Happening now: ‘Toy Story 3’ at West Seattle Outdoor Movies

The free barbecue before tonight’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies presentation of “Toy Story 3” was a hot ticket, according to BBQ-sponsoring West Seattle Christian Church‘s Pastor Dan Jacobs – he says two dozen people were already camped out waiting for the barbecue, and free movie, half an hour before the gates officially opened and the BBQ officially started. On this beautiful night following the hottest day so far this year, the courtyard by Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) was filling fast:

Among the families, Tracy Corey (below right) of Nurturing Expressions (one of our newest WSB sponsors) and daughter Kayleigh, with her team member Magy Hamilton and Magy’s kids Joel and Sophia:

If you were planning to head to the movie and haven’t left yet, don’t wait; it’ll start at dusk, but space is at a premium. One more reminder – WS Outdoor Movies will stretch out an extra week BEYOND tonight, since the original season opener, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” was more like “Ferris Bueller’s Rainout” back in mid-June. So that’s the movie NEXT Saturday, wrapping up the series.

5 Replies to "Happening now: 'Toy Story 3' at West Seattle Outdoor Movies"

  • marty August 20, 2011 (8:15 pm)

    “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

    • WSB August 20, 2011 (9:35 pm)

      Well darn, that messes with the verbal symmetry of Day Out and Rainout. But thanks.

  • nadj August 20, 2011 (8:28 pm)

    it’s ferris bueller’s day OFF
    hopefully the weather cooperates! life moves pretty fast…sometimes you gotta just stop and watch a movie.

  • Diane August 20, 2011 (9:10 pm)

    waiting all summer for Bueller

  • Joe August 22, 2011 (1:23 pm)

    We had so much fun. We got there around 7 and the place was already packed. I learned the show up early, pop up your chairs and leave routine. Got some good Johnny Bostons and had a nice family night.

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