West Seattle Weather Watch: Tree down; what’s in the forecast

Considering how windy it was all night long – we kept watch from midnight till almost 6, surprised West Seattle escaped major power problems this time – it’s no surprise at least one tree was lost. This one is in Arbor Heights, a 40-footer brought down by the 40-mph-ish overnight wind, according to John. The current forecast only suggests breeziness and showers for the next few days. 1:53 PM NOTE: That said, it’s “showering” and gusting fairly impressively at the moment …

1 Reply to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Tree down; what's in the forecast"

  • jsrekd December 18, 2010 (2:04 pm)

    We didn’t lose one here in West Seattle, but we did lose one at our cabin on the Kitsap Peninsula – thankfully it didn’t hit anyone or any structures!

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