(WSB photo from our coverage of the Delridge Projects Workshop at SWTLC in June 2015)
As mentioned in our coverage of last week’s Delridge District Council meeting, the next community workshop /open house about the Delridge Action Plan – multiple potential neighborhood improvements – is set for October 8th. The city has just sent this announcement with new details:
The City of Seattle is collaborating with communities to create a shared vision and Delridge Action Plan to improve the livability of the North Delridge neighborhood.
For two years, the Office of Planning and Community Development has worked with the community on plans to create great community places and improved services. City departments have coordinated work on the action plan with other projects on Delridge Way SW, including transportation safety improvements and better transit service.
The City is holding an open house on October 8 to present the highlights of the plan, gather feedback and additional input. At the workshop, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is hosting a community resource fair where neighbors can learn and share projects, improvements, resources and initiatives that Delridge community and neighbors are leading.
Open House and Community Resource Fair
9:30 a.m. to Noon, Sat., Oct. 8
Southwest Teen Life Center
2801 SW Thistle StreetChild care, light snacks, and foreign language interpretation will be provided.
To make the street safer and more comfortable for all users, the Delridge Way SW Multimodal Project is considering improvements to the roadway from SW Roxbury St. to the West Seattle Bridge. At the workshop, residents will look at different segments of Delridge Way SW and discuss a range of transportation improvements and the trade-offs between them.
The proposed improvements under consideration were identified based on public input, traffic and collision data, and recommendations from the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT’s) modal plans. The result will be new street designs that improve safety and mobility for people and goods. Transit service will be improved through RapidRide transit service.
In the Longfellow Creek Watershed, Seattle Public Utility’s (SPU) Natural Drainage Systems (NDS) Partnership Program will build right-of-way stormwater projects to help achieve the water quality goals identified in the Plan to Protect Seattle’s Waterways. Visit SPU’s website to learn more about natural drainage systems.
Over the years, the residents of North Delridge have worked with the City to create neighborhood assets such as the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail, Cottage Grove Park, and affordable housing options. Fifteen years have passed since the Delridge community completed their neighborhood plan.
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