West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
Another spirited game closed out the high-school-football weekend in West Seattle – Seattle Lutheran High School was ahead much of the way but ended up losing to Orcas Island in their Saturday afternoon game at WS Stadium, 27-19. More photos and toplines ahead:
Neither the Spokane Street Viaduct nor Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct is scheduled for any sort of closure in the next week. (We’ll be checking with WSDOT to see if this means they’re done with the work that had been causing the frequent overnight southbound 99 closures, or if this is just a break.) No date yet for the reopening of westbound surface Spokane St. under the SSV, but it’s expected to be soon. And here’s one other surface-street closure, in the Pioneer Square/stadium zone, you might want to know about:
Monday, Oct. 15 – the morning of Friday, Oct. 19 – First Avenue South will be closed between South King Street and Railroad Way South [map] from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. nightly. Note: on Wednesday, Oct. 17 the closure start time will be delayed until two hours after the Sounders game at CenturyLink Field.
Yet another reminder if you see this before Monday night – ALL transportation/traffic/transit topics are on the table for the Sustainable West Seattle Community Forum that night (October 15th), 7 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon; WSB sponsor).
Last time we published a roundup of recent coyote sightings, we included a reader photo from 36th and Hinds. After that, Marvin Music sent photos of what he thinks might be the same one – above – often seen, he says, near his home in the 33rd/Hinds area, though seldom in daylight. And now, it’s time another roundup – starting with two sightings came in barely an hour apart this afternoon. First, from Katy:
Approaching the intersection of 41st and Dawson just a few minutes (4:10 pm sunday) ago I startled a coyote, who turned north on Dawson and trotted along the sidewalk nearly the full length of the block. I glanced away to grab my camera and he/she turned up into one of the yards for cover. My husband swears he saw a coyote with two older pups in the neighbor’s yard about a month ago… These sightings are happening in the middle of the day. We have some folks in the neighborhood that choose to leave feed out for feral cats…I’ve seen raccoons also feeding on those porches. Perhaps these things in turn attract the coyotes… who knows…. I am assuming they will avoid people, but again, who knows. Slightly unnerving.
From Trina:
Just wanted to let you know I saw a coyote in our neighborhood. It was on 26th Ave SW between 100th st and 99th st. Let people know to keep their pets inside!
Ahead, four other sightings from the past week:
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Sheryl shared the photo, along with this report:
Girl Scout Troop 40766 donated a check for $100 to Tent City [“Nickelsville”]. The money was raised last year through cookie sales. Because there is no electricity or running water at Tent City, the girls decided to contribute money toward their expenses. Nickelsville residents pay over $1600 a month just for portable toilets and sanitation.
The girls encourage anyone to also help contribute. Checks can be made out to Nickelsville and mailed to 3229 Harbor Ave SW Seattle, WA 98126. The girls will personally deliver your checks. All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you for caring about our neighbors in need.
EARLY MORNING SHOOTING TODAY: SPD Blotter has details this afternoon on a call early this morning that closed fairly quickly (which is why we didn’t have it at the time) but, police now report, did send a man to the hospital with a bullet wound to his leg:
On October 14th at approximately 2:46 a.m. officers responded to a shooting in an apartment complex in the 3200 block of SW Avalon Way.
Preliminary investigation indicates that the suspect and victim are acquaintances. Both adult males were intoxicated and involved in some sort of dispute with a third male at the entrance to the apartment building. The third male punched the victim and the victim’s friend (the suspect) went inside to his apartment. When the victim went to the suspect’s apartment to confront him, the suspect retrieved a pistol from the bedroom and shot the victim in the leg. The victim retreated outside the apartment calling for help and an unrelated witness called 911.
Officers knocked on the suspect’s door and announced their presence. The suspect surrendered without incident. Officers recovered the handgun used in the shooting, along with one spent shell casing and bullet fragments lodged in the carpet.The 26-year-old male suspect was booked into the King County Jail for Investigation of Assault. The 25-year-old male victim was transported to Harborview Medical Center for treatment of a non-life-threatening bullet wound to the lower leg.
UPDATE ON LAST WEEKEND’S SHOOTING: No charges filed yet in connection with the October 6th shooting outside a home in Westwood (WSB coverage here). Bail for the suspect was set at $100,000 last Monday (as reported here); he posted bond and got out of jail on Tuesday, and as of our last check, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office said the case had not yet been referred to them. (P.S. Another reminder – a top-level staffer from the KCPAO is the guest at Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting, 7 pm at the SW Precinct – bring questions!)
Indoor and outdoor fun that the rain can’t stop – that’s what you’ll find till 6 pm at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. Above – birdhouse-building (they need somewhere to get out of the rain too!) – next, two of the many incredibly decorated cakes up for grabs during the Cake Walk:
The coveted chef’s hats are up for grabs for the winners:
Back outdoors – the pumpkins waiting to be painted, just before the festival began (we’ll get an “after” shot later):
Indoors – people to meet! Like West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival Junior Court princesses Winter and Olivia:
Fauntleroy community advocates and festival volunteers are everywhere – here are Vicki Schmitz-Block and Martha Callard with the Fauntleroy Community Association banner:
And yes, the ponies are here (behind the schoolhouse, to the west, next to the parking lot)
Lots more photos later. Performances to enjoy and a lot more – here’s the schedule (but check on site if you’re looking for something specific, in case the weather forced a location move). 9100 block of Fauntleroy, in and around the church, YMCA, and old schoolhouse (which now includes a multitude of community facilities and businesses – worth the visit all by itself).
Cider time! Join North Delridge neighbors under a tent at the Delridge P-Patch (accessible from either Delridge or 25th, 5000 block) till 4 pm. When we dropped by, Cooper was one of the young helpers. BYO apples – washed – and give the cider press (on loan from the West Seattle Tool Library) a try! More info here.
Go beyond the daily discussion – which we’ll resume tomorrow with the new daily traffic/transit update – at two events this week:
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION FORUM TOMORROW NIGHT: How we get around both on and off the peninsula – and to/from – has long been a hot topic, and these past two weeks, since Metro debuted RapidRide C Line and made other changes, transit has been at the top of the discussion list. In case you have missed previous mentions, here’s another reminder that you are invited to hear directly from county and city reps – and to ask questions! – during this month’s Sustainable West Seattle Community Forum, 7 pm Monday at the Senior Center of West Seattle in The Junction. Here’s the latest version of the panel, from SWS’s website:
Seattle Council Transportation Chair Tom Rasmussen
King County Exec. Transportation Advisor Chris Arkills
Metro Director of Service Development Victor Obeso
Seattle Transit Blog Editor-in-Chief Martin Duke
Director of Seattle Department of Transportation Peter Hahn
See you there.
WEST SEATTLE ROTARY TALKS TRANSPORTATION: Here’s the announcement for Tuesday’s lunch meeting, just out of the WSB inbox:
Members of the Rotary club of West Seattle gather on Tuesdays for lunch at Salty’s on Alki for fellowship and to learn more about our community, and the world. This week (October 16) we are excited to have Mike Lindblom, Seattle Times transportation reporter. This is an “encore” presentation. Mike made a presentation to our club in August of 2011 on Seattle transportation projects and their impact on West Seattle. Mike is a West Seattle resident and has covered a wide variety of projects including the Tacoma Narrows Bridge and the Seattle Monorail Project. Please join us Tuesday 12:00-1:30 for lunch and an interesting speaker.
If you’ve been reading/participating in WSB coverage of the bus changes and/or reading the Times, you know Mike has been covering it closely, and bringing detailed information to discussions (plus Twitter coverage). You don’t have to be a Rotary member to attend.
From the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
SUNDAY BREAKFAST AT THE EAGLES’ HALL: You’re invited to breakfast at the West Seattle Eagles‘ HQ, next to the post office in The Junction, 9-11:30 am, details here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, 44th and Alaska in The Junction. See the Ripe-n-Ready List here.
STITCH & SEW STUDIO OPEN HOUSE: Grand-opening weekend continues with day 2 of the open house, noon-3 pm, 5910 California SW. (Here’s our preview report from last weekend.)
FIGHT LIKE A GIRL! BREAST-CANCER BENEFIT: 12:30 pm, special event at Seattle Integrated Martial Arts. By donation, for the battle against breast cancer. Details here.
DELRIDGE CIDER PRESSING: 1-4 pm in the Delridge P-Patch, today! Full details on the North Delridge Neighborhood Council website.
GREYHOUND MEETUP: Got a greyhound? Join the meetup today at West Seattle Petco (41st/Alaska), 1-3 pm.
COMMUNITY ART SHOWCASE AT SOUTHWEST LIBRARY: Starts today! Library at 35th/Henderson is open 1-5 pm.
FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: No matter what the weather does, festival organizers say it’s on! Just doublecheck the on-site posted schedule for times/locations of events when you get there, as some likely will be moved around. Festival hours are 2-6 pm; location, 9140 and 9131 California SW, at the church, Y, and schoolhouse (9100 block of California SW) – for general reference, here’s the most recent version of the event schedule (but again, changes are expected).
LIVE MUSIC AT C & P: Caryn K and Meg Miller are the locals performing this afternoon at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW.
‘TRIBUTE TIMES TWO – ANTHEMS OF ACTIVISM’: A double bill at The Admiral Theater starting at 4 pm with a Pete Seeger tribute by Peter McKee, followed by the 7 pm Steve Goodman tribute with Clay Eals, Tom Colwell, Bruce Hanson, and Mark Myers. Details on this Facebook event page – and in our preview from earlier this week. It’s music, history, stories, even humor – go to one or both shows!
SONGWRITERS’ SHOWCASE: 8 pm at Skylark Café and Club (3803 Delridge Way SW).
More on the calendar!
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
A North Delridge woman is recovering from being bitten in the face by a dog in her neighborhood near Cottage Grove Park that sent her to the hospital and left neighbors concerned about whether Seattle Animal Shelter investigators are doing enough about it.
We’ve been gathering information about this incident since hearing about it from a neighbor, who said the attack happened Monday night, and that the dog, which she described as a pit bull, was on a leash with its owner. She was upset that the SAS officer talked with the owner “and then left without taking the dog.”
We have spoken twice since then with SAS representatives, who tell us there is no rule that they immediately seize an animal that bites a person. The first officer with whom we spoke said usually those types of attacks result in a citation, but he did not know if a citation had been issued and said he would seek that information; we finally got an update Saturday from SAS enforcement supervisor Ann Graves, who said no citation had been issued but the investigation was continuing and she expected to receive the final report soon.
The victim, who does not want to be identified, talked with us by phone.
Next Saturday morning, family and friends will gather at The Kenney (WSB sponsor) to remember Bob Minckler. His family shares this remembrance:
Robert (Bob) Minckler passed away on September 25, 2012 at the age of 90. He was a lifelong resident of West Seattle, a 1940 graduate of West Seattle High School. While in high school, he fell in love with and later married the girl across the street – Audrey (Gessner) Minckler. Bob served his country as a Merchant Marine during WWII. After being honorably discharged from the military he went to work for Reliable Transfer & Storage Company where he worked until his retirement. Bob loved playing golf, spending time with his friends and family, and setting up shop to create works of art. After retirement Bob enjoyed spending winters in Hawaii and keeping an eye on the grandkids.
Bob was thankful to have had the good fortune of surrounding himself with wonderful friends with whom he and Audrey were able to join on their many travels. These past few years, Bob felt most passionate about undertaking a project to grant his fellow Merchant Marines full veteran status.
He is survived by Audrey, his wife of 70 years, daughter Barbara (Richard) Wagner, son Mark (Leslie) Minckler and daughter Betty Lee Minckler. Grandchildren: Amy Guilizen, Gaile (Jason) Brandenburg, Christopher Kintz, Michael & Lauren Minckler, Jacob & Max Zimmerman. Great grandchildren: Audrey & Liam Brandenburg.
A memorial service will be held on October 20, 2012 – 10:00 AM at The Kenney, 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW. Donations may be sent to The Kenney Foundation.
(WSB publishes obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to editor@westseattleblog.com)
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