West Seattle schools: Sanislo’s ‘friendly but fierce’ food drive

The tales of generosity and compassion keep rolling in, especially from the communities centered around local schools. Lisa Keith coordinated the Sanislo Elementary food drive again this year, and shares photos and a wrapup report:

Once again, the big-hearted kids at Sanislo Elementary School have had a tremendous annual food drive. The students and families of our community gave BIG this year, and the result is Sanislo’s largest food drive total in recent memory, with donations of food, toiletries, cleaning products and baby needs totaling over 1612 pounds!

There is a friendly (but fierce) competition between classes to see which group can bring in the most donations and win the coveted Food Drive Cup. This December, the honor goes to Mr. Simmons’ 4th graders, who brought in 348 pounds. In second place was Ms. O’ Connor’s 3rd grade class, with 248 lbs., and in third, Ms. Tsuboi’s 1st graders, with 206 pounds. (Ms. Tsuboi’s class should really get an honorable mention for “Cutest and Most Consistent Donors” during our daily weigh-ins, as well.)

A huge thanks goes to students from Ms. Crowley’s 5th grade class for helping to sort our many, many donations, and to Laura Probst and Julie Robinson-Jasper, who assisted with the weigh-in and sorting each day during our two week drive. With over half our students qualifying for free and reduced meals through the district, we also very much appreciate the efforts of our school social worker, Nina Bowman, who will distribute the donations to Sanislo families in need. Children who may have gone hungry during winter break will now have a happier holiday.

4 Replies to "West Seattle schools: Sanislo's 'friendly but fierce' food drive"

  • Janet Cox December 10, 2011 (11:28 am)

    Three thousand cheers to Mr. Simmons and his hearty students for bringing in 348 pounds of food for the annual drive.
    Yours truly,
    Janet Cox

  • Norm December 10, 2011 (6:14 pm)

    Great job, Lisa, and all the kids at Sanislo!

  • Jbar December 10, 2011 (11:11 pm)

    Mr. Simmons rocks!

  • Lynde Wooster December 10, 2011 (11:48 pm)

    Mr. Simmons does indeed rock!
    And so do all his 4th grade students for winning this year’s Food Drive Cup!
    Kudos to all!
    Momma Simmons

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