West Seattle Wednesday: Budget, HPAC, “Tell Me on a Sunday” …

Big night around West Seattle – and beyond. The marquee event is happening outside WS but with ramifications here and around the city: The first chance for citizens to speak out about the city budget is coming up at 5:30 tonight (sign-ins for speakers at 5), NewHolly Gathering Hall on Beacon Hill (map). There seems to be no question more major cuts are ahead; if you don’t want certain services cut, what do you think should be cut instead? First chance to speak out. … In West Seattle, the Highland Park Action Committee meets tonight, with topics including the West Seattle Reservoir Park project and this year’s Westwood Vilage Street Fair, 7 pm at Highland Park Improvement Club … In The Junction, ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) opens its new production, Andrew Lloyd Webber‘s “Tell Me on a Sunday,” tonight, 7:30 pm … What can you do to fight underage drinking in our community? The Southwest Healthy Youth Partnership needs you, 7 pm at Seattle Lutheran High School West Seattle Elementary invites you to come visit the campus as it celebrates Literacy Night, 6:30-7:30 pm, full details and map here … In honor of National Poetry Month, Poetrybridge features a reading by Kerry Cox followed by open mike for all, 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee … Writer/activist Georgie Bright Kunkel sends word that her committee to educate the public about “corporate personhood” meets at 7 tonight in the Westwood Village area; call 935-8663 for specifics.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Wednesday: Budget, HPAC, "Tell Me on a Sunday" ..."

  • Judy Cashman May 13, 2010 (10:02 pm)

    Wow! I just saw “Tell Me on a Sunday”, and was expecting it to be pleasant- but I was impressed at how marvelous Danielle B’s voice was! She truly met all the excellence criteria: note-perfect; superb range, intonation and volume (did use a mic, but that was fine after slight adjustment to it); and most of all, very emotionally compelling, connecting well with us the audience. One sweet actress!!
    You all might want to check this out if you haven’t had the chance, I believe it plays for another 10 days?

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