$1 million bail for White Center murder suspect

2:55 PM: A bail hearing for the 25-year-old man arrested on Wednesday in Highland Park in connection with Tuesday’s White Center murder has just ended in a King County Jail courtroom. WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand reports from KCJ that bail was set at $1 million; the suspect waived his right to appear in person, so was not there. Next step in the case will be a King County Prosecuting Attorney decision on filing charges (Monday’s the deadline), and of course two suspects remain at large – as the King County Sheriff’s Office noted in its official confirmation of the arrest (added today to our story from last night that first reported the suspect had been booked into jail).

3:22 PM UPDATE: A few more details have arrived in the probable-cause documents from prosecutors. Among them: Gang rivalry is believed to have caused the fight that led to the shooting of 23-year-old Sweetheart Failautusi. And this suspect (whom we won’t identify until he is charged) is alleged to have fired the deadly shots; we’ve transcribed the probable-cause allegation in our report on White Center Now.

1 Reply to "$1 million bail for White Center murder suspect"

  • MB August 18, 2011 (10:21 pm)

    Pretty disgusting to read the transcription :(

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