Congratulations to nine local students for their success so far in a national arts competition! Thanks to Lindsay Yost for sharing the news tonight, on the eve of districtwide recognition for them:
Students from three schools in West Seattle have qualified to advance to the state level of the National PTA Reflections arts program! These students will be competing against students from all over Washington State. The Seattle Council PTSA is hosting a recognition ceremony, with special guest, Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Larry Nyland, tomorrow (Sunday, Jan. 8th) at the Seattle Armory from 2-3pm. The schools are:
Alki Elementary
Literature – Collin Temme, Where I’m FromDenny International Middle School
Visual Art – Kai Jackson, Girl in the Galaxy (above)
Visual Art – Daniel Crawford, My Weirdness (above)
Literature – Richard Garcia, The Meadow of Death
Literature – Kendall Sementelli, The one with scarsPhotography – Veronica Dempster, Headshot (above)
Dance – Ruby Martin, Ruby’s Dance Choreography
Chief Sealth International High School
Literature – Audriana Slye, Four
Literature – Olivia Palmer, ON WRITING
Yost is Reflections chair at Alki Elementary and co-chair of the districtwide event (with Liza Rankin); Manuela Slye is Reflections chair for Denny and Sealth. Good luck to the young artists at the next level of competition! (You can see all their work on the Seattle website for Reflections – browse school-by-school.)