What the police/fire response in Luna Park district is about

Several inquiries have come in about the police/fire response in the Luna Park business district. All we know so far is that an elderly man is reported to have suddenly collapsed, and medic crews have been doing CPR. No crime or crash – police told us they are there just to help make sure firefighters have the space they need to work. As you can see in our photo, southbound (uphill) Avalon is blocked at the scene. If we find out anything more later, we’ll add it.

10 Replies to "What the police/fire response in Luna Park district is about"

  • Luna Park Cafe October 9, 2011 (7:39 pm)

    One of our most sweetest, loyal customers had a heart attack in front of the cafe today. Don’t have too many details right now but our thoughts and prayers are with you Ray! Come back soon, there is a whole lot more coffee here for you.

    • WSB October 9, 2011 (7:42 pm)

      Thanks, Luna Park CafĂ© … and good luck with the construction this week … TR

  • amused October 10, 2011 (6:21 am)

    A Seattle Police Officer saved this man’s life.

  • AnotherDad October 10, 2011 (1:23 pm)

    And there it is, written in the comments section of the WSB. “Praise” towards our Seattle Cops. Thanks fellas for standing watch!! We appreciate you.

    • WSB October 10, 2011 (2:00 pm)

      AD – I actually contacted Media Relations this morning in hopes of finding something more out about what “Amused” mentioned, but have not heard back. Going to try the precinct next. – TR

  • Charly October 10, 2011 (5:22 pm)

    I’m a friend of the family and wanted everyone at Luna Park to know that Ray’s family thanks you for all that you did to help him. Many have come by the hospital to see him and share how much Ray means to them. To the police officer that gave CPR, thank you from the bottom of my heart. We all love Ray and hope that he’ll be back at Luna Park laughing with the staff before long.

  • Terilyn Wyre October 11, 2011 (9:50 am)

    Ray, my dad, is awake and telling jokes! From the bottom of my heart thank you to everyone at luna park for loving him and creating such an amazing community of people to care for him. To the officer who performed CPR you saved a funny and generous man who now will continue to touch the lives of so many. Thank you and God love you!

    • WSB October 11, 2011 (10:38 am)

      Thanks for the update! So glad to hear it! – TR

  • Terilyn Wyre October 11, 2011 (5:27 pm)

    Ray will have triple bypass surgery tomorrow morning

  • Sharon October 28, 2011 (9:07 pm)

    I cannot thank enough the two gentlemen who rushed to Rays aid, and flagged the police officer. And, Mr. Responding Officer, you saved Rays life. Thank you.The West Seattle Community is privileged to have you.

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