Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:
CAR PROWL: From Brian:
Thought I’d report this in case so Neighborhood Watch will be on the lookout. Car prowler entered my girlfriend’s car Tuesday night. She doesn’t keep valuables so nothing was taken. Her paperwork from the glovebox was strewn about. My cross street is Brandon and 23rd. Reported to police. Going to set up surveillance.
DUMPED LOOT? Steve e-mailed the photo below after finding “a pack and a lunch sack on 42nd between Andover and Dakota”:
Yours? Let us know.
WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: WSCPC president Richard Miller has announced the special guest for next Tuesday’s meeting (7 pm April 18th, Southwest Precinct, 2300 SW Webster): Officer James Ritter, who will talk about the SPD Safe Place program and the Seattle Metropolitan Police Museum. And as always, SW precinct reps will talk with attendees in an open discussion of crime trends and neighborhood concerns.