West Seattle traffic alert: Beach Drive resurfacing begins

Another section of the remaining bumpy stretches of Beach Drive is getting help right now – Atlas to Juneau, as announced by SDOT last week. Traffic is getting through, but one lane at a time, so you may have to stop and wait for a bit. The work is expected to continue till about 7 this evening and then again 8 am-7 pm tomorrow. With this and the section that was repaved back in May, only the section abutting the long-disputed (now settled), slide-prone slope will remain, and the city says that’ll be fixed once the slope work is done (no timetable yet).

10 Replies to "West Seattle traffic alert: Beach Drive resurfacing begins"

  • petert September 18, 2012 (3:33 pm)

    Yay !

    I love the smell of asphalt in the morning. It reminds me of….progress. And New Jersey.

  • Bob Loblaw September 18, 2012 (10:50 pm)

    as a cyclist who includes this road as part of my WS loop, I approve.

  • Velo_nut September 19, 2012 (7:11 am)

    As a cyclocross racer, I disprove. The old bumpy road was GREAT training :)

  • W Sea Neighbor September 19, 2012 (10:17 am)

    Yesss, I’m really looking forward to this.

    WSB, any other stretches of beach drive toward Alki that are also scheduled for re-paving? Seems like there are some rough patches further north as well (up by La Rustica, etc)…

    • WSB September 19, 2012 (10:21 am)

      Nothing that is on an official schedule or has been announced. The city finds $ here and there and suddenly, there’s pavement, like the random blocks of California SW south of The Junction that have been repaved in the past year or so. The main announced projects on the horizon are the Delridge/16th ones we mentioned again last week. But keep reporting potholes and dangerous patches to SDOT – 684-ROAD and the online forms – because I’d imagine they take their cues, at least in part, from the squeaky wheels, so to speak …

  • petert September 19, 2012 (3:07 pm)

    As a follow up to the WSB comment, about two years ago (I think), I did indeed post a comment about the conditions of the road on this stretch of Beach Drive SW (from 5600 to 6300) to the SDOT website address WSB posted for just such a purpose. I don’t know if the action going on now (or last year) was the result of my complaining, but after the problem was ignored for so long, it seems coincidental that action was taken only recently. So, I’m going to assume that someone actually does monitor and assess the complaints that come into that website.

  • WS Neighbor September 19, 2012 (9:28 pm)

    I see that the old asphalt was stripped, but no apparent activity at all today. Hope it doesn’t remain like that!

    • WSB September 19, 2012 (9:46 pm)

      Thanks for the heads-up, WSN, we’ll check tomorrow!

  • petert September 20, 2012 (8:27 pm)

    They’re done, from 5906 south to just short of the landslide area. The asphalt is also prepped for striping.

    • WSB September 20, 2012 (8:57 pm)

      We just drove by tonight on the way to the Alki Community Council meeting and I’d planned to put up a pic!

Sorry, comment time is over.