We’ve had three months’ warning (actually longer, but until September, it was just a line somewhere in a long-range plan), and now, it’s time. In case you missed the Christmastime publicity blitz in citywide media … as the holiday season ends, we’re pointing to the new recycling rules – food waste goes in the yard-waste bin (if you haven’t been putting it there already). And that doesn’t just mean fruit/vegetable scraps. From the city’s “what do I do with THIS?” flyer:
As noted last fall, while the new rules are in effect as of yesterday, this is the start of a six-month ramp-up period, to give everyone a chance to get used to it and figure out how to do it. And even when enforcement starts in July, this isn’t set up as a moneymaker for the city – the residential fine is a buck, for example. The point is that the city is hoping to get to its goal of recycling 60 percent of the waste stream. You’ll be considered to be in compliance if you have less than “10% recyclables or food waste” in your trash can. To get them from kitchen to bin, you can use paper or compostable bags, or get a covered compost pail to keep in the kitchen.
SIDE NOTE – SO WHAT ABOUT THE IN-SINK DISPOSER? In previous discussions, some have declared they’ll just keep using this rather than diverting food waste to the yard-waste bin. We’ve looked around for info on that; general consensus (in reports such as this) seems to be, while it’s greener than just throwing food waste in the trash, it’s not as green as composting. And best thing of all is to just figure out how to waste less food, period.