West Seattle Weather Watch: Power outage (and more)

10:46 AM: Our power just went out. Checking on the extent.

10:51 AM UPDATE: We’ll make this an overall storm update – also just received a text about trouble on the West Seattle Bridge, nothing on 911, though. Meantime, via Twitter and text, we hear power’s out in High Point – flickered in Fauntlee Hills and Fairmount Park area but didn’t go out. This is not on the new Seattle City Light outage tracker yet – we’ll see how long it takes to show up. We’ve also got someone driving around to see who’s out where – on California SW through Gatewood, it appears to be back around SW Holden; we’re checking 35th next.

11:06 AM UPDATE: We called City Light to be sure someone had reported this, since it’s still not on the outage tracker. The customer-service rep says it’s out in “patches” – 108 customers (each home/business is one “customer”) in this area. Most other areas checking in via comments here, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail, say there were widespread “flickers” but the power stayed on for them.

11:23 AM UPDATE: The City Light outage tracker is showing this now (no cause or “estimated restoration time” yet). And this seems to be the only WS pocket right now, that same 108-customer count.

11:57 AM UPDATE: There are now two “pockets” listed by City Light in the West Seattle area, with more than 200 customers affected – besides this one, there’s a stretch immediately east of central Lincoln Park.

12 PM UPDATE: Our power just returned. But the windblown rain has just intensified …

19 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Power outage (and more)"

  • Debbie October 25, 2010 (10:47 am)

    Fauntleroy and Dawson – lights flickered but came back on.

  • Jill October 25, 2010 (10:50 am)

    23rd Ave S – Lights flickered a few times but no outage.

  • Westy October 25, 2010 (10:51 am)

    Ours is out. Gatewood

  • tree October 25, 2010 (10:51 am)

    Top of Thistle lost it completely for 10 seconds then came back on.

  • Westie October 25, 2010 (10:52 am)

    Our is out in gatewood

  • Jill October 25, 2010 (10:58 am)

    As long as it’s not another tree falling on our house causing the outage Im good!!! :)

  • Debbie October 25, 2010 (11:03 am)

    My son is at Gatewood Elementary….anyone know what schools do for a power outage? Should I be prepared for a call?

    • WSB October 25, 2010 (11:09 am)

      We haven’t found any evidence the power is out that far north – just got word it’s a “patchy” outage, so don’t worry. In past power outages, schools have waited it out to see if it comes back, before finally making any decisions about changing anything. – TR

  • T-Rex October 25, 2010 (11:12 am)

    I am at 44th and Kenyon and my partner called to say it is out at our house too.
    Glad we have gas water heater and stove!

  • Patrick October 25, 2010 (11:21 am)

    Driving north on California the power comes back on around Holden. The lights were on a Cafe Ladro so the power should be on at Gatewood Elementary.

    T-Rex – one note – gas devices rely on electric igniters to fire up when called upon.

  • MercyMoi October 25, 2010 (11:31 am)

    Move to the AK Junction, we always seem to skirt the WS outages! *touch wood*

  • kevin October 25, 2010 (11:51 am)

    Not even a blink in the Arbor Heights area – yet…

  • coffee October 25, 2010 (12:10 pm)

    Over here in Arbor Heights the rain is coming in waves, and it seems to be rather intense in the small bands that come through.

  • Branny October 25, 2010 (12:12 pm)

    Any news on the white center area – from what street to what street?

  • sarelly October 25, 2010 (12:13 pm)

    Crazy windy night last night. The tree flogging the walls, windows, and downspouts kept waking me up. And the roof is leaking, but no power outages for us near 35th/Morgan. Almost got blown off the sidewalk on my way to work – Mary Poppins style! Wonder if transportation by umbrella is faster than taking the bus.

  • nulu October 25, 2010 (12:17 pm)

    Most gas water heaters, all those except high efficiency and power vented gas water heaters rely on a pilot light and do not have electronic igniters.

  • T-Rex October 25, 2010 (12:27 pm)

    Thanks Patrick, depends on the application in relation to the pilot assembly. When the HUGE December storm happened a few years ago, I had no power for 5 days, but plenty of hot water.

    Did not have the new gas stove then, so you may be correct about that.

  • brizone October 25, 2010 (12:36 pm)

    Had a few flickers over by High Point when your power went down, but no outage.

  • s October 25, 2010 (1:06 pm)

    you can always ignite your gas stove with a match.

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