Hoping for West Seattle light rail? Another Sound Transit survey

Last fall, we shared the link for you to take a survey about Sound Transit‘s Long Range Plan Update – light rail to West Seattle, maybe? Word is, there was lots of West Seattle response, and last month ST offered an update about some possibilities (as reported here). However – the plan update is still a work in progress, and as part of the process, now the agency is out with the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. Here’s where you come in this time around: The comment process for the DSEIS includes a NEW online survey that you can take – go here – and/or, follow the plan link above to see other ways to comment. (Thanks to Eric for the tip!)

7 Replies to "Hoping for West Seattle light rail? Another Sound Transit survey"

  • heather June 14, 2014 (7:48 am)

    #12 is the important one to get to in this survey. They’re clearly discussing Ballard expansion vs East side and it looks like, per previous feedback, they threw in an option for WS. So, I think it’s important your feedback is recorded in this section. I am dismayed to see that it looks like WS is slotted for permanent express bus :(
    In my perfect world we’d have a couple WS trollies going parallel along the penninsula Alki to S of Westwood, expanded water taxi and a light rail going from airport/WS/DT/UW…

  • Alki Guy June 14, 2014 (8:43 am)

    I think it is important to fill out the survey. Questions 10 and 12 are where you can select the West Seattle/Downtown sound transit line. The survey only took me 5 minutes.

  • JoB June 14, 2014 (4:49 pm)

    i filled it out.
    i am not sure how much good that will do

  • Maggie June 14, 2014 (5:21 pm)

    Done! Survey took less than 5 minutes and is iPhone friendly. Thanks for bringing this to our awareness.

  • JO June 15, 2014 (12:09 pm)

    Just filled it out and it took just a couple of minutes. So important to provide input because we need a better, longer term transit plan. Thanks for letting us know WSB!

  • JD June 16, 2014 (9:05 am)

    Filled it out but still looks like any of those options would still be an 1+ Hours to get from the the Admiral / Avalon area to Boeing Field.

  • JAT June 16, 2014 (10:20 am)

    JD, at the risk of bringing on the reactionary wrath, you could ride your bike from admiral Junction or 35th & Avalon to the far end of Boeing field in 30 min or less.

    the more people that do it, the safer it will become.

    Wrath On, people!

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