month : 07/2014 310 results

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014: Live coverage, Friday’s 1st report

10:16 AM: That’s the SDOT traffic camera pointing north on California at Alaska – right over our vantage point in the heart of West Seattle Summer Fest, which has just officially opened. We’ll be covering it live for the next three days, but you can also count on us for other news coverage, especially breaking news, as it happens, so you won’t miss a thing. First, some info links:

TODAY’S HOURS: 10 am-8 pm
MUSIC: Schedule here; Squirrel Butter is first at 2 pm, Yada Yada Blues Band at 9 pm
FOOD: Local year-round restaurants plus vendor stands on the south side of Alaska, east of California
BABY/TODDLER FEEDING/CHANGING: Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor) booth by NW Art and Frame; City Mouse Studio/Store at 4218 SW Alaska
KID ZONE: Rides/bouncy toys/ticket booth are on Alaska west of California; also, activities in the Wells Fargo drive-thru
PET JUNCTION: First-of-its-kind pet zone is on California north of Oregon
VENDOR MAPhere (by number, per the list)
GREENLIFE SCHEDULEhere – first event today, Zumba at 1 pm

12:01 PM: Two hours into Day 1, lots of fun so far. Lots of shade and breeze, too, so it’s a great place to get out of the heat. While you’re browsing vendor booths, you can snag some shade too – stop and chat with folks like Gina with Snooter-doots:

Rides and bouncy toys for kids are just west of our spot in the Info Booth – they’re on Alaska west of California and also in the Wells Fargo drive-through. Here’s the price list:

Plenty of activities sprinkled throughout the rest of the festival – for example, the West Seattle Y (WSB sponsor) is just north of us, and it’s offering jumping and hula-hooping.

The new Pet Junction area on California north of Oregon has the MaxMobile pet-adoption van, today only:

Throughout the festival, the Community Tent – actually two canopies – can be found on the south side of Easy Street’s corner of California/Alaska, with a rotating list of local community/nonprofit organizations:

Here’s today’s list of participating groups whose reps are looking forward to meeting you there:

10 am -2 pm
Environmental Science Center
34th District Democrats

2 pm – 6 pm
Seal Sitters
West Seattle Girl Scouts
Seattle Parks for All
WS Green Spaces
Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forests

Some nonprofits have their own spots around the festival grounds – among them, the West Seattle Food Bank, which asked us to share an announcement:

Summer Fest is on all weekend and the West Seattle Food Bank is selling $5 raffle tickets for a chance to win two unrestricted roundtrip tickets on Alaska or Horizon Airlines (no blackout dates) PLUS a 10% discount at 5 fabulous West Seattle restaurants, Christo’s on Alki, Elliott Bay Brewery & Pub, Talarico’s Pizzeria (you could use both of those the day you’re at SummerFest), Menchie’s Admiral & Zeeks Pizza. All proceeds go to help our West Seattle families in need. Stop by and see them and you’ll get a free new cool car window sticker. They’re across from West 5!

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society booth is on the north side of Alaska, east of California, and Seymour History the marmot is on hand until 3 pm with volunteers from the Washington State Historical Society joining SWSHS reps – read more about that here.

Meantime, here in the Info Booth (look for the big INFORMATION sign as well as the WSB banner), service organizations’ volunteers are helping out throughout the weekend too – today, meet reps from the Rotary Club of West Seattle (who also are selling $5 tote bags to raise money for Pencil Me In For Kids, which gets school supplies to kids in need).

12:46 PM: In the background on the block between Alaska and Edmunds, the unmistakable sound of work continuing on the two under-construction projects, including 4730 California at midblock:

We got a tip that the contractor, Compass, is offering cool drinks, and stickers, so check it out if you pass that way. That project has topped out, which means shade where it didn’t exist before.

1:30 PM: When you are at Summer Fest, don’t miss GreenLife – it’s tucked in the parking lot on the west side of California just north of Edmunds (east of the Chase ATM drive-thru). Sustainable West Seattle is managing it again this year, with local sustainability-focused businesses participating, onstage performances and demonstrations and … chickens!

And next to the Info Booth, a pigeon sighting – the official art for this year’s Summer Fest posters etc. is also a photo-op station (that’s West Seattle Junction Association director Susan Melrose at left):

Also getting into the festival spirit – Seattle Police assigned to Summer Fest patrol. Officers Steiger and Dobson met up with West Seattle Hi-Yu royalty:

More to come – we’ll be launching the second round of as-it-happens coverage around 3 pm, after a couple of non-festival news notes.

West Seattle restaurants: Alki sign up for future Blue Moon Burgers

Thanks to Kenna for the photo and to Will for the tip – the Blue Moon Burgers sign finally has gone up at its future Alki location (former home of Alki Auto Repair, now in the Luna Park business district). Our first report was back in March; Blue Moon officially confirmed it to us in early April. When we spoke with him then, owner Charlie Olson didn’t expect that remodeling work (they’re remodeling, NOT replacing, the auto-repair building) would take long once they got the permits; we’ll check with him to see if they have an update.

West Seattle Friday: Summer Fest, low-low tide, wading pools, writers, Shakespeare in the park, more!

July 11, 2014 9:00 am
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 |   West Seattle news

Top of today’s highlight list is our area’s biggest party of the year, which starts at 10 am – West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction! We’re reporting live again this year from the midst of it all – the information booth at California/Alaska. Quick links first:

SUMMER FEST MUSIC SCHEDULEhere (first band, Squirrel Butter at 2 pm)
SUMMER FEST VENDOR MAPhere (by number, per the list)

Other highlights for the day/night:

COLMAN POOL CLOSED … but this time it’s scheduled; no public swimming events today and tomorrow because of a swim meet.

WADING POOLS/SPRAY PARK SCHEDULELincoln Park (11 am-8 pm), EC Hughes, Hiawatha wading pools are open today, along with Highland Park spraypark (11 am-8 pm). Addresses are here.

LOW-LOW TIDE: -2.8 at 10:35 am; volunteer beach naturalists are out at Lincoln and Constellation Parks, 9:30 am-1:30 pm.

WORDS, WRITERS, WEST SEATTLE: The author-appearance series presented by the Southwest Seattle Historical Society at Barnes and Noble/Westwood Village continues today with Harold Taw and Elizabeth Austen: – here’s their video invitation, produced by Mark Jaroslaw for SWSHS:

Full details on the SWSHS website. 5-7 pm. (2600 SW Barton)

SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: Greenstage‘s Backyard Bard series presents “All’s Well That Ends Well” at High Point Commons Park, 7 pm. (Lanham/Morgan/Sylvan)

NIGHTLIFE: Summer Fest music rocks on into the night. But other areas of West Seattle have live music tonight too – see the listings on our calendar.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Summer Fest Friday edition

Happy Friday! It’s Day 1 of West Seattle Summer Fest in The Junction: The tents are up, the streets are closed – specifically, California between Edmunds and Genesee (though east-west traffic on Oregon is allowed through) and Alaska between 44th and 42nd. Bus reroute specifics (each link is a PDF from Metro explaining stop and route changes):

*RapidRide C Line
*Route 50
*Route 55
*Route 57
*Route 128
*Route 773 (Water Taxi shuttle)

Once the festival begins at 10 am, we’ll be covering it live. First, the rest of the commute:

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
We’re monitoring as always; if you see/hear something, let us know – but not until you can safely/legally do so (if you are a passenger, or once you have reached your destination) – text or voice any time, 206-293-6302.

P.S. One major weekend closure in the region – the 520 bridge closes again late tonight through early Monday.

Congratulations, West Seattle Little League Intermediate All-Stars: #2 in state!

July 11, 2014 2:53 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS & Sports

From Keven Ruf:

West Seattle Little League 13-year olds in the Intermediate League competed Thursday afternoon for the State Championship in Mill Creek. They lost to an all-star team drawn from three leagues in the Everett area, but they put up a great battle to finish second in the state.

The team played together all season against several other division teams from Central Seattle, Highline, and White Center. In June they won the District Championship at Pac West field in Burien, and earned the right to contest the State tournament in Mill Creek.

The roster consisted of Chris Frost, Will Douglas, Kelvin Wallace, Henry Ruf, Hunter Hammington, Joe Pare, Nate Pelley, Eli Dever, Noah Oehling, and Nathan Villegas.

The team was managed by Dave Douglas and coaches were Brian Pare and Keven Ruf.

The Intermediate League is sponsored by Little League, but is played on larger fields with a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot bases.

Their season was highlighted by consistent pitching, good fielding and strong hitting, with many innings of double-digit scoring.

Many of the players will be cheering on the West Seattle 11- and 12-year olds this weekend at Bar-S fields, where they too will be competing for the State Championship.

That tournament starts tomorrow – here’s the bracket/schedule, with the WSLL team’s first game at 1 pm Saturday. If you’re going to a game, don’t forget the Visitor’s Guide to Bar-S!

Southwest Design Review Board, report #2: 3824 California passes Early Design Guidance on 3rd try

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

A change in architects meant a big change in fortune for 3824 California SW, the townhome/live-work project proposed on the three-years-vacant ex-Charlestown Café site. On the third try – first one since the changes – the proposal passed Early Design Guidance and moved on to the second and final phase of Design Review.

In contrast with the evening’s first meeting, which was sparsely attended, dozens of neighbors and community members turned out for this one – they have long been working hard to make sure their voices would be heard in plans for the ex-cafe site, and this time, according to those who commented, they were, even though its basic composition hasn’t changed – a mix of townhomes and live-work units.

Johnston Architects is the firm now leading the project; Ray Johnston briefly described the site, saying that they hope to bring a “diverse mix” of uses into the property, with its status between the Admiral and Alaska Junctions.

Johnston’s Megan McKay led the presentation.

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Southwest Design Review Board report #1: Eye-clinic project @ 7520 35th SW sent back for second round of early-design guidance

July 10, 2014 8:17 pm
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 |   Development | Health | Sunrise Heights | West Seattle news

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Making its debut before the Southwest Design Review Board, the proposed Clearview Eye Clinic project at 7520 35th SW was sent back for a second round of Early Design Guidance.

Concerns included how the building would interact with the evolving streetscape – busy as 35th SW is, and can be – and whether it was too close to the street, and should be set back as are other buildings. A paucity of landscape was identified as a concern, too, as was the fact that the proposal includes a parking area fronting 35th SW, and how the site’s vehicle entries should work.

This project will be a medical/commercial building – no residential component – and the architect described an intent for its look to be “crisp, clean, and clear.” (We first reported the project plan two months ago.)

Four of the SWDRB’s five members (with T. Frick McNamara absent) were present, with planner Tami Garrett from the Department of Planning and Development.

Architect Peter Bocek from PB Architects explained that the clinic doctors are building a permanent home for their practice, with a staff of about 20, because their lease at Westwood Village is expiring:

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Happening now: West Seattle Summer Fest Eve, July Art Walk

The streets are closed in the heart of The Junction and the party’s on – West Seattle Summer Fest eve, setup going on while, as the night began, Bubbleman made his traditional appearance outside Elliott Bay Brewery:

And as he performed, the setup continued (vendors don’t arrive until tomorrow morning, but the booths, stage, and other components need to go up tonight):

Some merchants got going on the Summer Fest sidewalk sale early – like Tom Henry of JF Henry (WSB sponsor):

There’s music in the street – some of it hasn’t even started yet (West 5 proprietor Dave Montoure told us things would get going around 8 pm outside his venue) – and WS Art Walk until 9.

As part of Art Walk, S. Tudyk is at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), where the Summer Fest pre-party also features Click! co-proprietor Frances Smersh introducing new jewelry. At Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), Clay Eals from the Southwest Seattle Historical Society was there for the ongoing show of photos celebrating the 30th anniversary of the high-level bridge:

The two photos with him are before – the old bridge – and after (aerial photo by Long B. Nguyen, whose work is often seen here on WSB). More to come.

Create a Seattle Park District? Days before ballots arrive, yes/no sides make their cases to Admiral Neighborhood Association

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

When the August 5th ballot arrives in your mailbox next week, it will include one major issue for you to decide: How will the City of Seattle raise extra money for its park system from here on out?

In recent years, the city has done that by taking a levy/bond measure to the public every so often. The most recent one was the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy, which expires this year.

But what the city’s asking you to approve this time has no expiration date. If you approve Seattle Proposition 1, you’ll be voting to support creation of a permanent Park District with taxing authority – no further votes needed.

The Admiral Neighborhood Association spent most of its July meeting on a mini-forum about Proposition 1 – with some pointed questions, and responses.

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West Seattle Weather Watch: ‘Excessive heat’ this weekend

It’s been warm for days – and it’s about to get a lot warmer. The National Weather Service has issued an “excessive heat watch” alert (see it here) for the weekend, Saturday morning through Sunday night. Highs are expected in the 90s – and even after the weekend, no significant cooldown is likely before at least midweek.

West Seattle Summer Fest 2014 starts tomorrow! More previews – including Instrument Petting Zoo, CycleLung, diaper drive, more

West Seattle Summer Fest is almost here – it starts 10 am tomorrow (Friday), and once again, we need to remind you that the Junction streets close TONIGHT at 6 (details, including bus reroutes, are here – and “Summer Fest Eve”/Art Walk info for tonight is here). We still have lots to share in advance. Some quick points this afternoon:

COMMUNITY TENT: One of the schedules you might not have seen yet is for the neighbors you’ll meet at the Summer Fest Community Tent, just west of the Information Booth at California/Alaska (where you’ll find us again this year). So many of the people you’ll meet at the Community Tent are busy all year doing good work, almost always on a volunteer basis, to make West Seattle an awesome place, so go say hi, meet them, thank them, ask questions … The lineup, coordinated by the fine folks at Furry Faces Foundation, is toward the end of this page. (P.S. During Furry Faces’ official time in the tent, they’ll be offering pet-ID tags, among other things.)

WSCO’S ‘INSTRUMENT PETTING ZOO’: West Seattle Community Orchestras will be at the Community Tent (see the schedule) with an “instrument petting zoo” so that young prospective musicians can get a firsthand look.

FAMILY REST STOP AT CITY MOUSE: At 4218 SW Alaska (just east of California), City Mouse Studio and Store is again open during Summer Fest with “a place to feed, change, and escape the heat,” according to proprietor Donna Ryan.

DONATE DIAPERS AT HOMESTREET BANK AND ITS BOOTH: Melodie from HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) has a Summer Fest update:

All weekend long we will be accepting diaper donations for WestSide Baby’s upcoming Stuff the Bus Event (7/20). HomeStreet Bank will accept donations at our booth in vendor row and also at the Branch during normal business hours. We will also be helping folks keep cool by giving out free Otter Pops in front of the branch (located at the corner of Alaska and 41st), while supplies last.

HomeStreet’s booth in the heart of the festival grounds is #148.

‘CYCLELUNG’ AT AAA BOOTH: From AAA-West Seattle (WSB sponsor) – they’ll be at Summer Fest too:

People can stop by our booth (#) to learn more about all of AAA’s great services and enter to win a prize. You can also spin our prize wheel and receive a giveaway. Plus, on Saturday, AAA will host the CycleLung to promote the ALA Bike Around the Sound presented by AAA. The CycleLung is interactive art where a person can pedal a stationary bike to get lungs (a series of light bulbs) to light up. The piece of art is made up of bicycle parts. We look forward to seeing everyone at Summer Fest.

Those are just a few updates – you can browse/search the vendors list, review the vendors map (zoom in to see each booth number), the music schedule, and more, on the official Summer Fest website. For the seventh year, we’ll be in the Information Booth (at walk-all-ways, California/Alaska), with volunteers from the West Seattle Chamber, Kiwanis Club, and Rotary Club, ready to answer questions and say hi. We’ll also have Summer Fest updates, photos, videos, and general info here on the site “live” all three days (plus WSB’s social-media channels – see the links atop the right sidebar). See you at Summer Fest!

West Seattle Crime Watch updates: Tire-slashing rampage followup; Alan Polevia back in jail

Two West Seattle Crime Watch updates:

(One of nine photos published in our original report last Saturday)
TIRE-SLASHING SPREE UPDATE: We finally obtained the police report written after officers talked to many of the people whose vehicles’ tires were slashed late July 4th or early July 5th in Seaview – here’s our original story. The report includes 22 cases totaling 30 tires; neighbors cited up to 40, so if it happened to you and you haven’t reported it, be sure to contact police. We also were reminded by SPD that if anyone with a surveillance camera anywhere nearby hasn’t checked it yet – maybe you were away for an extended holiday weekend? – please do, before the recording is lost. Meantime, neighbors’ reward fund is up to $750 and they are still accepting contributions – go here. And the neighbor who organized the fund has posted in the WSB Forums looking for help in putting up posters touting the reward for tips (follow that link – her contact info is there too).

ALAN POLEVIA IN JAIL AGAIN: Last fall, we covered the sentencing of 33-year-old repeat offender Alan Polevia, who had made news both regionally – for escaping from Harborview while handcuffed – and locally, for various property-crime cases. He was sentenced to six months, and got out this spring. This week, a reader tip brought the news that he was booked into King County Jail again Tuesday morning. Charges have since been filed against him; it’s not a West Seattle case, but because of his history in this area, it seemed noteworthy. According to court documents, Polevia is charged with second-degree burglary and firearm theft for a late-April break-in at Boulevard Park Pawn and Loan (11848 Des Moines Memorial Drive). 13 guns were stolen, in addition to other items; two safes containing at least some of those guns had been pried open. The King County Sheriff’s Office report says deputies came into contact with Polevia that day about a mile away and noticed him both “highly under the influence of narcotics” and wearing an empty holster that he couldn’t explain. It had a price tag from the pawn shop; prints on one of the pried-open safes matched his. His bail is set at $50,000, plus $500 for an unrelated failure-to-appear case.

Maybe you’ve been noticing the helicopters …

We’ve received a few phone calls about unusual helicopter traffic today – and have heard/seen a few going over WSB HQ. Turns out there is a huge “emergency exercise simulating an aircraft accident” at Sea-Tac, going on for another hour or so. Participants include “eight evacuation helicopters, more than 175 emergency vehicles and 300 victim volunteers.” Airlift agencies that are participating, according to the summary, include “the U.S. Coast Guard from Port Angeles and Astoria, Oregon, U.S. Navy Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington Air National Guard – Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Snohomish County Sheriff, King County Sheriff, and Airlift Northwest.”

West Seattle Art Walk, Summer Fest Eve, Luna Park Block Party, Design Review x 2, and more for your Thursday…

Today’s calendar-highlights look into the (immediate) future starts with a look at the past:

Courtesy of the Seattle Municipal Archives via the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, that’s video of the West Seattle Bridge from the 1970s – in honor of the ongoing celebration of the 1984-completed high-level bridge’s 30th anniversary, which continues tonight. But first, another historic clip, this time showing what maritime traffic used to have to fit through!

The bridge-history photo display at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) is part of tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk – here’s the summer-quarter map/venue list for the WSAW:

As always, the Art Walk runs 6-9 pm. Spotlighted venues/artists are on the official WSAW website. And while the Art Walk is *not* limited to The Junction, your enjoyment there will be enhanced by the closed streets – as noted again in our daily traffic watch, California closes between Genesee and Edmunds, Alaska between 44th and 42nd, starting at 6 pm tonight for West Seattle Summer Fest prep, and those blocks stay closed to vehicle traffic until WSSF breakdown is over late Sunday night. One more Junction venue to mention:

JINI DELLACCIO’S PHOTOGRAPHY AT EASY STREET: An extra-special photography exhibition at Easy Street Records for Art Walk – the work of Jini Dellaccio, rock-portrait photographer who died just last week at the age of 97.

(The Sonics, by Jini Dellaccio, republished with permission)
As Rod from ESR points out, “Her amazing photos live on!” He shares this info from her biography:

After years of shooting fashion photography in the LA area, Jini Dellaccio brought a remarkable degree of sophistication to her portraits of blue-collar rock musicians of the early to mid-sixties. Her iconic images of seminal rock & roll bands such as the Sonics, Wailers, Daily Flash and Don & The Goodtimes, among countless others, capture both the aesthetics and attitudes of these influential groups. Many of Dellaccio’s photographs were shot among the lush landscape of her Gig Harbor property and reflect the conventions of the dominant “Northwest School” art movement of the region. Her candid concert photographs – featuring local groups as well as legendary national touring acts such as The Who, The Yardbirds and Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels – mirror the raw, energetic and often menacing music that characterized early Northwest rock & roll. Jini’s journey in becoming America’s first woman rock & roll photographer is chronicled in the recent documentary, Her Aim Is True.”

Easy Street is at California/Alaska.

Also tonight as part of Summer Fest Eve, it’s …

BUBBLEMAN OUTSIDE ELLIOTT BAY: 6 pm, it’s a pre-Summer Fest tradition, as Elliott Bay Brewery brings in Bubbleman to put on a show for kids (of all ages) out in the middle of California SW, midblock between Alaska and Edmunds.

And even more of what’s up today/tonight …

TENT SALE AT JF HENRY: Many Junction merchants still have “sidewalk sales” during Summer Fest time – that’s how the festival originated, long, long ago. And at least one is starting early – JF Henry Kitchen and Tableware, returning as a WSB sponsor for the occasion, starts its sale today. (4445 California SW)

SUPPORT THE WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE 9-10 ALL-STARS: As mentioned here last night, they’re raising money for their travel to the state tournament in Richland; you can buy raffle tickets 4-6 pm today at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) and Admiral Safeway.

LUNA PARK BLOCK PARTY: 6-9 pm outside Ola Salon in the Luna Park business district, you’ll find vendors, food, music, and fun – here’s our calendar listing. (2942 SW Avalon)

DESIGN REVIEW X 2: Two projects go before the Southwest Design Review Board tonight in its first meeting in more than two months – the eye clinic proposed at 7520 35th SW is up at 6:30 pm for its first Early Design Guidance meeting, while the townhome/live-work proposal for the former Charlestown Café site at 3824 California SW is up for its third EDG meeting at 8 pm. Both reviews are upstairs at the Senior Center of West Seattle; the design packets for both are linked in this WSB preview. (Oregon/California)

EVEN MORE … on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar.

Your next fundraising car-wash chance: West Seattle High School softball team, this Sunday

July 10, 2014 10:50 am
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

We’re often asked, “When’s the next benefit car wash?” This weekend’s answer – Sunday (July 13th)! 10 am-2 pm at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor), the West Seattle High School softball team will wash cars, by donation, to help pay for a trip next year to play in France, according to WSHS athletic director Trevor Leopold (who shared the photo – and who was honored as All-Metro Softball Coach of the Year this past spring). WS Autoworks is at 35th/Webster.

Tully’s on Alki – coffee at the beach! Welcome, new WSB sponsor

Tully’s on Alki has joined the WSB sponsor team, and today brings their chance to let you know what they’re all about:

(WSB photo of the Tully’s on Alki team)
Tully’s on Alki has been serving the local community since 2000. Located in the heart of the Alki Beach neighborhood, Tully’s is the perfect spot to relax and hang out, or grab refreshments to go. Our comfy seats by the fireplace, free wifi and beautiful view of the water are all yours to enjoy.

We offer fresh-roasted coffee and a wide selection of hand-crafted espresso beverages, as well as tea, hot cocoa, and many other choices. We also now offer Cold Brew, made in store every day!

Our featured Single Origin coffees can be enjoyed in-store with a French Press, Chemex, or Pour-over. Cool off on a warm day at Alki Beach with our delicious ice-cream Shakes, Bellaccinos, Smoothies, Italian Sodas, and much more. Hungry? We proudly serve fresh-baked pastries and sandwiches from Alki Bakery.

We love being a part of the West Seattle community, and our mission is to exceed your expectations. We are grateful for our many loyal customers, and if you are new to Tully’s, we invite you to come give us a try. The team at Tully’s on Alki is waiting to serve you!

Tully’s on Alki is at 2676 Alki Avenue SW – that’s the corner of 60th/Alki, right across from the east end of the promenade. See their coupon on the WSB West Seattle Coupons page!

We thank Tully’s on Alki for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; see our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

Seattle tax alternatives for transit, North Highline ballot measure, more @ 34th District Democrats:

Toplines from last night’s 34th District Democrats meeting, from transit funding to ballot measures:

TRANSIT-TAX ALTERNATIVE: Councilmember Nick Licata pitched the proposal for an employer “head tax” and increased commercial-parking tax to raise money to prevent Metro cuts in Seattle, instead of a sales-tax hike. He said there are “three strong arguments” for it – first, reliability, since sales tax is vulnerable “to downturns in our economy” but the commercial-parking tax continued to grow even during the recession years; second, he said, “it’s a stronger connection” between saving transit and parking vehicles; third, the sales tax makes the already-regressive tax situation even more regressive, and Licata thinks the city “keeps going back and back” to the sales-tax well too often. The main argument against it, he said, is that “the business community will say, why are you burdening us?” when the minimum-wage increase already is going to affect businesses and when it might make Seattle look like a bad place to do business.

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TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Summer Fest Eve edition, with street closures, bus changes starting tonight

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Happy Thursday! It’s the eve of West Seattle Summer Fest, with Junction street closures and bus changes starting tonight. From 6 pm until late Sunday night, California SW will be closed between Edmunds and Genesee and SW Alaska between 44th and 42nd. Here again are the announced Metro reroutes – each link goes to the Metro PDF explaining the temporary changes;

*RapidRide C Line
*Route 50
*Route 55
*Route 57
*Route 128
*Route 773 (Water Taxi shuttle)

Reunion reminder: West Seattle High School Class of ’74

Big milestone reunion this year! We were asked to share this reminder:

The West Seattle High School Class of 1974 40th Reunion is July 19th from 6:30 to 11:30 PM at The Hall at Fauntleroy, 9131 California Ave SW. All tickets must be purchased by this Friday, July 11th. None will be sold at the door. To register, go to PayPal and credit card accepted.

If that’s your reunion – have a great time!

West Seattle music: Richie Jenkin marks new life with ‘New Songs’

Ever dream of ditching the day job – assuming it’s NOT your dream job – and making a living doing something you love?

West Seattle musician Richie Jenkin worked as a social worker downtown, coordinating a program for homeless men. He says it was good work he enjoyed, but the time came for it to end.

All his life, Richie had been a musician, sometimes in clubs, sometimes in bands, sometimes teaching guitar, sometimes playing at home alone, or with friends. So as his social-work job started to wind down, he wondered what was ahead. First, he says, “I began teaching guitar again, and when I had built up a big-enough student load, I resigned from my day job. Thoughts ran through my head about doing some recording of songs, but I took no action. Six months went by. One morning while sitting quietly in my music room, and without prior thought, I got up and walked over to my recording equipment that had been lying dormant for many years, and began work on a version of an old favorite folk song: ‘500 Miles.’ “

In the three years since then, Richie says, he has been consumed with writing, playing, singing and recording songs, both originals and covers. He continues teaching. And now he has released a CD, “Richie Jenkin: New Songs,” a product of his new life. Here’s a sample track:

You can hear more of his album at his website, It is also available for download from iTunes and from Amazon.

Do you recognize this dog? Just caught after apparently wandering Lincoln Park for days

After multiple reports of this dog wandering Lincoln Park, possibly for days, we mentioned it on the WSB Lost/Found Pets page, and after no owners stepped forward, animal rescuers got involved. The dog has just been humanely trapped and is in rescuers’ care, and we’re helping cast a wide net to see if anyone has any idea who it belongs to. Here’s who to contact: Jim at Useless Bay Sanctuary, 206-552-0304 or, who says so far it’s believed to be female, about 55 pounds, no chip detected yet. For more of the backstory, see the Pets page item and its comment section. Thanks!

West Seattle Little League updates: Fundraising; volunteering; ‘Visitors’ Guide to Bar-S’

It’s a huge summer for West Seattle Little League, with, as previously noted here, teams in the state championship tournaments, and one of those tournaments happening right here at the WSLL’s home fields, Bar-S on Alki Point. Updates on all of the above:

(Photo courtesy WSLL)
9-10 ALL-STARS’ FUNDRAISER: This team is raising money for its travel expenses to get to the state tournament in Richland this weekend, and you have one more chance to buy raffle tickets (and/or make donations), 4-6 pm tomorrow (Thursday) at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor) and Admiral Safeway. Some of the items being raffled are listed here.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP WITH THE TOURNAMENT: Current and past WSLL families are being asked to volunteer to help the league with various things during the week of the tournament at Bar-S, July 12th-19th – find out more here about how to get involved.

VISITORS’ GUIDE TO BAR-S: Going to the games during the 11-12 state tournament? Parking, shuttle, and other information that will be helpful whether you’re coming from West Seattle – or from outside the metro area – is in the “Visitors’ Guide to Bar-S“; see it here. At the Bar-S tournament, the WSLL team‘s first game is Saturday at 1 pm vs. Camas (here’s the full bracket/schedule).

First week for High Point Market Garden Farm Stand

It doesn’t get much fresher than a stand selling organic produce right next to the big garden where it’s grown, and that’s what’s happening until 7 pm at the High Point Market Garden Farm Stand (32nd/Juneau), during this season’s first weekly opportunity for public purchases. Here’s the produce/price list for this week:

High Point is one of two Market Gardens that are part of the city Department of Neighborhoods community-gardening program. The produce stand will be open to the public every Wednesday, 4-7 pm, through the end of September.