Monday miscellany: Three notes, West Seattle & vicinity

SCHMITZ PARK ELEMENTARY MENTIONED IN BOSTON GLOBE: One of the East Coast’s best-known news organizations has published a story looking at Seattle Public Schools in comparison to Boston’s system, and one of the Seattle schools featured is Schmitz Park Elementary. Read the story here. (Thanks to Jameson for the tip!)

FRUITFUL YEAR: City Fruit harvested trees in West Seattle this year as well as elsewhere – and reports the West Seattle harvest alone totaled more than 6,700 pounds of fruit, going to dozens of organizations helping fight hunger. City Fruit is raising money for its 2013 harvesting work with a hard-cider tasting 5-8 pm November 1st at Olson Kundig Architects, 406 Occidental Ave. in Pioneer Square (a central location since besides WS, City Fruit also serves South Seattle and Phinney Ridge). Tickets are available online.

SPACE NEEDLE GOING GREEN – well, the top is, anyway. The online voting is over and a tree design is the winner to replace the “Galaxy Gold” (looks orange to us) that’s been atop the Space Needle, visible from here.

8 Replies to "Monday miscellany: Three notes, West Seattle & vicinity"

  • Carolyn October 22, 2012 (6:53 pm)

    I had so hoped the Space Needle would stay ‘gold’ – made for a bright spot on a dark and gloomy day! Oh well . . .

  • denbol October 22, 2012 (7:56 pm)

    Living up to our tree hugging ways

  • breezygirl October 22, 2012 (9:40 pm)

    I’m just wondering if I missed a story about where all the awnings in the junction have gone?

    • WSB October 22, 2012 (10:02 pm)

      We’ve been trying to get the full details on that for a couple days. Saw them taken down late last week; a few of them were on a truck that briefly reappeared today, then went away again. Maybe tomorrow we’ll reach the person we’ve been pointed to.

  • miws October 22, 2012 (10:12 pm)

    Trees are great, aren’t they, denbol…..



  • Genessee neighbor October 22, 2012 (11:28 pm)

    It’s getting to be all about ‘data’. Schmitz Park was a great neighborhood school that has lost that sense of ‘neighborhood’ because of people and administrators that are only interested in ‘data’. The SSD has brought in portables, are challenging programs that have been in place for years and altering the ‘small town family feel’ in our town. The school population is HUGE!

  • AJP October 23, 2012 (7:41 am)

    All the Space Needle designs were cool, but I did like the gold because it made the SN stand out so much more on the skyline. Like you said, a bright spot on a grey day. I hope they bring it back!

  • jwws October 23, 2012 (7:53 am)

    Breezygirl and TR

    Per Bakery Nouveau Blog on their website, store fronts are being cleaned and new awnings will be put up

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