Four highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for the rest of today/tonight:
FIND IT ON FRIDAYS: Starting today, the High Point (35th/Raymond) and South Park (8604 8th S.) branches of the Seattle Public Library are now open again on Fridays, 11 am-6 pm, and SPL is celebrating with “Find It On Fridays” – explained here.
VISCON CELLARS WINE RELEASE: Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) is releasing three new wines today and tomorrow. From Ben Viscon: “We are releasing a 2015 Viognier called “Perseverance.” Artwork on this label is from Jesse Link. Also a 2015 Rosé of Syrah, and our new 2012 Red Wine Blend.” The tasting room is open 5-9 pm tonight and 2-7 pm Saturday. (5910 California SW)
CORNER BAR: Highland Park Improvement Club‘s monthly Corner Bar is tonight, starting at 6 pm. Live music by Squirrel Butter. More info in our calendar listing. (12th SW/SW Holden)
KOTO JAZZ: Chris Kenji and Koto Jazz, live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) tonight, 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
LOTS MORE … on our complete calendar.
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