YOU CAN HELP: West Seattleites reaching across the miles to help ailing mom-to-be

In case you’re still feeling dispirited about this year’s campaign and want to do something life-affirming this Election Day … here’s one option. Coach Sonia Sillan from Elite Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu of Seattle (WSB sponsor) in North Delridge and her students are reaching out across the miles to help one student’s sister, who in mid-pregnancy learned she had cancer.

Michelle Bonilla is an amazing human who is going through a difficult time right now, and we are asking for your help. As she entered her second trimester of pregnancy, the doctors finally figured out why she was experiencing sickness and pain – she was diagnosed with stage III lung cancer. The doctors believe that she had ovarian cancer, which metastasized to her lungs and throat. The diagnosis quickly evolved to stage IV. Michelle is currently in her third cycle of chemotherapy, and is making trips to the hospital four times a week. The doctors at some point will have to induce childbirth, and Michelle’s daughter will be introduced to the world prematurely to increase the intensity of her treatment. Unfortunately, because of her pregnancy and cancer, she is unable to work, the endless bills are piling up.

Michelle’s sister Harly, an Elite BJJ student, is crowdfunding coast to coast to help her sister – here’s the link. She says, “Mikki is one of the most easy-going, gentle, and noble people that I know. She is also the best Tía (aunt) to my eight-year-old daughter. She had been wanting to be a mother for a long time, and we were all excited when life granted her that wish and she became pregnant. Our world was turned upside down as we progressed through different stages of her illness.”

1 Reply to "YOU CAN HELP: West Seattleites reaching across the miles to help ailing mom-to-be"

  • JanS November 8, 2016 (1:13 pm)


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