West Seattle (and vicinity) Crime Watch: Car just stolen

Stolen car to watch for, from Vera near 26th SW/SW 102nd, just east of Arbor Heights: 1992 dark-blue 2-door Honda Accord, license # 398-YBN, k2 stickers on the back triangle windows. She saw it being driven away less than an hour ago, but didn’t see the thief. She’s in the unincorporated area and has already reported it to the King County Sheriff’s Office. Call 911 if you see it.

P.S. In case you’re just tuning in to the news as the weekend ends – on Friday night, Seattle Police went public with Southwest Precinct crime stats for the first time in a long time (here’s our report). Auto theft is up in this precinct too – 12 percent compared to a year earlier – but that’s a third of the citywide 38 percent increase. Looking at Tweets by Beat for the weekend so far, the only auto-theft reported to Seattle Police in West Seattle was in the 4000 block of California SW, early Saturday morning.

1 Reply to "West Seattle (and vicinity) Crime Watch: Car just stolen"

  • ws_suzanne November 23, 2014 (10:06 pm)

    This is mind boggling — Vera is the second friend within the past five days whose car was stolen. The other friend lives in the Seaview neighborhood on 49th.

    Really hoping against hope that SPD makes property crime a MUCH higher priority. Their apparent non-response makes it feel like the theft rings have taken over the city.

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