Followup: Charges dropped in alleged theft case

5:22 PM: Thanks to the person who just called to tell us about this: Charges have been dropped in a widely reported case (here’s our August story) in which the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Alki resident Mary C. Park with theft, alleging that she stole money and jewelry from a Holocaust survivor for whom she worked as a caregiver. Today’s dismissal is confirmed in a court document we have obtained online; since it has no victim or witness names (which WSB generally does not publish), we are linking it here so you can see it in its entirety. The document says, in part, “… the State is unable to proceed at this time; additional investigation must be conducted before the State can determine whether it can proceed on this case.” We have a request out seeking comment from the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, but may not hear back until tomorrow.

5:38 PM UPDATE: Our news partners at The Seattle Times are covering this too, and their update includes statements from the KCPAO and from Park’s lawyer.

8:24 PM UPDATE: We have since received a reply from KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe, who tells WSB, “As with any criminal case, there is ongoing investigation post charging. There will be ongoing law enforcement investigation, and we will make a determination at a later date on whether or not to re-file charges.”

5 Replies to "Followup: Charges dropped in alleged theft case"

  • cj October 18, 2012 (8:29 pm)

    After reading the times article I don’t think she did anything. My first mother in law used to stash money in clothing and sew them into pillow cases, had a room full of them. Her own kids over time took all her money. I suspect that is not uncommon.

  • sacred memory October 18, 2012 (10:50 pm)

    This is tragic to me. When my mother was in a nursing home with dementia, I learned even non-dementia patient complaints of theft and the like were somewhat common. My own mother was often unrecognizable in affect and hallucinated impossible scenarios. It is the greatest of challenges for family members to be objective sometimes. Not to say that this caregiver is innocent or not, but rather that it is a very sad and very “long journey” for the family members, regardless.

  • Diane October 19, 2012 (6:42 pm)

    On 6pm komo4 news, they just did long story on this, interviews with Judy, brief comments from her mom, video of caregiver in court, pics of family from Holocaust
    this is a tough one; I know Judy, feel for her; but is there really any evidence? hard to know what really happened

  • Westseattleperson October 19, 2012 (7:30 pm)

    Sad all around. We have an elderly family member with dementia. He was convinced he had hidden money in his house. He hadn’t, but had given untold amounts to whatever “charity” sent him a request for money.

    It’s shocking the number of organizations who prey on the elderly. He would often get 20 or so a day! I caught a bunch of envelopes he was about to send out one day with $80 in cash. Just in one day! Some of these places were even somewhat legitimate, but still totally knew what they were doing.

    Luckily he wrecked his car and his son told anyone who drove him to the store not to let him buy stamps and shortly after was time for assisted living.

    Paranoia about money seems to be one of the first big signs of dementia. On some days he’s perfectly lucid though and I can see where someone would be alarmed if he told his money tales.

  • Ellen Hendrick October 22, 2012 (3:41 pm)

    Thank you for giving the dismissal of charges the attention it deserves. The supposed “victim” in this case is a woman in her 90s with severe Alzheimer’s. Would her daughter merely “suggest” $50,000 not be left in a public area of the home? There’s a lot more to this story and it’s not that a caregiver ripped off a Holoaust survivor. Remember: ANYONE can be accused of a crime. Until legal matters(criminal and/or civil)are settled, he or she is not able to speak freely to the media in their defense, unlike the accuser!

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