(Alki surfbirds, photographed last weekend by Danny McMillin, shared in the WSB Flickr group)
While you get ready for New Year’s Eve/Day celebrations (checked the Holiday Guide yet?), it’s a semi-quiet weekend, but still some activities/options:
TWO BLOOD DRIVES: If you can donate, this is the time of year when your blood donation is needed more than ever – and today, it’s convenient, with the Puget Sound Blood Center‘s Bloodmobile in The Junction 9 am-3 pm, 4700 block of 42nd SW (break 11:30-12:30) and at Holy Family‘s Tice Hall (18th/Roxbury), 10 am-4 pm (break noon-1 pm).
2 SHOWS ON ‘WINTER WONDERETTES’ 2ND-TO-LAST DAY: Tomorrow’s the final performance of “The Winter Wonderettes” at ArtsWest, but you have TWO chances to see the show today – 3 pm and 7:30 pm (tickets online here).
LIVE MUSIC AT C & P: Legend Heart performs at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) 6-8 pm tonight, 5612 California SW.
‘BLUES, BALLADS, BOOGIE WOOGIE’ AT KENYON HALL: 7:30 pm, with Orville Johnson & Casey McGill – e-mail Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) for a reservation ASAP, kenyonhall@earthlink.net.
‘WEST SIDE GLORY 4’: 8 pm tonight at Skylark Café and Club, billed as “a queer variety show,” for 21 and over. The performer lineup’s on the Facebook event page.
THE BOURBONITES AT THE FEEDBACK: Rock out, Americana-style, at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 6451 California SW, 9:30 pm tonight with The Bourbonites.
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