West Seattle Monday: K-5 STEM dine-out benefit; voter-registration deadline; ‘spooky storytime’…

October 29, 2012 9:49 am
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(Photo of Longfellow Creek, by Laura James)
Fairly quiet day on the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar and the WSB Halloween page … time to recover from weekend activities including the first-ever Harvest Festival (our coverage is here and here), but we have a few things:

DINE OUT TO HELP A SCHOOL: All day/night, Endolyne Joe’s in Fauntleroy will donate part of today’s proceeds to West Seattle’s new K-5 STEM school.

VOTER REGISTRATION DEADLINE: The final deadline for voter registration is today – details on the King County Elections page.

FERRY DRILL: As mentioned here on Friday, an anti-terrorism drill is planned today on board a state ferry somewhere between Vashon and Edmonds – and if it happens to be off West Seattle shores at the time, you might notice unusual air/sea activity.

SPOOKY STORYTIME: 7 pm tonight at High Point Library (35th/Raymond), Halloween story time! Details here.

NIGHTLIFE: Pub quiz night at Shadowland, 8 pm … Flat Earth Society DJ’ing at West 5 features Jody McKane spinning tonight, 9 pm.

Check the calendar for a few more recurring events!

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