West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
(UPDATED 6/12 with city’s changes to Spokane Street Viaduct schedule)
The westbound Spokane Street Viaduct closure this weekend ended earlier than projected, as noted here this morning, but the coming week brings more closures, both for the SSV and for the Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 stretch between the Battery Street Tunnel and the West Seattle Bridge. On 2 nights, the closures will overlap. Since the SSV is a city project and the AWV is a state project, the closures have been announced separately, but we’ve put the main points together here in one night-by-night/day-by-day guide:
Southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closing 9 pm-5 am
No Spokane Street Viaduct closures scheduled
Southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closing 9 pm-5 am
No Spokane Street Viaduct closures scheduled
Southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closing 9 pm-5 am
*UPDATE: Spokane Street Viaduct closures canceled*
Southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closing 9 pm-5 am
*UPDATE: Spokane Street Viaduct closures canceled*
Alaskan Way Viaduct/Highway 99 closed BOTH ways from 11 pm Friday till 5 am Monday
No Spokane Street Viaduct closures scheduled
All of the above – and other construction-related closures around the city – are listed on the “lookahead” that is sent out every Thursday – see the latest version here.
Notice the reddish water along some local beaches this weekend? Since we first reported on it Saturday morning, it’s spread. The photo above was tweeted by Russ Walker, who photographed it on Alki Point late today; next photo is from Chris Johnson, who saw it at Burien’s Seahurst Park.
Again, if you missed our Saturday story (and last year’s coverage), this is caused by single-cell organisms known as noctiluca. It’s NOT “red tide,” not toxic at all; it is described as common in Puget Sound, though last year was the first time in three years that its bloom drew a lot of attention (here’s what the state Ecology Department wrote about it in 2011; we’ll be following up with them about this year’s sightings).
As the plan for West Seattle’s new public school K-5 STEM at Boren continues to take shape, its Design Team is meeting to discuss details big and small. One potentially big item came up at the May 29th meeting: Principal Dr. Shannon McKinney‘s suggestion that the school should require uniforms, or have a uniform-like dress code. (Our coverage of that meeting reports the rationale, as well as the opinions voiced that night.) Though no decision was made at that meeting, as planned, the discussion continued at the most recent meeting this week – and Design Team member Robin Graham tells us the team decided to support the recommendation:
With understanding and appreciation of the community’s thoughts on both sides, the design team supports Dr. McKinney with our vision that STEM is a place kids should know they are doing something very important – this is their uniform for learning.
The uniform will go far to increase safety, reduce distractions; communicate to the students, staff, and the community that we are serious about learning at K-5 STEM; increase equality between sexes; reduce teasing between boys and girls; enable teachers to truly “see” the student as a student; encourage students to see beyond external attributes and get to know his/her classmates on the basis of who they are; along with many other reasons.
The uniform to be decided upon will not be something akin to “ties for the boys and only skirts for the girls.” On the contrary, students will be able to wear khaki-colored pants, shorts and/or skirts of appropriate length, along with initially, perhaps a navy blue polo shirt. After the student body and staff have together chosen school colors, a mascot and a name, then more choices will be added to the uniform. All the logistics and the support to families are details that will be addressed.
The Design Team, which includes community, school, and district representatives, is scheduled to meet again at 6:15 pm June 21st at Madison Middle School‘s library. The school’s PTA is in formation, too, and its charter membership meeting is set for 6:30 pm June 27th at the West Seattle (Admiral) branch of the Seattle Public Library (2306 42nd SW). Meantime, the Yahoo! discussion group for enrolled and interested families continues going strong – find it here.
3 updates in Crime Watch tonight, starting with these neighborhood crimefighters:
NEW SIGN: The 13th Avenue SW Block Watch in Highland Park is making its presence known with this new sign at SW Henderson. The photo is by Dina Johnson; from left in the photo are Blair, Randy, Art, Brian, & Brian. (If you’re interested in a Block Watch, here’s SPD info on how to get one going.)
SPEAKING OF BLOCK WATCHES: If you are a Block Watch captain or in an “acting BW captain” role, have you RSVP’d for the first-ever West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Appreciation Party yet? It’s coming up in less than two weeks and it’s FREE for captains/acting captains and their guests, but the WS BW Captains’ Network needs you to hurry up and RSVP – all the details are here.
NOW, TWO THEFT REPORTS: Both involve bicycles. First, GI reports, “A good friend had his rare beach cruiser stolen from his garage on Alki. He’s retired and this is his toy and favorite mode of transportation. There is a reward. … If you could put the word out please. Again it’s a tan 1998 Felt Military Police beach cruiser.”
Second, this report comes from SODO, but since so many West Seattleites work (and play) there, maybe you can be on the lookout for this:
Jann e-mailed to say:
Our delivery bike was stolen last night from the sidewalk @ SODO Deli ( 3228 1st Ave S. ) It is a VERY unique vehicle, so we’re trying to get this photo in front of as many people as we can so we can try to bring it back home. It’s a 3 wheel, recumbent, with a hand made wooden seat on the back. It was recently repainted red, but it still has many touches of purple still on it, ’cause I bought it from Purple Perry Pedicabs. When it was stolen, it had the “SODO Deli” sidewalk sign in the back, which is red & white & black.
We’re a small family business with no $$ to spare, so having our marketing/delivery vehicle stolen is a huge blow.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could ask people to call 911 and let them know (if they see it). Incident # 12-180485. Thanks for any help you can give in this!
ORIGINAL 3:21 PM REPORT: Thanks to Michael for sharing the photo of the Marlins. They’re the winners of the West Seattle Little League end-of-season tournament minor-league championship after beating the Nationals 13-4 on Saturday.
ADDED 6:05 PM: And congratulations to the Cubs, who won the WSLL EOS major-league championship this afternoon, per this report, winning 10-1 over the Cardinals.
Till 4 pm, you are welcome to check out the Paddle From Seattle support event at the Duwamish Longhouse, co-sponsored by CARW, whose members posed for us when we stopped by just before the event began. Donations welcome, including traditional Longhouse treats such as frybread and Indian tacos, so the kitchen is busy:
More info on the event here; the Longhouse is at 4705 West Marginal Way SW, and its calendar of upcoming events is here – including the gala on June 30th.
Thanks to the tipster who texted us (206-293-6302 any time!) to say it appeared the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct had reopened early. Just drove the bridge to verify it, since SDOT hasn’t sent an announcement, and yes, it has reopened. More closures ahead this week – including some on Highway 99 – and we’re putting together a comprehensive list to publish here later.
ADDED 2:16 PM: SDOT’s Marybeth Turner confirms via e-mail that crews are totally done with the work for which this weekend closure was planned, so that’s the last closure until a partial eastbound closure this Wednesday night (explained here).
(Mallard in a field of wild mini-daisies at Lincoln Park, photographed by Machel Spence)
Some of what’s up today/tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
PLAYDATE FOR K-5 STEM AT BOREN FAMILIES: Whether you’re already enrolled in West Seattle’s new public school, or you’re on the waitlist, or you’re just thinking about it, you’re welcome – 10 am at Lincoln Park, meet by the zipline that’s just north of the park’s south parking lot off Fauntleroy Way SW.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, 44th/Alaska – strawberries, cherries, and other summer fruit continue to arrive!
SHOE DRIVE: As previewed here last night, Clementine (4447 California SW) is launching its weeklong shoe drive for Jubilee Women’s Center – bring gently used women’s shoes to donate, and you’re eligible for discounts on new shoes.
LOVING DAY CELEBRATION: At Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), noon-4 pm, the annual celebration of the court decision that ended laws against interracial marriage. Details here.
PB&J TEXTILES OPEN HOUSE: 1-4 pm at their headquarters next to Skylark in North Delridge, 3805 Delridge Way SW – details here.
TOUR THE LIGHTHOUSE: Alki Point Lighthouse is open for tours 1-4 pm Saturdays and Sundays, June through August.
‘PADDLE FROM SEATTLE’ SUPPORT @ DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE: Native American canoe culture is reviving, and the Duwamish Longhouse in West Seattle is celebrating it with a benefit event this afternoon, 2-4 pm. Details here. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
NATURE WALK: West Seattle naturalist Stewart Wechsler is leading a nature walk at Camp Long (5200 35th SW) that’ll focus on butterflies or salamanders, depending on the weather! Starts at 2:30 pm; more info here.
BENEFIT CLASS AT BIKRAM YOGA SEATTLE: As previewed here last night, proceeds from the 5 pm class at Bikram Yoga Seattle (WSB sponsor; 4747 California SW) benefit Run of Hope, raising money for childhood-brain-tumor research.
CHOIR CONCERT: South Seattle Community College Community Choir‘s concert “Beauty and Bounty” is tonight at 7, and you are welcome! They will perform in Olympic Hall, which is the building at the southeastern end of campus (6000 16th SW, use the south entrance to SSCC).