Last night’s aurora postponed our plans to publish two beautiful sunset photos – so we’re featuring them here instead. Above, by Chris Frankovich; below, by Jim Borrow.
Now, highlights for the second day of your holiday weekend:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: See what all this sunshine has ripened! 10 am-2 pm in the street in The Junction. (California between Oregon and Alaska)
AMERICAN LEGION POPPIES, DAY 2: 10 am-4 pm again today at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), American Legion Post 160 is distributing Memorial Day poppies, as previewed here. (4201 SW Morgan)
LOW-LOW TIDE, WITH BEACH NATURALISTS: 11:30 am-3:30 pm at Constellation Park south of Alki Point and at Lincoln Park, you’ll find volunteer Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists to help you explore the shore responsibly during the low-low tide, which is -3.2 feet today at 1:30 pm.
COLMAN POOL, DAY 2: The outdoor pool on the shore at Lincoln Park continues its first preseason weekend, open at noon – schedule info in our preview. (To get to the pool, walk or bicycle from either end of the park – here’s a map.)
ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE TOURS, DAY 2: 1-4 pm today, you can tour the historic Alki Point Lighthouse; last group enters at 3:40 pm. Free, courtesy of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. (3201 Alki SW)
MODE MUSIC STUDIOS PRESENTS OPEN MIC AT SKYLARK: 3-6 pm, it’s the monthly Get On Stage/Get Involved all-ages, no-cover open-mic event at The Skylark, presented by next-door neighbor Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor). Details on the Skylark calendar. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
BLUES AND ORIGINALS: That’s what Brian Butler plays, and he’s performing at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm today. (5612 California SW)
MELANCHOLIC POP: That’s what you’ll find at Parliament Tavern at 8 pm tonight, with Echo Ravine, Mujahedeen, Jordan Campbell performing. $5 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
AND THERE’S MORE … on our complete-calendar page.
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