Interested in rowing? Duwamish Rowing Club wants to see you Saturday

April 28, 2016 8:58 am
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DRC Youth Rowers
(Photo courtesy Duwamish Rowing Club)

Our area’s only rowing club, based in nearby South Park, has an invitation for you this Saturday (April 30th):

Duwamish Rowing Club continues to grow. Last season we added 3 “new” racing shells. They are new to us but not totally brand new, although they are all very fine raceable boats. The funding for the new boats came through the Duwamish River Opportunity Fund grant. None of the new boats came with names and so it’s time to name them and have a dedication party.

We will be honoring several of our donors and supporters including Bob and Dagmar Cronn, and Pacific Medical Centers. The dedication ceremony will be held at the 12th and Elmgrove Park across from the DRC boathouse at 4 pm on Saturday, April 30th. Refreshment to follow.

We hope that you all can make it and help celebrate the new rowing season and DRC’s success, as well as help us thank some of the folks who have supported us. For additional information about the DRC, check our website, find us on Facebook or Instagram, or email us at

P.S. While the photo above features some of the DRC youth rowers, the club is for all ages.

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