West Seattle Monday: Singing; cooking; bagging…

Alki Impressions… from Laura James on Vimeo.

If you work off-peninsula and get homesick sometime today – or just need a brief break for beauty – check out Laura James‘ lovely video montage of West Seattle beauty, shot this past weekend. (Yes, that’s “Diver Laura,” but this is all above water.) Meantime, we start the day with highlights from the spruced-up WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

ROAD WORK TRAFFIC ALERTS: Late-night/early-morning drivers, note that the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct will be closed 10 pm-5 am tonight (and the following two nights), which also means you won’t be able to get to the West Seattle Bridge from I-5. The city explains it all, here.

SAFEWAY KICKS OFF MONTHLONG FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN: This morning at 10 am at Admiral Safeway, according to company spokesperson Sara Osborne, three members of the KING 5 Morning News team – Mark Wright, Tracy Taylor, and Jake Whittenberg – will each “team up with a Special Olympics athlete/Safeway employee to see who can bag groceries the quickest and most carefully, and each team will walk away with money to donate to local Easter Seals and Special Olympics programs.” (2622 California SW)

WEST SEATTLE COOKING CLUB: Got recipes involving olives? Make one (or more) and take it to the West Seattle Cooking Club meeting at 3 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW).

HEARTLAND TURNS 2: Five nights of special events marking the Heartland Café/Benbow Room second anniversary wrap up tonight with a 21+ event that even includes free fried chicken 6-8 pm – details here.

FAMILY STORY TIME: 7 pm tonight, with the children’s librarian at the Seattle Public Library‘s High Point branch (35th/Raymond) – details here.

TEAM TRACY KARAOKE AUCTION: Fundraiser for the fabled 3-Day Walk breast-cancer-fighting team at Skylark Café and Club. Bid on singers – the highest bidder picks the song. Bidding starts at 7, singing starts at 9 with Karaoke Kelli.

WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY REGISTRATION: Scheduled to start today – watch for the announcement (and link) this afternoon or evening, soon as we’re sure all systems are go. The 8th annual lots-of-garage-sales-all-over-the-peninsula extravaganza is 9 am-3 pm May 12th.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Monday: Singing; cooking; bagging..."

  • The Velvet Bulldog April 2, 2012 (8:59 am)

    Beautiful! And now I’ll be going to the beach today!

    • WSB April 2, 2012 (9:00 am)

      As my co-publisher put it, the forecasts say “today is the NICE day” before the rain is expected to return, so beachgoing seems in order! – TR

  • Norma April 2, 2012 (10:00 am)

    I feel so lucky to see sights like this every day!

  • K M April 2, 2012 (2:08 pm)

    Thanks Laura! It’s been a busy stressful day and that was the perfect break! :-)

  • Homesick April 2, 2012 (6:51 pm)

    Now I’m REALLY homesick. Why can’t Detroit be more like West Seattle…
    Thanks Laura.

  • The Velvet Bulldog April 2, 2012 (7:35 pm)

    This inspired me to take the nephew to the beach where we looked at shells and looked under rocks for “creatures.” It was a great afternoon. Thanks for the reminder about where we live, Laura!

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