West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
Announced today by SDOT, what might be the last closure of the west end of the West Seattle Bridge for the Fauntleroy Expressway earthquake-safety cushion re-replacement project:
The Fauntleroy Expressway will be closed Monday evening, July 11, beginning at 9 p.m. and will reopen by 5 a.m. on Tuesday morning. The contractor working for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has completed the installation of the 674 bearing pads on the Expressway. The Monday night closure will allow the contractor to survey and conduct finishing work related to the bearing pad replacement.
The finishing work is application of epoxy on some of the bearing pads. The epoxy is intended to ensure the pads are providing thorough cushioning. This is a step towards completion of the project and will occur below the structure. It has not been determined whether the epoxy application can be done while the structure is open to vehicular traffic, or whether it require additional night closures. Project updates will be provided when it has been determined whether additional closures are warranted. SDOT thanks the public for its patience while this work is being completed.
The work was suspended for a week after the deadly July 1st incident in which a passing truck struck the boom lift on which two crew members were working under the bridge, sending both falling, killing one.
(Our first Friday report on Summer Fest is here)
4:09 PM: Things are just ducky as the first day of West Seattle Summer Fest 2016 moves toward evening. (You’ll find the birds, along with pigs and goats, at GreenLife on the south end of the festival zone.) The main-stage music has begun, too – it started with the 3 pm performers from School of Rock:
Nastybits is playing now, with Braindrain at 5, and of course headliners Tacocat tonight at 9:30.
If you’re down here, you might be looking at all the opening-soon restaurants and wondering what’s new. We broke the news earlier this week that Dumplings of Fury is planning to open July 20th. That’s one day after the scheduled opening of Shelby’s Bistro and Ice Creamery – not in time for Summer Fest, but we just found out that Shelby’s is offering sneak-peek tours the next two days, 10 am-6 pm Saturday and 11 am-5 pm (which are the official Summer Fest hours, too). They won’t be able to serve food or ice cream until they officially open, though.
Something else that’ll be big the next two days – the 360-degree group photos to be taken here at California/Alaska by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, whose booth is right across from Easy Street Café:
SWSHS is also offering walking tours. See the schedule in our story from Friday.
5:52 PM: Biggest question right now – when’s closing time tonight? Booths are supposed to stay open at least until 6 pm. Some will be folding up then – some will stay open later, and again, the music continues well into the night. Despite a cloudy/showery forecast, the weather’s been great all day, and so have the people.
The food booths are usually going strong through dinnertime. If you’re into total festival food, look for the Deep Fried PB&J booth, and consider the deep-fried Nutella and banana sandwich ($7). And if you’re planning to come tomorrow, some unique shopping:
Earlier we mentioned that shops from outside The Junction often book Summer Fest booths to introduce themselves to more West Seattleites – that sign, across from the Fitness Together (WSB sponsor) building north of California/Alaska, goes with Mystery Made, whose brick-and-mortar shop is in Admiral. Continue further north, and you can find “badass barware” in this trailer:
It’s on California north of Oregon. Speaking of beverages – Bin 41‘s wine garden is now open outside their shop on the southwest corner of California and Alaska; the official festival beer garden is by the stage on California north of Oregon; you’ll also find other festival-only outdoor areas including at The Beer Junction just south of California/Oregon.
P.S. If you’re coming tomorrow or Sunday, another reason to stop by here at the Info Booth – by day’s end we now have info you can peruse about a variety of other big West Seattle summer events – WS Outdoor Movies (which start one week from tomorrow), Alki Art Fair (two weeks away), Hi-Yu events, even a poster for the West Seattle Food Bank‘s “Grand Affair” benefit coming up September 16th. Or, just wave as you pass – thanks to all the fine folks who have come by to say hi today/tonight already. We’ll be in the info booth until about 6:30, and then heading out for a break before coming back in time for the later musical acts.
6:48 PM: We haven’t left just yet – still plenty of people circulating. While as we mentioned the “official” closing hour for booths was 6 pm, some stay open – including food vendors, and rides are still running too (as mentioned earlier, tickets are $1.25, with ride prices from 1 to 5 tickets, and a day pass is $20 – there was a $45 three-day pass but kind of too late for that now – update, rides run until 8 pm). Biggest question this hour, “which way to the main stage?” Answer: North end of the festival zone. Acapulco Lips is up at 7, Chastity Belt at 8, Tacocat at 9:30.
Snack tip for tomorrow: We’ve spent the day staring across the intersection at QFC’s tent, which again this year has fruit kabobs, water, and coconuts. Water’s $1, fruit/coconuts are priced $3-$4. They’ve closed down for the night now but will be back tomorrow under the orange umbrellas.
(Police on patrol at West Seattle Summer Fest)
Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole reiterated this afternoon that SPD officers are working “in pairs” until further notice, in the aftermath of the murders of five officers in Dallas. She and Mayor Ed Murray appeared this afternoon with community advocates to urge peace:
Shortly before that mid-afternoon event, she published an update on SPD Blotter. Here’s an excerpt:
… I have ordered our officers to carry out their duties in pairs. This will not prevent us from responding to calls for service, nor will it prevent us from safeguarding the lawful expression of 1st Amendment rights. We will work tirelessly to ensure that the conversations that must happen in response to recent events, happen without violence and with a shared commitment to justice for all. ….
The mayor published his own statement here.
(Left, map of 13 Seattle “neighborhood districts”; right, map of 7 Seattle City Council districts. Both from seattle.gov)
Will the city’s 13 neighborhood districts be realigned with its seven City Council districts? It’s been a hot topic among community groups citywide, and District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Herbold will bring an update to the Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting next Tuesday. From ANA president Larry Wymer:
Lisa Herbold – City of Seattle Councilmember representing Seattle’s 1st District (West Seattle & South Park) – will give an overview on the proposal to align the 13 different Department of Neighborhood districts – and corresponding personnel and resources – with those of the 7 City Council Districts. Councilmember Herbold will be available to address not only questions on this proposal, but other issues of importance to Admiral and West Seattle residents.
We will also discuss the success of our recent 4th of July West Seattle Kids Parade – and brief members on the planning and final list of bands and musical acts for the Summer Concert Series at Hiawatha Park.
The ANA meets at The Sanctuary at Admiral, at 2656 42nd Ave SW. Our monthly meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Councilmember Herbold, by the way, has just published an update on her website, with three major topics – the ongoing process to determine the future of the Myers Way Parcels (here’s WSB coverage of last week’s community meeting), an upcoming “Lunch and Learn” event about Equitable Development, and details of this fall’s city-budget process.
11 AM: One hour into the first day of West Seattle Summer Fest 2016, and the sun has arrived in The Junction, along with festivalgoers of all ages:
The preschoolers were stopping by the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) tent, where there’s hopscotch as well as information about the expansion project. They’re right across from our spot in the Summer Fest Info Tent – info on the north and east sides, community groups on the west and south sides.
The Kid Zone is in the Wells Fargo lot north of Alaska (look for free activities in the WF drive-thru) along 44th, and also on Alaska west of California, where you’ll find the ticket booth:
We checked on prices first thing, after a reader question. Ride tickets are $1.25; a day pass is $20; all three days, $45. The ride-ticket booth is also where you’ll find cotton candy, which we’re often asked about; most food is on the other side of Alaska, between California and 42nd, but also look for sidewalk specials in front of year-round Junction eateries
The main stage is at the north end of the festival zone on California, between Oregon and Genesee, with the beer garden nearby; it opens when the music starts at 3 pm with School of Rock – tonight’s headliner, Tacocat, plays at 9:30.
There’s also a stage at the south end of the festival zone, on California at Edmunds; that’s part of GreenLife, presented by Sustainable West Seattle:
Music and other performances/demonstrations are planned all weekend, starting around 2:30 today. And between the two stages – dozens and dozens of vendors, exhibitors, organizations. If you’re looking for someone in particular and can’t find them, come to the Info Tent and we’ll do what we can to help.
11:57 AM: Looking for lunch? Here’s our Instagram video of a quick walk past the main food zone:
Also look for sidewalk cafés and stands outside the year-round Junction eateries (the restaurants are all open too – except for Azuma Sushi, closed for vacation). And Screamin’ Sicilian is handing out FREE pizza samples on the northwest corner of California/Alaska.
Other businesses and groups are on the east side of Alaska, across from the food vendors, including West Seattle Hi-Yu, where you can take your photo with the “Around West Seattle” float, which was getting a touchup when we walked by:
You can meet the Hi-Yu Teen Ambassadors and royalty, too – we stopped by to say hi to Junior Court Princess Stephanie and friends when we arrived:
And come see Haley Beebe be crowned Senior Court Queen on Saturday at 11:30 on the main stage.
1:12 PM: Though many Summer Fest vendors are from outside the area, it’s also a great chance to come find out more about local businesses and organizations. For one, as we’ve mentioned, you can check out the local year-round eateries, some with special setups on the sidewalk, some without – we just heard from Itto’s Tapas just north of the festival zone, at California/Genesee, and they’re opening early today, at 2 pm.
Summer Fest is also a chance for businesses from outside The Junction to come show off. Meeples Games (WSB sponsor) from south of Admiral has a booth:
We’ve also seen Avalon Glassworks, from Luna Park, which has Summer Fest specials every year.
1:46 PM: You can also learn about local nonprofits at Summer Fest. Some are in the “Community Tent,” which is actually half of the Info Tent at California/Alaska:
Right now, Neighborhood House, West Seattle Garden Tour, and BeSMART are on that side of the tent, talking with people who stop by. Throughout the festival zone, you will find other nonprofits with booths including West Seattle Food Bank – where you can buy raffle tickets for $5 that get you discounts at four local eateries even if you don’t win the raffle – West Seattle Helpline, West Seattle Timebank, WestSide Baby – some are in the GreenLife area by California/Edmunds. Speaking of nonprofit – members of the West Seattle High School Band just set up under the Easy Street marquee.
West Seattle HS Band members raising $ for a new tuba at Summer Fest. pic.twitter.com/I04OAvX5wI
— West Seattle Blog (@westseattleblog) July 8, 2016
More to come!
Happy Friday! Rain or shine, the biggest party of the summer is on:
(Live SDOT traffic camera, east edge of the festival zone – road closure & bus reroute info here)
WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST: Day 1 runs 10 am-6 pm, but the music runs well past then – it starts on the main stage (California north of Oregon) at 4 pm, with tonight’s headliner Tacocat at 9:30 pm – see the full music lineup here. … We’ll start reporting on what’s up and who’s where once we’re in place at the Info Booth at California/Alaska, but here are some other links that might help for starters:
Vendor list
Food list
Kids’ area (free AND fee activities – update: $1.25/ticket, $20/day pass, $45 three-day pass)
GreenLife (south end of festival zone, California/Edmunds)
Road closure/bus reroute info
Again, watch for live festival coverage here after things get going post-10 am. Also happening today/tonight:
COLMAN POOL CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC … because of a swim meet.
WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: 5 pm at Barnes & Noble/Westwood Village, journalist Eric Wagner and photographer Tom Reese talk about their collaboration “Once and Future River: Reclaiming the Duwamish.”:
The monthly author presentations comprising WWWS are presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society. (2800 SW Barton)
OUTDOOR SHAKESPEARE: 7 pm at the amphitheater behind Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, it’s the Greenstage Backyard Bard version of “Twelfth Night.” Free. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
TX TRUMBO: Singer-songwriter live at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
(Click any view for a close-up; more cameras on the WSB Traffic page)
7:11 AM: It’s Friday and the first day of West Seattle Summer Fest. The festival officially starts at 10 am but road closures and bus reroutes began last night at 6 pm. Here’s what you need to know:
STREETS CLOSED: The closure zone is on California Avenue SW between SW Edmunds and SW Genesee (with SW Oregon remaining open to east/west traffic), and SW Alaska between 42nd and 44th.
BUS REROUTES: From the Metro “alerts and updates” page, which will be in effect until late Sunday night (the festival ends at 5 pm Sunday but breakdown and cleanup last for several hours):
C Line – here
Route 22 – here
Route 37 – here
Route 50 – here
Route 55 – here
Route 57 – here
Route 128 – here
Route 773 Water Taxi Shuttle – here
7:15 AM: Trouble on northbound 99, according to this WSDOT tweet:
On SR 99 northbound at Battery St Tunnel there is a collision blocking the left lane.
— WSDOT Traffic (@wsdot_traffic) July 8, 2016
8:39 AM: If you’re heading south on I-5 over the weekend, remember the pavement project that will lead to lane closures in South King County.
Announced via a Facebook event page, a demonstration at noon Saturday in The Junction, titled “Black Lives Matter: Silent march for youths and friends.” The link was e-mailed to us overnight; the times on the responses indicate it was announced sometime before 3:15 pm yesterday. Local volunteer and entrepreneur Lashanna Williams writes in the invitation:
Together we show that this has to stop, and we are the agents of change. We are. Our children are. We ARE agents of change.
Don’t wait for someone to change it…. Let’s do it.
Saturday at noon together, we will walk around the festival carrying the names of the black lives lost to police violence this year. Together we will hold space for the lives taken, we can create space for change, meaningful change.
My son, danté and my daughter, coco, will be just outside Easy Street Records at 12:00. They will help to lead silent peaceful protest line through the festival.
Kids, please bring your parents. Parents, please bring your kids and walk.
I know an hour doesn’t right all the wrongs, but it is a way to express our anger and sadness with our children, formulate thoughts with other adults, and just share space with others who are just DONE.
Peaceful image on a turbulent night. Thanks to Mark Rhea for the photo taken Wednesday at Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook on Beach Drive.
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