West Seattle weather: Gatewood Elementary roof-leak trouble

Our slushy, soggy weather has caused trouble at one local school. According to Seattle Public Schools spokesperson Teresa Wippel, there were two roof leaks at city-landmark Gatewood Elementary this morning, and water affected five classrooms. Four of them are OK to use again, but the fifth – Room 18 – will require repairs, she says: “So children will be relocated from that room to another one (don’t know which one yet) for tomorrow.” The district estimates it’ll take a week to get Room 18 back in service. (Our archives reveal WSB visited that room on Inauguration Day two years ago.)

2 Replies to "West Seattle weather: Gatewood Elementary roof-leak trouble"

  • Jeff Case January 12, 2011 (7:24 pm)

    Thank you for posting this. Just a quick correction: It is Room 18, my classroom, that will be out of service for a little while. Room 19 was affected, but the leak was in a small back office that students do not use.

    • WSB January 12, 2011 (7:27 pm)

      Thank you. The room was identified by the district as #19 but clearly you know that of which you speak – we’ll fix! Hope everything is OK as soon as possible – Tracy

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