Sam Assefa, Director of the Office of Planning and Community Development
• Kate Becker, Director of the Office of Film + Music
• Randy Engstrom, Director of the Office of Arts and Culture
• Jessica Finn Coven, Director of the Office of Sustainability & Environment
• Ben Noble, Director of the Budget Office
• Marshall Foster, Director of the Office of the Waterfront
• Glen Lee, City Finance Director
• Nathan Torgelson, Director of the Department of Construction and Inspections

“Our City has many unique opportunities as we are continuing to grow and plan for the future. Working together, we will work to keep our economy thriving, our businesses growing, and our neighborhoods affordable,” concluded Durkan.

Last week, Durkan announced many department leaders and previously announced a number of public safety and utility officials who would serve in her administration.


Thanks for the tips! Orcas have been seen northbound past West Seattle in the past half-hour – Bretnie reported one off Fauntleroy, Amy saw four off Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook.

DEVELOPMENT: 160-apartment building proposed at Avalon/Genesee

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

While some sites on the north/west side of Avalon Way that once were proposed for apartments have turned into townhouse projects instead, the south/east side seems to be a different story. In an early-stage proposal that just turned up in city files, the Golden Tee Apartments complex on the southeast corner of Avalon and Genesee is proposed for demolition and replacement by a building with ~160 units and ~100 offstreet-parking spaces. Golden Tee spans two buildings at 3201 and 3211 SW Avalon Way, with 28 units, according to King County Assessor’s Office records, which say they were built 50 years ago. The preliminary site plan on record is by the prolific multifamily-project specialists at NK Architects. NK also designed 3039 SW Avalon Way, a 71-unit project about a block away, still making its way through the permit system after passing Design Review earlier this year.

For the rest of your West Seattle Friday…

(Photo by Robin Sinner)

Half a dozen ways to spend the rest of your pre-holiday Friday, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and Event Calendar:

ILLUSIONS OPEN HOUSE: Until 5 pm, it’s the annual holiday open house at Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) – light snacks, holiday treats, and more! They’re also having an “ugly sweater” contest,
so if you have one, you’re invited to wear it to the open house (not required!) and they’ll photograph you for a contest that launches tomorrow. (5619 California SW)

CAROLING AT EASY STREET: Dude York carols at Easy Street Records, 5 pm. (California/Alaska)

BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS WINE: The tasting room at Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) is open 5-9 pm. Have a glass, buy some bottles. (5910 California SW)

DAVID ROBERTSON DESIGN OPEN HOUSE: At David Robertson Design Studios, 5-9 pm, “an evening of creative, artful design and refreshments,” with men’s and women’s apparel from Idea Lab and FeelGood, and discounts on home furnishings and textiles.(3800 California SW)

HOLIDAY REVUE FEATURING JOE ROSS & FRIENDS: 8 pm-11 pm at Parliament Tavern: “Let’s Get Together at Christmas – It’s Better Than Drinking Alone.” West Seattle legend Joe Ross (the Bird Watchers, Haggis Brothers, Green Pajamas, etc., etc.) brings his eclectic musical friends out for a night of x-mas tunes and merry good times. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

AT THE SKYLARK: The Brodcast, Something Witchy, and Coulee, 8 pm, $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

Something for the calendar or Holiday Guide? – thank you!

Camp Long lodge closing for 10 days, and other Seattle Parks closures ahead

December 22, 2017 10:06 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

More closure info as we go into the holiday weekend: Besides schedule changes for some Seattle Parks facilities on Sunday, and closures on Monday – as listed here – the lodge/visitor center at West Seattle’s Camp Long has an extended closure starting tomorrow. Parks says the building will be closed December 23rd through January 1st, for maintenance work as well as the holidays, and is scheduled to reopen Tuesday, January 2nd.

About last night’s police investigation on Avalon Way

Many asked early today about the sizable police response outside an apartment building in the 3200 block of SW Avalon Way for a few hours late last night/early today. It was eventually clear that someone had died – they were reported to be receiving CPR, and then an area of the sidewalk was taped off and the Medical Examiner arrived – but we were unable to find out more until this morning. Police tell WSB the person was a 28-year-old man who died by suicide.

If you or someone you know is contemplating self-harm, please contact the Crisis Clinic, which has a local 24-hour hotline at 206-461-3222.

UPDATE: ‘Assault with weapons’ call in Alki area = false alarm

8:26 AM: A sizable Seattle Fire response in the 3000 block of 61st SW for an “assault with weapons” call. More as we get it.

8:43 AM: The last SFD and SPD units were leaving as our crew arrived. Police tell us this turned out to be an argument that got out of hand but no one was injured or otherwise in need of treatment.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT/WEATHER TODAY: First full day of winter

(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)

7:11 AM: Good morning. No snow – not cold enough – and so far, no incidents in/from West Seattle.

TRANSIT ON CHRISTMAS DAY: On Monday, Metro will be on a Sunday schedule; the Water Taxi won’t run. Sound Transit Route 560 will be on a Sunday schedule.