Cross the line, break the law: Seal Sitters’ reminder and request

(Photo by, and used with permission of, Robin Lindsey)
Seal Sitters volunteers call that harbor seal Queen Latifah; she is the latest West Seattle shoreline visitor to merit their protection and win their hearts. But others are getting too close for comfort, explains Seal Sitters’ Robin Lindsey: “Over the last few days I have observed an increasing number of people intentionally going under (or over) the yellow tape perimeter of the area near Queen Latifah … those people are truly breaking a federal law and (it’s important) that the pups rest undisturbed.” To underscore that point, Robin has written a new entry for the Seal Sitters’ blubberblog, and asked if we would share the link with you – you’ll find it here. (If you don’t recall hearing so much about seals on our beaches this time of year, you’re right – Seal Sitters are having a surprisingly busy November, and as a result will soon be scheduling a December training session for prospective new volunteers – we’ll let you know when the date’s set.)

2 Replies to "Cross the line, break the law: Seal Sitters' reminder and request"

  • ws mavrick November 16, 2010 (7:47 am)

    great photo

  • S November 16, 2010 (9:05 pm)

    So cute!!..

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