From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

PARKING-LOT SALE: The Shorewood Christian School fall/winter parking-lot sale is on until 4 pm today, 8:30 am-4 pm tomorrow. Thanks to Mel for the photo! (10300 28th SW)
BOWLING FOR HOPE: 4-6 pm at West Seattle Bowl, bowling, pizza, and pop to benefit the Hope Middle School Washington, D.C., enrichment program – details here. (39th SW & SW Oregon)
DOG DAYS OF SUMMER: 5-7 pm, second-to-last chance for your dog to swim at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club during their post-human-swimming-season fundraiser – details here. (10103 31st SW)
‘SEATTLE MADE WEEK’ TRUNK SHOW @ CLICK! Local blacksmith Erica Gordon is bringing her Steel Toe Studios forged buckles and handmade leather belts to Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) for a “Seattle Made Week” trunk show, 6-9 pm tonight. Here’s Erica in the studio:

(Photo courtesy Erica Gordon)
Click! says, “She will be showcasing a limited offering of one-of-a-kind buckles from her Scale collection, as well as new leather belt color ways. She will also be sharing her full collection of stainless steel and brass jewelry, not typically carried at Click!.” (4540 California SW)
HELP THE HELPLINE – CONCERT SERIES STARTS TONIGHT AT ALKI UCC: At 7 pm, Alki UCC Church is hosting its first formal concert since acquiring a 7-foot handmade German concert grand piano two years ago, and its the start of a concert series meant “to bring concert-hall-quality music to West Seattle, and support a local organization in the process. Our outreach team chose West Seattle Helpline because their focus is on how to keep people from becoming homeless.” Here are tonight’s musicians, Spencer Hoveskeland, Lia Wax, and DJ Wilson, rehearsing earlier this week (clip provided by organizers – thanks!):
Desserts and refreshments will be served during intermission. Helpline could only fund one of every three requests for help during its last fiscal year – your support tonight (and beyond) can change that for the better. Full details in our calendar listing. (6115 SW Hinds)
WESTSIDE BABY’S FALL MASQUERADE: 7-10 pm benefit at Emerald City Trapeze Arts – details in our calendar listing; get your tickets here. (2702 6th Ave. S.)
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Chief Sealth International High School is home at Southwest Athletic Complex against Ballard tonight, 7 pm; that’s when West Seattle High School plays Rainier Beach on the road at Southeast Athletic Complex; and it’s also when O’Dea and Seattle Prep face off at West Seattle Stadium.
OF COURSE THERE’S MORE! Music, bingo, theater … all on the complete calendar.