West Seattle holiday helpers: Brownies raise money to fight hunger

(WSB photos by Ellen Cedergreen)
What’s in the box? Part of the more than $400 collected by West Seattle Brownies who gathered tonight at Holy Rosary School. The money’s going to Union Gospel Mission, where it’ll buy more than 200 hot meals to feed people in need. The centerpiece of tonight’s event, which gathered five troops of 2nd and 3rd graders from all over West Seattle, was exchanging and decorating cookies:

And that gave them the chance to make new friends – celebrated toward the end of the event, as they sang their “Friendship Song”:

Coming up, local Girl Scouts will deliver birthday-cake-making kits to local food banks in honor of the 150th anniversary this fall of Girl Scouts founder Juliette Gordon Low.

1:30 AM UPDATE: Rosina Geary just sent word of the final totals from Monday night’s event:

We had 5 troops (60 Brownie Girl Scouts) in attendance tonight. We will donate 60 dozen cookies to the Union Gospel Mission. And the COMBINED TOTAL spare change collected from all 5 troops was $479.60. This will provide 250 hot Christmas Meals at the Union Gospel Mission.

The spare change, she adds, took three hours to count! The participating troops were #40890, #40699, #43253, #42472, and #40681.

4 Replies to "West Seattle holiday helpers: Brownies raise money to fight hunger"

  • Victoria McKim December 7, 2010 (7:03 am)

    What a wonderful way to teach children how to care for others !

  • Ruth Gardner December 7, 2010 (9:53 pm)

    It was truly an amazing night. Not only did the girls “make the world a better place” they shared it with new friends and a real sense of belonging! Girl Scouts rock!

  • Marian December 8, 2010 (12:23 pm)

    Girl scouts *totally* rock! This was another great example of how every kindness, no matter how small it may seem on it’s own, makes a big impact.

  • Grandpa Tom December 8, 2010 (2:50 pm)

    A wonderful project to spread some Christmas joy to those less fortunate. It is good to be so involved at such a young age. We are proud of you.

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