Electing a board for the year ahead is part of what happens at the Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual meeting. So the board gathered for our photo last night (the list is at our story’s end). The event had a triple-digit turnout, in part because of its other identity – the annual Food Fest, with samples from local providers. Ahead, photos from the night:
Unlike many meetings, this one is light on speeches. Even Mayor Murray, who dropped by, circulated to talk with constituents:
Also there, King County Council Chair (and resident of nearby Morgan Junction) Joe McDermott, who stopped for a photo with Gary Dawson (left) and Bruce Butterfield (right) of FCA:
Fauntleroy’s newest food provider, Lonjina Verdugo of Wildwood Market (45th/Wildwood), serving sandwich bites and tastes of Roasted Carrot Coconut Curry Soup:
A longtime Fauntleroy favorite, Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor), is always there for Hall at Fauntleroy food festivities:
The hosts, Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering, offered Thai tacos:
You can probably guess what Donna and Cesar from Giannoni’s Pizza were offering:
Community organizations were part of the event too – including the Friends of Lincoln Park:
And the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor):
Now, the list of FCA board members:
David Haggerty
Vicki Schmitz-Block
Susan Lantz-Dey
Gary Dawson
Kathleen Dellplain
Bruce Butterfield
Jewel von Kempf
Shannon Ninburg (Secretary of Record)
Frank Immel (Secretary)
Alexis Zolner (Treasurer)
Richard Hansen (Vice President)
Mike Dey (President)
Not in attendance:
Marty Westerman
Michael Lieberman
The FCA added at least two dozen new members at the event, too!
The board meets most months on the second Tuesday, 7 pm, at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW), all welcome.