UPDATE: Orcas reported off West Seattle

12:13 PM: Thanks to Trileigh for first tip – orcas have been seen off Alki in the past half-hour, headed southbound. While we were writing this, Donna from The Whale Trail called in a tip too – look toward Blake Island.

12:46 PM: Texter says they are visible “mid-Blake” – so you should be able to see them from the Beach Drive shoreline, especially Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook.

1:48 PM: Commenter Jen says they’re off Vashon now.

11 Replies to "UPDATE: Orcas reported off West Seattle"

  • Amy March 26, 2017 (12:24 pm)

    Thanks for the tip – first time I’ve been able to see them from my house!  Also, the Island Explorer passenger vessel as identified all marinetraffic.com was following, and close – is there a way to report?

    • Kersti Muul March 26, 2017 (3:47 pm)

      Yes, you can and should report. I will as well.

      Call the be whale wise number at NOAA18008531864

      • WSB March 26, 2017 (4:05 pm)

        Thank you, Kersti. I tried looking up the # and could not find it anywhere.

        This “Island Explorer” apparently does whale-watch trips. We saw it near Alki Point two days ago and for some reason I thought it might be the new Kitsap County foot ferry out on a practice run so we pulled over to photograph it. Then I looked it up and saw that it was a whale-watching boat which apparently makes regular trips in this area. Please also consider notifying the company itself as they might not be aware.


        • Kersti Muul March 26, 2017 (4:44 pm)

          they are FULLY aware

          • Chuck March 26, 2017 (8:34 pm)

            Meaning? That they knew on their own that they’d pressed these whales too closely, or that you lowered the boom? Either way, let’s hope they give them some space! 

          • Kersti muul March 26, 2017 (9:16 pm)

            These boats [captains] are well versed in the be whale wise guidelines. I have seen violations many times and it’s not because they are ‘unaware’ ; it continues because there is no enforcement

  • The Rog March 26, 2017 (12:42 pm)

    There’s an adolescent seal that’s been attempting to find a mellow spot on the beach off alki near Bonaire, but people keep spooking it. I left a message for seal sitters…

    • Lynn April 1, 2017 (1:59 am)

      Next time tell them to back off and leave the seals some space. 

  • Jen March 26, 2017 (1:42 pm)

    The Orca are further south now. South of the Vashon ferry lane. Still being followed by the whale watching boat.

    • WSB March 26, 2017 (1:47 pm)

      Thanks for the updates!

  • cdine March 26, 2017 (5:08 pm)

    Kersti got a far better photo than any of mine, but I have a few if people are interested as well.


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