From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
‘INTERVIEW DAY’ AT THE MOUNT: Until 7 pm today, interviews and tours are offered during a job fair at Providence Mount St. Vincent. (4831 35th SW)
CITY COUNCIL BUDGET COMMITTEE: The business of local government goes on, and right now, the City Council’s Budget Committee is talking again about councilmembers’ proposed changes to the mayor’s budget – as they continue to get to the point where any chances have to leave the budget balanced, meaning changes that add cost also have to spell out where the money will come from. The proposals are linked to the agenda, which you’ll find here; the meeting is live on Seattle Channel, online or Cable 21.
WESTWOOD-HIGHLAND PARK HALA REZONING WORKSHOP: We’ve been reporting on the proposed rezoning in “urban villages” as part of the city’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA). West Seattle has four UVs, and the first “community design workshop” for one of them, Westwood-Highland Park, is tonight. From the city calendar listing:
The goal of this workshop is to help inform City Council about your community’s vision of how our Urban Villages should look, feel, and function in support of important citywide goals for increased affordability, design quality, and housing options in neighborhoods throughout the city.
We welcome a lively interchange of ideas and opinions on the recently proposed zoning changes for your neighborhood, including where the boundary for urban villages should be drawn, what mix of zones best support the context and conditions of local areas, and how to encourage more housing options and elements of livability (including neighborhood amenities such as frequent and reliable transit, community-serving businesses, parks and schools).
The workshop is in the library at Chief Sealth International High School, 6 pm. (2600 SW Thistle)
DENNY INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA: 7 pm in the Denny library, it’s the PTSA’s “family meeting,” with information about updates and opportunities. (2601 SW Kenyon)
34TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS: 7 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy. See this month’s agenda here. (9131 California SW)
AMERICAN LEGION POST 160: 8 pm monthly meeting at Post 160. (3618 SW Alaska)
LIVE COUNTRY MUSIC: The Loose Heels, 8 pm at Parliament Tavern. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
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