8:36 PM: Thanks to Ramona (who also sent the photo) and Matt for the tip – a slide is covering part of Fairmount Avenue, near SW Hill (toward the north end of Fairmount; here’s a map). We’re hearing Seattle Fire crews heading to check out a slide report in that area right now – not sure if it’s the same one, since as you can tell from the photo, this slide happened before nightfall.
9:22 PM: The SFD response closed fairly quickly. Slides are causing trouble elsewhere in the region, too, blocking rail travel between Seattle and Everett, and also blocking part of a road in the Southworth area, on the other side of the ferry route from Fauntleroy. The rain is expected to ease overnight.
10:59 PM: New problem (via scanner): Vehicles reported to be stalled in water across West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way – frequent trouble spot in heavy rain, with runoff down the HP Way hill and from the West Duwamish Greenbelt. Police are on the way.
11:07 PM: Police are also at another flooded section of West Marginal, 6300 block (map), and closing it in both directions.
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