Update: Power outage in West Seattle blamed on truck hitting tree

(Scroll down for latest update – thanks to everyone who called/texted/e-mailed when this started!)
ORIGINAL 2:38 PM REPORT: Getting reports including Seaview and Morgan. Also central Beach Drive. 2750 homes and businesses. Seattle City Light has crews en route but says they don’t know yet what’s wrong.

2:47 PM: City Light’s online update has increased that to 2,814. It’s NOT affecting us here in upper Fauntleroy – we were just on a story in Sunrise Heights and all was well there too. But the “Alki” description SCL has is not entirely accurate. Let us know if you’re off or on.

3:04 PM UPDATE: Added photo of powerless stoplight at California/Graham in Morgan Junction (next to a long-shuttered landmark of sorts). Note the comments for ongoing reports on the boundaries of the outage – we’ve got some Admiral, some Alki, some Morgan Junction. Nothing south of MJ so far. Some areas apparently flickered (like Arbor Heights) at the time it started, but stayed on – while others went out and are still out. But northward, we’ve got Alki Point and Admiral Junction, among others. Apparently east West Seattle is OK. The official start time of the outage, per City Light, was 2:26 pm.

3:26 PM UPDATE: Just checked with Scott Thomsen at City Light, now that we’re an hour into the outage. He says two crews are out “running the lines,” trying to trace the outage’s cause/source, but haven’t found it yet, so they can’t say how long till the power’s back on. He confirms that the southernmost reports have come from south Morgan Junction (SW Holly).

3:47 PM UPDATE: City Light has a cause now – trash truck hit a tree, knocking the tree into power lines. They say they hope to have most back by 4 pm, everyone by 8:30 pm. Let us know when you get it back. P.S. We’ve gone to The Junction to check – though there are points south and north that are out, Junction is OK.

3:52 PM: Getting reports of power coming back on in various areas – so let us know if a little while elapses and you’re still OUT. (added) P.S. – Doug just sent this photo of what we believe to be THE truck vs. tree scene – 49th/Raymond:

4:26 PM: Another quick update from City Light – more than 500 homes/businesses who don’t have their power yet should have it back by 6:30 pm.

55 Replies to "Update: Power outage in West Seattle blamed on truck hitting tree"

  • Z August 23, 2010 (2:40 pm)

    I’m out of power…Alki. Thank goodness for my mobile hotspot.

  • Falker August 23, 2010 (2:41 pm)

    Power momentarily went out on California and Brandon, but power is back on.

  • allison August 23, 2010 (2:42 pm)

    PHEW!!! I was so worried that my house was having electrical problems (had some in the past and problem had to be looked at numerous times) This is EXACTLY why i love the WSB so much!

  • Erik August 23, 2010 (2:42 pm)

    Alki too

  • stephen saunders August 23, 2010 (2:43 pm)

    Power out here at Beach drive

  • Seaview August 23, 2010 (2:46 pm)

    Fauntleroy way/Raymond St is out

  • jeff August 23, 2010 (2:46 pm)

    64th quiet too….thank goodness for APC.

  • Dale August 23, 2010 (2:48 pm)

    Morgan junction out.

  • John August 23, 2010 (2:50 pm)

    Charlestown/55th SW still out

  • Fabienne August 23, 2010 (2:51 pm)

    California and Admiral traffic lights out. Admiral to Alki out at 60th.

  • wsgolfer August 23, 2010 (2:51 pm)

    Seaview (49th & Brandon) out as well.

  • Jonathan August 23, 2010 (2:52 pm)

    60th is out

  • Daleb August 23, 2010 (2:54 pm)

    Juneau and 36th, power is out

  • Heather August 23, 2010 (2:55 pm)

    It flickered in Arbor Heights, but it was short-lived and is back on now.

  • Erin August 23, 2010 (2:55 pm)

    Out at 59th and Admiral- right next to Alki Elementary.

  • Crodinc August 23, 2010 (2:55 pm)

    Power is out on beach drive

  • Julie Baker August 23, 2010 (2:58 pm)

    Allstar Fitness power blinked but is on..

  • Lola August 23, 2010 (2:58 pm)

    Out at 50th & Alaska

  • jkautzman August 23, 2010 (3:01 pm)

    Harbor Ave flickered, but stayed on

  • em August 23, 2010 (3:03 pm)

    Out @ 63rd & Admiral

  • Civik August 23, 2010 (3:05 pm)

    I only have to say that for the first time in a long time I only see one wifi conx on 59th. ;) Can’t wait to hear what caused this outage.

  • Ben August 23, 2010 (3:07 pm)

    power is on at C&P Coffee (Calif and Findlay) — the barista said the power flickered, then came back on.

  • Stellablue August 23, 2010 (3:11 pm)

    Out at aikins and Boyd as well, there goes my homemade ice-cream.

  • Ani August 23, 2010 (3:12 pm)

    Out @ 61st & Beach Dr.

  • Marnie August 23, 2010 (3:15 pm)

    Been out of power at 50th and alaska for 30 min or so.

  • steve August 23, 2010 (3:16 pm)

    We heard an explosion like fireworks on 33rd between findlay and juneau. When we went outside the power lines running along findlay were swinging violently.Our power stayed on @ 34th

  • Traci August 23, 2010 (3:25 pm)

    Still out? I have a kid and dog at home with nothing to do.

  • HelperMonkey August 23, 2010 (3:27 pm)

    just south of the junction here, power went out for a quick second and then came right back on. unfortunately it happened when I was in the creepy buggy unfinished basement…

  • beach drive August 23, 2010 (3:34 pm)

    Out here on Beach Dr. This is why you have a UPS for your computer if you work ay home…power dropped but computer kept going. Worse than JUST going out, the power jumped on and off about 3 times. That’s hard on your electronics.

  • Diane August 23, 2010 (3:38 pm)

    just fine, have power, Admiral, 37th & Hinds

  • CanDo August 23, 2010 (3:39 pm)

    The West Side of California Ave, just south of the Graham stoplight is out. The East side of California Ave is still on.

  • jeff August 23, 2010 (3:47 pm)

    Per City Light: A garbage truck that hit a tree, knocking the tree into power lines about 2:30 p.m. was responsible for a power outage in the Alki area of West Seattle.

    About 2,800 homes and businesses were initially without power. The boundaries are on the north, Alki Ave SW; on the south, SW Holly St.; on the east 31st Ave SW and on the west, Puget Sound.

    Repair crews expected to isolate the damage restoring service for most customers by 4 p.m. Full restoration for all customers was expected by 8:30 p.m.

  • SD August 23, 2010 (3:49 pm)

    Out @ 44th & Graham.

  • JTK August 23, 2010 (3:52 pm)

    Power on at 47th between Dawson and Hudson

  • Pam August 23, 2010 (3:54 pm)

    How about the street lights? Are they working?

  • stephen saunders August 23, 2010 (4:04 pm)

    Beach drive still out

  • miws August 23, 2010 (4:08 pm)

    All I had was a quick flicker, here in the Thriftway block of California.



  • Civik August 23, 2010 (4:09 pm)

    Power just came on at 59th

  • Virginia August 23, 2010 (4:09 pm)

    Power back around 3:30 pm @ 37th SW and Findlay

  • Jeff August 23, 2010 (4:09 pm)

    Back on at 64th on Alki

  • Craig Roberts August 23, 2010 (4:09 pm)

    Power still out at Beach Drive and SW Oregon.

  • Ben August 23, 2010 (4:10 pm)

    power is still out two blocks north of morgan junction.

  • jwws August 23, 2010 (4:14 pm)

    Power back on at 55th and Dakota!!!!

  • A August 23, 2010 (4:33 pm)

    Power still out at 51st and jacobson dr

    • WSB August 23, 2010 (4:35 pm)

      If you didn’t see the line I added to the story – City Light acknowledges 560 customers are still w/o power but now hopes they’ll be back by 6:30 pm – TR

  • 48th/Graham August 23, 2010 (4:58 pm)

    Power is still out! What a week to buy a new fridge!

  • Kelly August 23, 2010 (5:04 pm)

    Power’s back at 49th & Graham area.

  • wsgolfer August 23, 2010 (5:07 pm)

    Just back at 49th and Brandon as well.

  • Silly Goose August 23, 2010 (5:11 pm)

    Power just came back on at Seaview, morgan junciton area. Funny when you say Chuck and Sally’s Landmark of sorts!! Nothing but an eye sore to this neighborhood, we wish Jacobson would sell the darn thing.

  • SD August 23, 2010 (5:20 pm)

    Back on at 44th & Graham.

  • Rhonda Porter August 23, 2010 (5:21 pm)

    Power on at Beach Drive by Jacobson

  • Wuchi August 23, 2010 (6:51 pm)

    Has anyone heard/reported a very load annoying noise around 49th and SW Alaska St? It’s been going on for at least 2.5 hours. Didn’t know if it was part of the outage? Last time I heard a noise this loud it was coming from the power lines.

  • JayDee August 23, 2010 (7:24 pm)

    I had to hard reset my Apple Airport Extreme to reconnect to the Intertubes (RIP Senator Stevens), but am now back. So if your friends call you to say their DSL doesn’t work, then maybe it is due to something similar. It only took a hour to sort out.

  • bolo August 23, 2010 (9:38 pm)

    Those new garbage trucks are quite a bit larger than the old ones, and the old ones even used to clip the trees often. Hard job to maneuver those big trucks around our narrow streets each week!

  • M. August 23, 2010 (9:39 pm)

    Just wish to remind all those in front of me that ran through the unlit stoplight shown, an unlit stoplight becomes a 4 way stop during power outages.

Sorry, comment time is over.